Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 466

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First Thoughts

Well, I must say that I loved it. It was a great follow-up from last week’s drama-filled action-turning episode too. There were still serious moments, yet way more “funny” than last week. The discovery of just Why they were falling from the sky…oh man, that is definitely unexpected! I liked how they implemented all of the stuff happening in the battle while showing at the same time what was happening on Luffy’s end. It was all really well played on their parts.

However, the whole episode, not just parts is what made this episode grand. Comedy, more drama, surprises, shock, exhilaration, changing alliances, wicked Awesome powers, and more all created a beautiful display much more than just an explanatory episode.


Luffy and his team of escapees falls from the sky, and it is revealed in a “turn back the clock” moment that they had been above the battlefield on the frozen wave for a while. After riding the giant tsunami which Whitebeard created, they were stranded on top when Aokiji froze the water.

Upon hearing the secret Den-Den Mushi receiver call about the plan to execute Ace immediately, Luffy and the others decided to break the ice around their vessel to slide the ship down the iced wave and onto the water. Unfortunately, they break the wrong side, and they, and their ship, all rain down upon the battlefield.

Crocodile then tries to kill Whitebeard, claiming that Luffy and his agreement is over now that they have reached Marineford. Luffy stops the Sandman, knowing well of the man’s powers and how to deflect his attack by covering his body in water. Luffy confronts Whitebeard as the great pirate Emperor sizes the infamous rookie up.

After loudly yelling at the aged half-giant that He will be the King of the Pirates, Luffy holds his breath as Whitebeard seems about to kill him. Then, Whitebeard laughs, and tells him that he had better not get in his way. Everyone is shocked at Whitebeard’s reaction and Luffy’s bold, brass statements to the great man.


Finally! We get to see just why Luffy and them were falling from the sky. This begins to inch ever closer to where I had stopped reading too, so that is a good thing. I had forgotten why they had dropped from the sky anyway, so this was even more of a surprise than ever.

I just love Buggy’s face here. Seriously, he has got to be one of the best characters in the whole series to have shock-attacks and make such great expressions. They should have a contest of all of the best face expressions. He would easily make top 5. Maybe even top 3.

Wait…how did he get his freakish outfit back? I mean, it looks way better than that horrid orange cloak he had previously, but what about the stuff under the Marine hat and coat…? Well, at least he looks more like his old self, and that is good (I think…).

Well, if that wasn’t a face-palm moment, I don’t know what is. Seriously narrator-dude, that is a great moment to pause and ask such a ridiculous question. It is ridiculous because everybody is already asking it, and the udder epicness is driving us up a wall! …haha, or a frozen tsunami wave, pick your choice.

Now another flashback to the scene we were left at a few episodes ago. Still Buggy makes such great, weird noises and facial expressions.

I am glad that the people who need to know such important things as where a random giant tsunami came from know the information. It is one of my greatest pet-peeves: when a character who needs-to-know is not informed about a situation or occurrence. I love Oda for making Jimbei and the other great players in this war so incredibly intelligent.

Oh Buggy…why oh why would you ever call Jimbei that?

This decision really surprised me, although it shouldn’t have. Crocodile has a great point, it is true that if they didn’t try to ride the wave that they would just be capsized. I should have known that, I grew up on a Great Lake…

Ivankov’s face…is too big. Wow, that is a great moment there. A random little quirk that I noticed just in a flash-by and it was really great.

Everyone holding on for dear life was a great scene. Really serious too, heightened by the fear of…well, death, but for most of the strong fighters on board, determination to get to Marineford on time.

Ok, I take it back. Everyone is scared “a-word-I-can’t-say”.

For the music during their ascend up the gigantic wave, did anyone else notice the vague part of what may be the tornado scene from Wizard of Oz? I thought that I heard a little from the orchestra there, though I could be delirious. Haha!

Dude! Killer verticals, haha!

Again, gotta love their faces.

This whole wave scene was beautiful, not only in the scene itself but the artistry as well. I give them lots of kudos and congrats. Then, just stopping the scene randomly there when it was frozen was also beautifully conducted.

Oh Crocodile…hm, well, it is good that he found out how close they are and good that Jimbei and Ivankov have seen the scene…but still…Crocodile worries me…

I love how Buggy and sometimes Mr. San (I just love calling him that) do this really fun non-committal head bob and words. It is great, since almost always there is a huge freak-out after they hear the plan or realize what it is that Luffy just said. It is golden, just golden stuff.

Oh Buggy…wow, this is really sad. I really don’t see how serious Buggy can be against Luffy from now on if he keeps acting like this. It is delightfully hysterical toward us viewers however. Of course, his ever loyal rouges and rapscallions are willing to follow him (and make up) a great path.

Woah, and now that Den-Den Mushi has delivered that alarming message, suddenly the music picks up as all of the big baddies, bullies, and bros come down together on the ice.

…just on the wrong side. Oops!

How did Buggy change clothes so fast? Oh well, at least he looks cooler now (dare I ever call Buggy “cool”?) And still, Buggy is the only one who is so weak that he cannot even crack the ice. That is sad, poor Buggy.

Well, this scene after they fell is pretty epic. I am really relieved at Jimbei for helping out all of the fruit users.

The light pastels give it a surreal feel, and the crazed Marines attacking are really mood-setters for the war environment. Luffy’s desperation shines through wonderfully here as well. When the kid udders that low, like hoarse guttural noise when he’s calling out to Ace…it makes him seem really young and innocent. This whole battle is going to make him seem so small and insignificant, and that is a good side of Luffy that people rarely get to see. It builds his character.

I love how he just randomly yells his joy at Ace. The music is really that sad type though, so I was really worried there for a moment, but then this happened and it was so uplifting! It is sad because of that little-kid spirit that thinks that now that he can See his brother, that he can save him. I don’t think that it is that simple, Luffy…

Oh, and now the players are lined up. Exciting! The pirates and Marines of all sizes are seeing the newcomers.

I have to say, this was one of the funniest parts in the whole episode. Luffy and the gang’s reception after landing in the middle of the battle…literally. Well, everyone takes their arrival a little…differently, but Sengoku’s is great.

Dude, did he pop a vein? Awesome. “Garp, it’s your bloody FAMILY again!!!” Oh yeah, now that is a Line.

“LUFFY!!!!!!??!!” Garp cries in shock…and shock. Wow, this is almost as good as Sengoku’s scream at Garp about basically “Keep your insane family under control!”. What a lovely scene. The boss who thinks that it is all his subbordinate’s fault (and it is…kind of.) and the grandfather who is probably having a -

“Half of my family is here and they are pirates and now even my own flesh-and-blood is going to get involved/this is so incredibly dangerous/gonna kill that kid if he survives this…and more on shock. Yeah, this is a priceless Moment, and I loved every second of it. I think that Garp’s face was awesome still, but his face from last episode with his eyes was probably just That much better. Heck, this could be one of the best faces Garp's ever made, beside's last episode's great expression at the very end.

Everyone has great ideas as to Luffy’s entrance. The Warlords: Mihawk is awesome and has an awesome-ly laid-back and cool response, Moria is totally having a panic attack and is breaking even more blood vessels than Sengoku probably -

Moria is such a spaz…but I love his horrified, revenge-seeking, twisted/boiling/ranting anger.

Oh, Jango and that…uh, who is that pink-haired dude with him…? Are there and intrigued. As would be expected, Hancock is…well…happy, I shall politely say. I am particularly a fan, however, of Helmeppo’s little…moment.

Woah, an obsessed fan of Luffy expression while Helmeppo finally does something entertaining. Sweet.

Then some comments by Aokiji, Marco, and Kizaru. Kuma, still very mysterious, remains silent as is expected now throughout the War. Doflamingo…well, he looks like he’s having a field day at the candy shop. Or…whatever would make the lunatic happy…which is probably other people’s pain…seeing that he’s probably a sadist…wow, he’s still really awesome though, and I really don’t know how I think that, hahaha!

Smoker sure puts out his two cents, along with Tashigi. Well, Smoker is still sticking by his morals, and seeing Luffy appear to be working alongside Crocodile now doesn’t bode well for Luffy in Smoker’s eyes.

I have decided that I really dislike Akainu. After all that junk he did last episode, and his serious-obsession with Justice, I really am disliking him. If I were to compare him to another character, I would say that he is a ton like Saix from Kingdom Hearts. Or, an anime comparison would be like Ulquiorra from Bleach. While I’m at it, Kizaru reminds me of Gin from Bleach. Except that I like Gin, and I hate Kizaru. Same mannerisms, and “feels” to them though. Whoever Aokiji reminds me of will come to me eventually.

And here they are!

Jimbei is awesome. Plain and simple. After yelling at Sengoku like that, he has earned even another degree of my respect for him. Garp has a point though, and I am again glad that so many well informed or intelligent people are here. Of course, it wouldn’t be the same with anyone else. The only people who can learn and take good use of that knowledge are those with the most power. The weaker people on the field do not know, or even probably understand, what is going on. An interesting theory, “If you want to have knowledge and the leisure of gaining and learning from knowledge, you must have the power to support your gathering of it.” Haha, I am getting too philosophical this late at night!

Well, this part with Crocodile is not unexpected, but at the same time, I had forgotten, so it was. A great part it was too, and even Buggy’s very un-influential comment could not deter the seriousness of this scene. Obviously, with a vendetta like that, so much burning desire to kill Whitebeard, the man must have taken Crocodile’s right arm from him. I mean, it is one of the only things I can see that would fill him with that much controlled and tempered rage.

Ah, and then all Buggy cares about is that Crocodile went “ahead of him” to go try and kill Whitebeard when Buggy claims he was going to go and kill him and gain fame and power enough to become the Pirate King. Oh well Buggy, watch and learn.

This is a very…wow. Just a Wow scene. The greatness of this huge moment is made further awesome by Luffy’s totally serious yet little-kid declaration to Crocodile: “So this is Whitebeard, I thought so. Then leave him alone! Ace likes this old man!” Gosh, when I saw this, I was so touched. The little-kid-ness of this is startling. I love it.

This next part with Whitebeard recalling that flashback was brilliant. It really was interesting, I really enjoyed Shanks’ answer to Whitebeard’s inquiry.

Aww! I just almost died of sweet-brotherly awesomeness when that flashback of Ace telling Whitebeard about his little brother came there. I love Ace’s tones in it, they are so cheerful and proud. Of course, that ache of separation is there to make me saddened…

This is such an amazing scene, and then the random comic element that not only Buggy supplies but Ivankov helps with is rather amusing on the side note. Still, this whole scene with Whitebeard challenging Luffy’s determination to save his brother is astoundingly deep.

o.0 Well…that was totally unexpected. It blew me out of the water, so to speak. Woah. Woah, Luffy. Ivankov and Buggy thought so too. Ah, the randomness. This is such a Luffy Moment. I mean really, he just randomly decides that Whitebeard is his rival, and challenges him not only to save Ace but also claims that He will become the Pirate King before the man…wow.

Now…the intensity is just blowing me away, even in my third run of the video I still have my mouth hanging wide open and just stunned and shocked and all manner of freaked out and thinking “wow Luffy’s gonna die he just said that to WHITEBEARD!!!!!”. Wow. That is how intense this scene is.

Then Whitebeard’s reaction…wow. Just…wow. The epicness…

“How saucy you are! I won’t forgive you if you cause me trouble, spoiled brat!”

.I cannot believe that either, you two. I was WEARING this exact face at this moment, it was that amazing

This has Ichimaru Gin written ALL over it…wow, that is amazing.

What a way to end an episode, with Luffy’s determined look, Sengoku’s order to kill them, and Whitebeard’s epicness. Oh yeah! What a way to end it, and next week’s must be even more impressive than this, if that is even mortally possible. Of course, One Piece has this funny way of getting the sheer might and power of its episodes and chapters, in all of their great glory, up to the top of the heavens…a lot…so I wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out like that next week, haha!


So, Luffy is doing what Luffy does best: recklessly and thoughtlessly charge at the enemy with his eyes set only upon his goal. Well, he seems to be getting attacked by all manner of people, and dang Moria is raising zombies again! Beep him.

Then it looks like…is that…? Yeah, you heard me right. A sword. Luffy is attacking so relentlessly and desperately to get through the throngs of people wanting to kill him that he has picked up a sword and defended himself with it. I don’t believe that this occurs, often, so I figured I may want to point this out.

It does look like an amazing episode for next week, heck, just look at the title!

Next Episode: I’ll Save You Even If I Die! Luffy vs. Marines: the Battle Begins!

The epicness ensues next week right at OnePieceOfficial.com, and then come back here to compare your comments on the episode to ours. Faithfully serving One Piece reviews since 2009.

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