Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 467

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First Thoughts
This was a great episode but a part of me feels like I should be a bit upset. The material for this episode was about one chapter from the manga and they really stretch out the part where Luffy was running and battling out random Marines. So basically not much happen when you think about it. Though this episode was handle great with good filler and some well animated parts. Those two things really saved this episode from being bad.
So congrats Toei for making something that could have been boring into something good.

Luffy informs Whitebeard about Ace's execution being done earlier then schedule.

Luffy runs and battles against different Marines and Moria. During the chaos Sengoku reveal that Dragon the Revolutionary is Luffy's father.

Luffy declares this resolution to save Ace.


The most important thing that I need to bring up is the fact that we had a recap with the map but no chibis! Where are the damn chibis! I want to see a Chibi Whitebeard and all his other people. Even a stupid chibi of Kizaru was wanted. Instead we get these normal things of the people on the battle field. Not liking this one bit.

Other things of note: Long recap is long.

That was one crazy long recap. It basically covers everything that was in the last episode in not needed detail. Guessing Toei wanted to buffer the episode a bit so that way they wouldn't have to drag out Luffy running and hitting random Marines any longer than they did. Good call overall by Toei but not so great when we started watching the episode.

Some of the designs of the Marines Vice Admirals look really good. That guy above looks pretty well groom for somebody who is on the battlefield.

Everything that is happening here is because of Ace. Though it doesn't seem that Ace likes that Luffy is here on the battlefield. Then again everybody here is surprise with Luffy being on the battlefield.

Helmeppo brought up a good point. Makes one wonder if the events that are happening here on the battlefield are worse than being in Impel Down. Luffy may have went from one 'hell' to a much worse 'hell' with the decision to come to Ace's rescue.

The music playing at this moment is one of my favorite One Piece background pieces. The techno-y beat seems to pump a person up and get them on edge as you know a battle is going to happen. Perfect for a fighting focus arc like this one as you know people are going to be clashing swords.

Interesting note that Sengoku brought up about Luffy. Ever since Luffy came and talked to Whitebeard, which seems to be a surprise that Luffy was able to speak on equal terms with the veteran pirate (note funny faces from Buggy and rest of the Impel Down prisoners), everybody seem rally up to fight against the Marines. The battle that once stopped because Luffy had fallen from the sky was reignited once again with new vigor as Luffy takes charge into the hurricane of Marines and pirates. Wonder if this has something to do with Luffy's personality or if people just wanted to fight.

Cool entrance is cool.

Seem like Sengoku has some sort of plan and part of that plan was to let Whitebeard know that he is planning to execute Ace a bit earlier than planned. Very underhanded to do if Sengoku is planning to execute Ace early but maybe he is hoping that Whitebeard will rush in. Then again maybe Sengoku wants Whitebeard to know that he is planning to push the execution sooner because he knew that Luffy would find out and tell Whitebeard thus make Whitebeard hold off his attack in order to do something because Sengoku knows that Whitebeard would do that but Whitebeard is going to rush a bit later and then.....I am going to stop here.

And it seems like Marco is late with the news about the thing that everybody knows already. Still he looks pretty cool flying in.

And thus enters the douche bag via stage right.

Kizaru really has a bone to pick with Luffy and I am guessing that the Sabaody incident could be a reason. The Celestial Dragons must have given Kizaru heck for not capturing Luffy and his gang. That makes me feel a bit happy that Kizaru felt some sort of misery.

It seems like Ivankov used his Death Wink to push Luffy out of the way of Kizaru's light speed kick which is different from what the manga showed. In the manga it seems like Ivankov countered Kizaru's kick. Still that could be due to the lack of detail that the manga has at moments. I like the idea that Ivankov's Death Wink pushed Luffy out of the way since that makes more sense and doesn't involve us thinking what is behind the Death Wink.

This was actually in the manga (I think).

This was a pretty funny moment here. These prisoners of so delusional about what Buggy says. Buggy was so scared of what was going on but these prisoners actually think he meant something else. A lot of funny moments could happen because of this and hopefully they are not filler. Then again it could count as filler but it was filler in the manga. Adding that little bit of comedy in a serious situation.

Another moment that had cool music. Sounded really good and help raised the tension of the situation.

Still it seems like Ivankov and Kuma has some sort of past with each other. I wonder when they knew each other in the past. Both character we don't know much about so far in the story. We know that Ivankov was part of Dragon's Revolutionary Army while all we know about Kuma is that he was a very violent person. Maybe Kuma was part of Dragon's Army and that was how Kuma gain the reputation as the 'Tyrant'. Then again that doesn't make much sense because Dragon is trying to free people, not enslave them. Such a
strange situation.

Good Filler is good.

Now this was a filler moment with Luffy, Fullbody and Jango. A good example of Toei doing better than the manga by expanding on what is there already. Maybe these two were supposed to fight Luffy but were cut due to the limitations of manga. It makes perfect sense that Jango and Fullbody are there since Hina is there. Clearly during Alabasta it was shown that these two love Hina and follow her around so why not be here? Garp brought along his two people. Though great time wasted as we see that Jango has improved since the East Blue as he tries to hypnotize Luffy. Though maybe it is bad to use it on a battlefield since there are too many distractions.

Also seems like Jango hasn't dropped his bad habit of hypnotizing himself. haha Some things never change.

The Hina part wasn't filler and actually happen in the manga. Still this was animated nicely as we saw Luffy just disappear to avoid being put behind bars again. Seems like his time in Impel Down has made him hate bars. Luffy got out of there fast.

Still strange to see that Luffy only used Second Gear to run away and not fight off any Marines or take a jab at Hina after her attack missed. Luffy must really want to get to Ace if he is doing things like that. Sacrificing
a fight in order to save his brother is really noble.

Foreshadowing is very foreshadowing.

Squad seems to be in trouble as some sort of looming shadow is over him. Wonder what is going on since if he was going to be defeated then they would show him getting attacked or something. Still they left it very open ended. Something is up and it may not be good for the Whitebeard Pirates.

Then things go crazy all over again. Marines and Zombies go after Luffy as if he was candy. Though I found it great when the zombies shot Luffy because one of my favorite things about him being rubber happen. It is awesome to watch Luffy shot back bullets and it is rarely done anymore.

Still if you want an example of the power difference between Luffy and higher position Marines then just looked at the part where Luffy has to defend against the Marine with the sword. Luffy has to use both his arms and a leg to push back a Marine with a sword. That is something to consider when you think about the power difference between Luffy and some of these Marines. Now there are a lot of Marines that Luffy needs to gain the upper hand on if he wants to get anywhere close to Ace.

Ace on the other hand looks like he is in pain just watching his little brother on the battlefield. Can you say 'pained look'? Very good.

Ace main concern is that he doesn't want Luffy to get hurt trying to save him. Kind of something that a big brother doesn't want to happen. A big brother never truly wants to hurt his little brother on purpose. Maybe there are times when he hurts him on accident or in arguments but never in a way that they can't control. It tears up big brothers badly. Still seems like Luffy doesn't want to give up and going to go for it even if Ace gets mad.

Then we finally see what cause the idea that Luffy and Ace are brothers. It seems like they share the idea that by drinking sake together makes them family. That is very touching since they may not be actual brothers but they treat each other as if they were. The origins of brotherhood and family. A running theme in One Piece that is clearly being seen in this arc.

Image(s) of the week

Now this was a great scene. It was just funny to see Moria all happy for a moment then gets all upset and sad when Jimbei purify his zombies with salt water. Happy Moria is now Sad Moria.

Still looks like Moria and Jimbei are going to tango pretty soon. Warlord vs. Warlord. Interesting set up.

Doflamingo is only here because Sora would be upset if he wasn't. haha

I am disappointed with the reveal of Luffy's dad to the public. We knew for years who Luffy's dad was but the general public had no idea this whole time. I was expecting some sort of epic sound effect of sorts for this reveal but I guess it isn't that cool when you are reminded who Luffy's dad is. His dad is just some famous criminal that is known as the 'Worse Criminal in the World' after all.

Though the reaction faces of some of these people are great at least. Buggy and Moria are continuously providing us with some great faces throughout this arc. Some of my favorite moments are just watching Moria's face as he does something because they are so filled with feelings and such. It is just very funny to watch. Hancock's reaction to the news of Luffy's father is just funny based on what she says. Luffy can do no wrong in her eyes apparently which just makes it all the more funny.

This was an interesting flashback because it seems like Luffy's voice has changed a lot since the beginning of the series. He sounds a bit younger in Smoker's flashback. Guess times have changed a bit since back then. Very interesting.
"That label won't hurt him because Luffy is already a notorious outlaw."
Garp brings up a very good point. It doesn't matter if Dragon is Luffy's dad. The kid has done some impressive things himself like punching a Celestial Dragon. Still normal people like the reports in Sabaody may find this huge news. Then again anything happening at Marineford is huge news. Wonder if they will faint if the next thing they see if Whitebeard claiming to be Sengoku's dad.

 Awesome animation is awesome.

Now these scenes were awesome animation. This looks like stuff that was in Movie 10. The thick outlines and detail on Luffy was impressive. This was the icing on the cake for this episode. Even if this was a boring episode, the last moment made everything worth watching.

To tell the truth I don't remember anything else about this scene except that it was animated nicely. Props to Toei Animation for such a nicely done scene. Next week episode may not look that good because most of the budget went to this moment. haha

Seems like somebody is fire up. Whitebeard seem to have faith in Luffy and he knows that this guy can do something. Guess Luffy is now under Whitebeard's protection it seems as he got Marco to agree on this idea too. Things are going to get interesting now that the pirates are fired up and ready to make a push to save Ace.


Looks like Luffy is leading the way for the pirate side as some Marines are going to get a bit beat up. Though from the preview it looks like we are going to get more of what we got in this episode. Hopefully they will treat the episode just the same and make all the filler battles really interesting. That really saved this episode from being boring.

Still looks like Doflamingo is going to take stage once again. Ivankov and Doflamingo both seem like people you don't want to cross together. Wonder what is going on here.

Next Episode: Consecutive Battles! An Army of Devil Fruit Users VS An Army of Devil Fruit Users!

Stay tune next week as we all know that stuff is going to go down. HEEHAW~


  1. We know that Kuma knew Dragon. Remember the the episode in Thriller Bark. Kuma said "Your son have a good crew (something like that) Dragon".

  2. @Kaste
    Oh drats. I totally forgot about that comment. Well I guess we knew that Kuma knew Dragon a bit but I guess I didn't connect the dots and figure out that Ivankov could have knew Kuma due to the fact that he knew Dragon. That is something. Never thought of that.

  3. It's Kuma is under control of Ivankov??
