Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Contest: Show Me Your One Piece 2

Do you have a One Piece treasure that you are proud of? Do you have a day where you just walk outside of your house with nothing but your One Piece clothes on? Are you a proud One Piece fan who doesn't care who sees it?

Do you want One Piece Season 4?

Then read on to find out how you can win the next One Piece DVD set covering this epic adventure.

It is clear that we all love One Piece and have different ways of showing it. Some people collect as much One Piece merchandise as they can afford. Others decide to show their One Piece appreciation in the  artwork. There are those who dress as their favorite One Piece characters to show their appreciation for the franchise. Well, it is time to show us how much you love the franchise with this chance to win One Piece Season 4, First Voyage.

Season 4! In beautiful widescreen!

To enter the contest, you need to write a 200 word testimonial about why you love One Piece and relate it to Season 4. The testimonial doesn't have to be 200 words as long as you are able to give us a coherent passionate explanation of why you love One Piece so much. Tell us why you like the franchise and how you show it. Got some cool stuff to show? Then please submit one photo along with your entry that shows your love for the franchise. It could be your One Piece collection or you in a costume or a drawing. It could be a combination of the three or something completely different! Just show us how much you love One Piece.

Now what prizes can you win?

First Place
One Piece: Season 4, Voyage 1
One Piece Colorwalk 2
One Piece Binder: Water 7

Second Place
One Piece: Season 4, Voyage 1
One Piece Binder: Water 7

How to Enter
The winners will be chosen based on the amount of passion and enthusiasm that could be felt though the submission along with how well written it is. Your willpower must be felt though your submission if you want the chance to win one of our wonderful prizes. Just submit your entry using the form below:

Name: You name
Entry (200 words or less): Written Submission
Photo (Optional): Your photo submission

Email your submission to OnePieceataTimeBlog(at)Gmail(dot)com. Deadline for submissions will be June 15th June 22nd. Only open to US and Canada residence.

Good luck! I can't wait to see your One Piece pride!

Want a peek of Season 4, Voyage 1? Watch the trailer here!