Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Manga: Chapter 666 (SPOILERS!)

Catch up with One Piece, fully revitalized each week on SJAlpha!

Normally I don't talk about the cover pages, but I felt I had to write about this shock to the fans; Bon Clay is alive. Not only that, but he is now the new Queen of Newkama Land in Impel Down! This made me happy because Oda has foreshadowed this for a while now but it’s nice to get a confirmation.

This week's chapter resumes from the last chapter when the mysterious Yeti Cool brothers have supposedly killed Zoro, Sanji, (who is in Nami's body) and Brook. The brothers leave the three behind to be collected by Caesar's guards The scene cuts to Caesar in conversation with Monet and Law who expected more from the Straw Hats. When Monet brings up how Law knows the Straw Hats because of prior experience with them at Sabaody and Marineford, Caesar pulls a gun on Law suspecting that he lead the Straw Hats to Punk Hazard, but Law claims ignorance and a mutual need for secrecy.

We then cut to Law's first meeting with Caesar, where he explains that he wants to stay at Punk Hazard because it cannot be caught by a Log Pose and that he wants to learn from research by the World Government. Law also says that he can be of use to Caesar as long as his presence is secret, even to his contact in the World Government, Joker. Caesar, surprised that Law knows of Joker says that he doesn't trust Law but he'll be allowed to stay anyway, Monet also asks Law to help treat the former prisoners affected by the poisonous gas. Caesar remembers doubting that someone who went to such lengths to become a Warlord of the Sea would want to make things complicated for them. As he is about to leave, Law asks Caesar to explain what he meant by saying that the children would return. Caesar discusses his drugging of children which reminds Law of another. Who could that be? Kid possibly? Law leaves, saying that they can call him if they need him.

This actually made me sad, even though Brownbeard is a villain

Meanwhile, near the remains of the research labs, an explosion occurs, and Chopper is unable to see the cause.  At the same time, Luffy's team hears the explosion and decides to return because Nami and Chopper could be in danger. Simultaneously, Brownbeard awakes believing that the "Snowy Mountains" must've come to save him. Nami demands to know more and Brownbeard gives a detailed description of the Yeti Cool brothers, which was very kind of him. Speaking of the devil, one of the brothers named Scotch shows up and points his gun at Brownbeard as he is one of their targets. Scotch plays a recording from Caesar Clown explaining how stupid and useless Brownbeard is and why he wants him dead. Naturally, Brownbeard is in tears because his supposedly kind Master now calls for his death. As Brownbeard calls out for his master, Scotch pulls the trigger.

The Yeti Cool Brothers spot Luffy and the others charging down the mountain and try to shoot them, they miss but as Luffy readies a counterattack the brothers have suddenly vanished. , Chopper then tells Luffy that Nami has been kidnapped by the brothers. We see the brothers holding Nami because Franky's body has to be kept alive as it has Vegapunk's laser. The chapter ends with Law at the backdoor of the Research Facility, striking apart a guard who we assume was his ally.

Law's coolness factor has gone up by 20%.

Well what can I say about the chapter? Though I do think that the conversation with Law and Caesar dragged, it is necessary exposition. The Yeti Cool Brothers were exciting and I can't wait to see more of them as the arc progresses. The death of Brownbeard actually surprised me since when he was first introduced he was just pathetic, but when he came back in this arc he actually became likable. Maybe it was that he was more foolish than I expected which actually endeared me to him before he got killed.

The questions are; what does Law really want? Will Luffy save Nami? Are Zoro, Sanji and Brook really dead? When will the Straw Hats reunite and turn back to normal? Hopefully some of these questions should get answered next time. Until then, stay frosty and have a good day.

I really enjoy these big, detailed panels. Although I wish we could see the Yeti's face.

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