Thursday, August 16, 2012

Manga: Chapter 674 (SPOILERS!)

Whats' better than candy? Reading One Piece each week on SJAlpha!

Continuing from last week, Caesar Clown has confronted Nami and Usopp outside the remains of the destroyed labs. Caesar mockingly asks them about releasing the children since they're suffering without their candy, but Nami calls out on his rubbish since all the children really want is to go home and back to their parents. But the drug induced kids don't seem to agree and attack the two for getting in their way. Have I mentioned that I find these kids disturbing? Usopp tries to fight back but Nami stops him since its the candy thats causing their violent behavior. The kids that were chained up manage to break free, so Usopp tries using his Firebird Star (probably my favourite Usopp attack) to try and make Caesar explode due to his gas powers. But it doesn't work since he put out the fire by removing the oxygen and then he decides to take the oxygen away from Usopp and Nami just like what he did with Luffy, Robin and Franky.
AH! I miss this attack!

While the two are struggling to breathe the children gather around Caesar and begging for candy, he says he'll only give them some if they kill Nami and Usopp by crushing them with pipes. Talk about overkill. Lucky for them though, they're saved unexpectedly by Brownbeard who's still alive! I can't say I expected that. Naturally he's furious since his trusted master ordered the Cool Brothers to kill him and tries to attack him with no avail, although Nami and Usopp are able to breath again. Caesar tells the kids to escape on his Flying Gas Balloon while Usopp and Nami follow them. Brownbeard says that he doesn't care about his deception but he won't let Caesar do the same to his fellow centaurs, but Caesar just puts him down by calling him and his brethren trash and idiotic.

Brownbeard attacks in rage but Caesar uses his Gastanet attack and supposedly kills him....again. I believe that Brownbeard has definitely redeemed his character by looking out for his men, he is really not the same person we saw in the Post-War arc or even at the beginning of this arc. I don't think hes dead because we never see his body but who knows? Anyway, Caesar causes another explosion closer to Usopp and Nami so they're out of commission for now.

Now this is a kodak moment

Aboard the Flying Gas Balloon, Caesar reports his recovery of the children to Monet and asks about preparations of bait for Smiley the slime...lizard...thing. Caesar then contacts various illegal brokers telling them about the poisonous gas weapon that he shall show them since its something that the World Government would never be able to create. Among the brokers are Tamago and Pekoms from the Big Mom Pirates and most notably, Eustass Captain Kid who makes his first appearance post-timeskip, albeit silhouetted. I've seen an illustration from Oda showing off all of the Supernovas post-timeskip so I've seen what Kid looks like (not much different but still cool) but it'll be better once we see it in the manga itself. The chapter ends with Kid saying that hes not interested in weapons that cause mass destruction but knowing about it wouldn't hurt anyway.

Oh Oda you lovable tease!

This chapter was...okay. Its nice to see a chapter focused on Nami and Usopp both standing up for how immoral taking the kids away and drugging them was, even though they were helpless at the hands of Caesar Clown in the end. Hes taken down 5 of the Straw Hats so far, so we may have to rely on either Chopper or Zoro's group to help out Luffy and the others. Also I'm curious as to what Caesar's destructive weapon is and what he's planning with his pet Smiley. Maybe its just me but I think my only complaint is that, it didn't feel like a lot was done in this chapter but this is kind of typical for each arc when its building up to something so perhaps next week will be a bit better. Thats all I have to say for this week, let me know what you thought by posting a comment and I'll see you all next time!

Doesn't Caesar Clown remind you of this guy?


  1. The one thing I will say about Usopps moves is that he has such a wide variety of attacks at his arsenal, I can understand how it might be easy for some to be forgotten in certain circumstances.

    For instance, I questioned why he never used the Firebird Star attack when the Straw Hats first ran into Aokiji. Even if it just barely singed his hand, it might have been somewhat interesting.

    Andother one was why Usopp never used the Rubber Band attack against Eneru. Just imagine if he was distracting him with the Usopp Spell, Eneru gives that unimpressed look of his, then completely out of the blue, Usopp pulls out his rubber band, flings it right at Eneru's face before he ever has time to react. Sure wouldn't have done anything effective apart from make Eneru flinch for an instant, but it still would have been hilarious.

    1. I love Usopp's attacks. They are all great. If I had written this review, most of it would have been me gushing over Firebird Star. Even if it failed, I would have just spend a paragraph or two talking about how we finally got the science behind that attack. I always wonder how Usopp preform that attack and I find it awesome that the firebird was simply a little tweety bird.

      I think that the reason why Usopp didn't use that attack against Aokiji may have to do with him being scared about facing an Admiral and the fact that he may not have fully develop the move yet. Later on in the arc, Usopp pulled out amazing moves at Sogeking and I figure he was saving them. Also, in the past, Usopp has let his fear take over his reason which explain Aokiji and Eneru.

      It would have been funny if Usopp did attack Eneru with a rubber band though. haha

  2. The biggest thing I love about this chapter was the reveal of CC's true powers. He has power over all gas. Poison, air, etc. making him a much more powerful opponent than we thought. Every time I see CC I love him more and more. So evil and despicable. I wonder how you can fight him.

    I love Usopp's firebird star and it's great that both Nami and Usopp get a chance to shine. Brownbeard was a great twist and had an epic entrance.

    I think the best part was the end reveal that Big Mam is an underworld broker and so is Kidd. Gives us an idea of who will be in this new world. Also, is that Bonney with the sword there? It would make sense if she escaped prison at some point.

    Good review :) Keep up the good work!
