Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Manga: Chapter 689 (SPOILERS!)

Bored? Don't worry! One Piece will save you each week on SJAlpha!
This week starts off with Brownbeard (who is a floor below Caesar) trying to warn the Punk Hazard soldiers of Caesar Clown's true colours. Caesar heads down to confront the expirate. Brownbeard demands the return of his men since they should've come back alive after being chased earlier. In a flashback, we see more of Caesar's douchebaggery by showing that he received an emergency call from Brownbeard's men because the entrance was closed off and the Land of Death is approaching them.

Caesar outright lies to them saying that he'll come up with something and hangs up but in reality intends to leave them to die. Back in the present, Caesar continues his lie by saying they never contacted him and that he has been worried about them. Brownbeard isn't having any of this though and tries to warn the soldiers that they're all just guinea pigs to Caesar, he suddenly starts spewing out gibberish.

Seriously, I just about went Hulk when this happened

Turns out that Caesar secretly injected a muscle relaxant into Brownbeard so he can't speak or stand properly. I'm actually getting really angry at him now. To grit my teeth even more, he even whispers to Brownbeard how he lied about not only "discarding" his subordinates but how he also caused the chemical explosion from four years ago, not Vegapunk. Naturally Brownbeard flails his sword around and while he doesn't hurt Caesar, he pretends to get hurt and acts like a coward. Brownbeard's anger and gibberish continues while his inner self still tries to warn the soldiers, but he appears nuts to them.

The coward orders the soldiers to shoot Brownbeard and they do so as he cries out in pain while Caesar laughs.

Okay, something needs to be done. I've had enough of this guy, someone needs to just teach him a lesson.

Caesar tries to finish him off, but a giant black fist appears and attacks Caesar...Have my prayers been answered? Well not quite as the attack only grazes him but that's right guys, Luffy has reappeared and looks ready to take Caesar down...my hero.

Caesar the coward (yes I'm calling him that from now on), tells the soldiers to retreat and set everything up for both the experiment and the broadcast. Luffy demands to know what the heck is up with this island and Caesar explains that the island doesn't really exist to most people because its pretty much the scientific underworld where many people die due to dangerous experiments with no repercussions because Vergo is practically his shield.

Anyone else getting a Snow White or Adam and Eve vibe?

He also tells Luffy that because he knows nothing about the island that everything he has done including the alliance with Law will have been totally pointless. He goes into detail about why Law wants to kidnap him because he is the only one who knows how to create the SAD substance and  the factory belongs to Doflamingo to mass produce Smile fruits. It turns out that Smile is an artificial Zoan Devil Fruit and Doflamingo is using these to cause more mayhem and chaos by adding new dangerous ability users to the New World. Scary. Theres even a rumor that one of the Four Emperors is using Smile to create an entire army of Zoan users (it could be any of the Emperors except for Shanks of course).

Because Luffy is sticking his nose in this business, Caesar claims that there is no way he could take on people as powerful as Doflamingo at his current level. Caesar laughs because he's confident that Luffy won't lay a finger on him while these powerful beings are behind his back. The chapter ends with a HUGE smile on my face as Luffy DECKS Caesar in the face while saying that hes been taking on guys like that since the very beginning. 

I just...love it

Okay. WOW. This was definitely one of the best moments of the arc, it was speaking to me because  Caesar is really getting on my nerves and I just want Luffy to beat the everliving hell out of him and end his grandiose yet heartless plans. Thats really all I can say about it, it got my blood boiling throughout the whole thing and it paid off spectacularly.

I'm sure I'll be even more satisfied once he is beaten for good though, so I'll enjoy the action going on for the next few weeks. Of course, theres also the matters of dealing with Vergo, Mocha plus the other children and Kinemon and Momonosuke's subplot but lets take a bit at a time. Hopefully the satisfaction will continue as the fight is starting to near the end so look forward to that over the next few chapters. Until then, have fun and goodbye!

I hope he gets a nosebleed next time he does this


  1. Man, SJ didn't translate that final line as well as I wanted them to. This is my favorite version so far.


    1. I like SJA's better. That was exactly what I expected Luffy to say as I was reading this chapter.

      I would not want to discuss scanlation stuff too much but that line made Luffy sound too smart as if he has plan to do these type of things all along while SJA's fitted him just right. It was simple. Just like Luffy.

  2. But...doesn't Luffy plan on kicking anyone's ass who tries to get in his way? That doesn't sound like too much of a stretch to me. Also keep in mind, Luffy has had an entire two years just to train and concentrate on getting stronger, all for the sole purpose of protecting his crew when they are on a collision course with these big bads. Heck Luffy's been saying things like wanting to meet all seven warlords since the East Blue, and seeing as Doflamingo is the only one of the original seven he has yet to meet, it makes only sense that Luffy is eagerly awaiting the moment he runs into Doflamingo and gives him "one piece" of his mind.

    Also, seeing as each of his attacks are already named off of different firearms, him saying these guys are in his "crosshairs" makes perfect sense.

    This also wouldn't be the first time Luffy has made specific targets for his own personal hit list. Remember Water 7? On the way to Enies Lobby, he makes it very clear to his crew that the jackass with the top hat and the pigeon "Is MINE!"

    Not only that, Luffy has always had a few sparing moments of intelligence. He was pretty bright when he told Vivi off about her naïve plan during Alabasta, and during Skypeia, he had a very ingenious line when he told off Eneru: "What kind of god creates nothing and destroys everything?" That was brilliant.

    My last argument is that the way SJA translated it, there's just nothing exciting about it that reflects the epicenes of the actual image. By you saying "that was exactly what I expected Luffy to say," your basically admitting it was predictable and not that clever. It probably would have been more clever for them to just leave the image blank of any dialogue at all. This may come as a shock, but... fans like to hear their favorite characters say clever quotable lines that will stick with them, and the version that I found I felt was an honest effort to make a somewhat simple line memorable.

    1. Wow. That was a lot of effort for a two paragraph comment.
