Friday, December 21, 2012

Manga: Chapter 690 (SPOILERS)

Don't be surprise! One Piece can be read weekly on!

Coribou awakens in a bed next to an old lady. (Cover story)

Luffy punches Caesar for the second time.

Usopp finds himself surrounded by Caesar's men on the second floor of Structure R.

Team Zoro, Team Nami and Team Brook are running from Land of the Dead.

Law retrieves his heart with the help of Smoker and slices Vergo along with SAD and the complex.


It is nice to have a reminder that Caesar is a despicable guy. It was obvious that he was going to try to lure Luffy into a false sense of security with his offer. It is just amazing that he actually tried to plead with Luffy. Good thing you can expect Luffy to make the right decision and punch Caesar in the face again. It also was a great way to set up for the main course of the chapter.

The teamwork between Smoker and Law was done nicely in a way you were not expecting. You would have expected them to team up and actively fight against Vergo but instead it was Smoker doing all of the fighting. It sounded like a perplexing battle as Smoker was doing all the wrong moves based on what Vergo was saying.


This battle also told us that there is a certain way that a Logia users should battle when facing somebody who is skilled with Armament Haki. That is something wroth taking from this chapter.

Though, the biggest things to take from this chapter was Law's speech to Doflamingo. It is another reminder that Whitebeard's age of pirates is coming to a close while a new one is starting.  Law went as far to display that with his power by slicing up not only Vergo but the complex as a whole along with the SAD tankers.

Law may have a point. In the last two years, the old guard of pirates may have spent the time not improving or locked in a war with each other. While they were doing that, the young guard of pirates were becoming stronger and developing themselves to make a name of themselves. This must be how the Roger Era began. A group of upstart pirates each wanting to make a name for themselves and break the current authority. It just that this time Doflamingo is that authority and he just got a rude awakening by Law.

 Mr. Anderson....

Is this the end of this battle? Or will Vergo pull himself back together? What about Usopp? As awesome that this chapter was, we are far from a solid ending.

Until next time true believers!


  1. Replies
    1. I am glad to see that Caesar has a good fanclub. haha

  2. I believe Oda has beaten a dead horse into the ground in displaying how despicable a person Cesar is. WE GET IT! Just give him his just desserts already!

    1. I am wanting that too. It feels like we keep on climbing towards this climax. Hopefully Oda will just hurry up and resolve all the other loose ends and then go to Luffy to beat Caesar down. Instead of just pan to Luffy and Caesar for a page or two then to another thing on the island.

  3. I'll admit all the stuff with Law this Chapter was pretty cool though.
