Saturday, January 12, 2013

Manga: Chapter 693 (SPOILERS!)


New year, New Age. Read One Piece each week in SJAlpha!

This week begins with General Franky locking onto the battle maid, Baby 5 and attacking...That was fast. The battle rages on as she attempts to counterattack with a bazooka but that does nothing to the Iron Pirate! Franky uses the General's tiny shield as a boomerang but Baby 5 uses the power of the Arms Arms Fruit to turn into a sword which her subordinate Buffalo grabs and swings wildly to deflect the shield.

With the power of teamwork, she once again uses her powers to turn into a missile and Buffalo launches her at Franky. The General tries using his machine gun but she dodges and causes a massive explosion.

Excuse me I'm going into Luffy mode...SUGOIIII *O*

Meanwhile, the beaten-up douche known as Caesar Clown wakes up in a daze and is unable to move. He's very annoyed that his plans were foiled but remembers that he got Smoker's heart from Law and takes pride that if he's going down, he's taking Smoker with him. 

Sure, of course you will.

Inside the lab, Law, the children and the Marines are waiting for Luffy and the others to get in the cart to escape but Luffy says that they won't move until all of the crewmembers have assembled. Nami knows that Franky is fine since he should be moving the Thousand Sunny out to sea. While this is going on, Chopper, Brook and Usopp all make it to the others just in time to get on the cart.

Hip hip hoorah!

Brook asks what to do with the petrified Kinemon and Momonosuke gets a shocked look on his face. Deeper inside the crumbling lab, Monet is still alive and contacts Joker (AKA Doflamingo). She explains that Vergo was defeated and so was Caesar although Baby 5 and Buffalo will handle him. Doflamingo replies (because he wants to get rid of the witnesses) that inside the current lab lies another weapon which is the same one that destroyed the other two labs 4 years ago.

With the single push of a switch, everyone on the island will die except for Caesar since he's made of gas. Monet interrupts him saying that she planned on pressing the switch anyway. Shes in front of said switch and says that the weapon will destroy the tanker too. The chapter ends with Doflamingo apologising and ordering Monet to die and take everything with her. Monet replies that she will do so for him, proving her loyalty to him.

On the edge of my seat

Another eventful chapter. Its nice to see Franky get some time in the spotlight after being missing for a few chapters, plus I'm not exactly gonna complain about Baby 5. She is like Mahoro from Mahoromatic but much more violent. I would like to know the outcome of this fight though. Theres also lots of suspense with seeing how everyone inside the lab will escape especially since its crumbling and a weapon is about to go off.

Overall, looking forward to see how the rest of this pans out, because despite my previous gripes about the arc I still want to see how this leads into the rest of the story. Anyway thats all from me today, have a great day and bye!
Separated at birth?

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