Thursday, March 14, 2013

Manga; Chapter 701 (SPOILERS!)


We've arrived! Read One Piece each week in Weekly Shonen Jump!

The crew has finally landed at Dressrosa! Luffy gets so excited that he decides to force Momonosuke to fly, but he can't because he can't even remember doing it (he flew once before in the lab at Punk Hazard) and even if he could, he wouldn't want to do it ever again.

This is due to something Doflamingo did to traumatise him, although we still don't know what this is yet (I'm guessing its a side effect of the smile devil fruit). Law gives Nami a Vivre Card leading to the island called Zo which is where they should go in case something happens (I predict "something" WILL happen).

This is totally a custom in England too. Really.

Law shows where the team who will transfer Caesar where they will go and we then see the subsequent teams for this operation. Law, Usopp and Robin are on the transfer team and will head to Green Bit by foot because they can't land the Thousand Sunny there. Nami, Chopper, Brook and Momonosuke will stay behind and guard the ship and Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Kinemon go to have fun-I MEAN destroy the Smile factory as well as rescuing Kinemon's fellow samurai...hoo boy.

Dressrosa is quite beautiful which brings a smile to Luffy and the others but that smile turns to shock as we see the fact that dolls, puppets and all other kinds of toys are alive, we only just got here and already theres something weird. Enough exploring for now, time to eat in the port town of Acacia! The team go undercover while they're at it, complete with hats, suits, sunglasses and fake beards. Total genius.

The new Resevoir Dogs everyone

Sanji notices that even though their king has abandoned his throne earlier in the morning, no-one seems to be making a big deal of it. Luffy nearly asks someone but Sanji stops him because Luffy's face was in the paper. They all eat their meals while the waiter tells them about a legend of Dressrosa that fairies appeared long ago. Are we gonna see fairies? That would be kind of interesting.

In a casino across the room, some goons are taking advantage of an old blind man by lying about the results of a roulette game. Before they take all of the money, Luffy stops them by telling the truth to the blind man who is grateful.

The goons get mad and start to attack but the blind man unsheathes a sword from his cane which is somehow crushing the goons. The chapter ends with the goons crashing through the floor and the blind man saying that being blind has an advantage of not being able to see the refuse of the world.

I'd like to think that this man was inspired by Zatoichi

A LOT has happened and we've only just landed in Dressrosa: living toys, blind swordsmen and possible fairies...I love this arc already. Of course theres plenty of room for improvement because we have no idea where this arc is going to go yet. Its fun to guess where its going to go and if this chapter and the last couple are any indication its only going to get better and better.

I'm looking forward to practically everything, theres not really much more I can say other than stay tuned  for the next chapter. Heres hoping Oda gets better soon and we'll resume next time.

Dolls? We're doomed


  1. I didn't notice this right away, but ever since my friend pointed it out, blind samurai looks very VERY similar to Admiral Kizaru. Also, when he unsheathes his sword, it has the exact same shimmering glow that his light attacks do when he first activates them.

    I have a friend in Japan who mentioned in the original Japanese text, it was much easier to point out Kizaru's signature groaning sounds in his speech, with the English translation of the manga has never been able to get across properly.

    Okay so here are some theories:
    Theory 1: Something happened to Kizaru during the time skip in which he was blinded/lost his powers and he lost his rank of Admiral, so he's now a broken down gambling man.

    Theory 2: Kizaru isn't really blind, but is just in disguise (much like the Strawhats) and is simply working under cover. After all, Akainu mentioned in the previous chapter that he was sending one of his men the take care of the situation and Dressrosa.

    Theory 3: Kizaru has a blind samurai twin brother.

    Theory 4: Oda's drawn so many characters that it's simply coincidental there are a few lookalikes.

    1. It would be pretty good irony for the light man to go blind

  2. You can rule out the first theory since Film Z has confirmed that Kizaru is still an admiral (this isn't a spoiler btw) but I do think that Oda is doing the same thing as he did with the 3 admirals and modelling this samurai's look after a Japanese actor.
