Thursday, July 25, 2013

Manga: Chapter 715 (SPOILERS!)


No more pouting! Read One Piece each week in Weekly Shonen Jump!

The Battle Royale in the Corrida Colosseum rages on as the audience goes nuts after Lucy's delivers a stunning defeat to the giant warrior Hajrudin. As the tournament continues, we see even more fighters participating in Block C such as the explosive boxer Ideo and reintroductions to Don Chinjao and his allies.

Lots of boxing in this tournament

Not surprisingly, Chinjao can also use Conquerer's Haki...could we possibly see a clash of this with Lucy's Haki? That would be interesting to see as this fight progresses.

Clearly, Chinjao only wants to defeat Lucy many contestants stand in his way as the fighting continues. One contestant called Jean the Bandit has stolen Lucy's helmet and its clear he knows that Lucy is really Luffy, while Chinjao makes his way towards Luffy and wishes Garp could see what he is going to do to his grandson.

The chapter ends as only 40 contestants remaining in the battle royale.

Oh gee I wonder :P

Now I know what you're all thinking: "This was a really short review". Well theres only so much I can say when nothing of actual value seems to have come out of this chapter. Sure theres lots of action and lots of new characters, but heres my problem with this chapter...its just too much.

Let me explain; in the last battle royale we saw we were introduced to a lot of new characters as well. Normally when a new character is introduced in the series, its clear (for most of the time) that they'll play a significant role in the current arc or maybe even the story as a whole.

With the only exceptions being Bartolomeo and Bellamy, none of those characters seemed to have served any other purpose other than just to be defeated and so I believe the same is going to happen here with only Luffy and Chinjao (maybe Ideo too) being the exceptions.

Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions and some of these characters could come back later on in the arc or even later down the line and play a significant part, but I doubt it. In any case, I hope this wraps up soon and we can get on with the other plotlines.

Sorry about the rambling but please let me know about what you thought about the chapter in the comments, I'm really interested in knowing if people agree or disagree with me. In any case, the manga is once again on a break next week so expect the new chapter review in two weeks. See you all next time!

Gyats really hit the nail on the head here


  1. I pretty much agree with you. I think Oda was stuck between a rock and a hard place, because he needed to briskly create many opponents that would obviously lose in the tournament, but he had to give them enough of a unique design and fighting style so that they didn't just seem like background cannon fodder.

    My advice, I would have mixed in a few more older characters into the mix. Perhaps some former Baroque Work and CP9 members, maybe Gedatsu or one of the other high priests. Maybe some of Whitebeards old allies we briefly met during the War. That way, they are characters we are already invested in and it makes us curious to see what these guys are up too these days. Of course these characters would be do for some makeovers after the two year time skip and all, and they'd all clearly be much stronger.

    Sure it might seem a bit lazy on the surface to recycle old characters for the sake of fan service, but I just think it might have worked better than wasting so much effort designing so many new characters we don't care about. I'm not saying make ALL the contestants in the tournament older characters, just some of them.

    And I guess there is always the option that Oda really has thought this all through and all these guys do in fact show up later on in which case, I'll believe it when I see it.
