Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Interview Piece: Stephanie Young 2

Back in April, I had the honor to chat with Stephanie Young (Voice of Nico Robin) once again. Our chat wasn't long but we did discuss her thoughts Season 4 and Season 5. We covered her experience in the booth recording one of Robin's most emotional moments of the series and touch upon what she has to expect from Strong World and beyond.

Lets jump right into this!

Mikey: Hello, I am with Stephanie Young. She is the voice actress of Nico Robin after recording for new One Piece in Season 4 and Season 5. Right? Have you guys? Can’t say that or not?

Stephanie Young: I can’t talk about that but I am happy to say that we have been recording some story arcs. I know I can talk about we have been recording in Water Seven and Enies Lobby. It has been incredible and tough and wonderful.

M: So, I am guessing I can’t ask you how far you have dubbed because you can’t say.

SY: I can’t say that. I am sorry.

M: But I do have knowing that it has been to a certain person’s backstory. Right?

SY: Yes. Actually thanks to you, Mikey. I was even better prepared. You actually gave me the manga years ago that covered little baby Robin’s backstory. The heartbreaking childhood story of Robin. Which I think gives her so much depth. I had already loved her and respected her for how strong and smart she is and how much she goes along during the story she is willing to sacrifice for her friends. But knowing what she been though with her mother as a child is really incredible that she ended up in the places that she at on the side of good and now I am so glad that I read that.

Actually, a few others- It is interesting, you were the first person that gave me that episode of that manga volume and then some other people from the One Piece Podcast did the same thing. I think everybody was saying, “You need to know what is going to happen.” I have talked about the fact that I don’t read ahead.

M: At that convention, I remember you said you didn’t read ahead and I knew that most voice actors do that as well. They want to be surprise and live in that moment. That is why I gave you the choice between the volume where she joins the crew or the one that has a cute picture of her as a little girl with the backstory. I was expecting you to go for the one where she joins but then you surprise me when you picked that one.

SY: I did! I picked it. I didn’t even realize that I had picked it. I don’t remember that. Well, I am glad.

M: I remember you said you picked it because you liked the little Robin on the cover.

SY: Little did I know what I was in for! The heartbreaking story that…I don’t cry on the drop of the hat but I will admit that I got emotional while reading it.

M: Did you felt the tears come out when you heard Robin said, “Are you my mother?”

SY: I constantly had to keep myself in check in the booth when I was recording anything that had to do with her mother. Cause, and- I am not sure if I can say this, every time I saw little Robin, there was such a connection and just feeling so heartbroken for her. It is interesting because I voice the older version of her but I felt this motherly sense to just wanting to protect her but that is part of who she is. You know, sometimes, as tragic as it is, it is our tragedies in life that build character from time to time. So I try to see it like that but still, I will hear her little voice and I will just fall apart.

M: She was well rounded before but now she is rounded on all sides.

SY: Yeah! I mean, you have overcome incredible, incredible divesting obstacles. Your people have been wiped out, ripped from the arms of your mother and have found a way to survive. Then find her new family. Sometimes in life, we can’t choose our biological family but when our friends become our family, you can choose that. And they become your family.

M: Yeah. You can choose them and they can be just as great as your normal family.

SY: Absolutely! And that friendship should be cherished. I love that about this show. It’s fun. It is hilarious but then there all this really good life lessons in this show.

M: Exactly.

SY: I love that about One Piece!

M: And she was the one who was missing that backstory that everybody has. Everybody has that tragic backstory.

SY: I know. They all do!


SY: My wonderful director, Mike McFarland, was just talking about how everyone’s backstory would bring you to tears and to your knees and it is true. Chopper! Oh my gosh! I just can’t….I just can’t. And then I knew mines was coming and I was like, “Here we go.”

M: Out of the backstories, the most tragic ones are Chopper, Nami and Robin. Without any bias, which one is the top one?

SY: Well, for me, obviously I am going to say Robin because that is who I voice and who I am best emotionally connected to. When we get to the moment where she says, “I want to live,” It was…It was a really out of body experience because we have gone through so much get to that line. Then, you sort of give over to the text and the emotion of the moment and I want to say we got it in just a couple of takes.

M: I am pretty sure you can go on and on.

SY: I can talk about this for forever.

M: Well, also this year comes out the movie as well. I know for sure you guys haven’t started dubbing for that but how do you feel about being put in a spot similar to four years ago where the events of this movie takes place later on in the story?

SY: You know what is funny? We are used to jumping around in time. I think that is just how the show has been so we are very flexible in jumping around the story. And, I think in the world of One Piece, you just have to accept anything because anything can happen. I am still in awe at the Banana Gators. I don’t get over the Banana Gators so anything can happen in this world.

M: Now, do you mind if I give you a tiny little Robin spoiler?

SY: Okay?

M: It involves her power! Not story.

SY: Oh! A power! Yeah!

M: How do you feel about giant hands and legs?

SY: Any leg!

M: Yes.

SY: Oh! That’s intriguing! I can’t wait! Her arms are already so powerful so she has giant hands then look out. I love it. She is so strong. She is the strongest! I love it!

M: Alright. We can go on and on but we got to end this now. 

SY: Thank you!

M: What you want to say to anybody else concerning Season 5?

SY: I just love you guys! Thank you so much for watching! And Mikey, thank you so much for chatting with me. I appreciate you.

I hope you enjoyed this little interview with Stephanie Young. Make sure to catch her performance in Season 5 as we look deeper into her character as Nico Robin.

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