Monday, July 1, 2013

Manga: Chapter 711 (Spoilers)

No need to shed tears! One Piece can be read on Weekly Shonen Jump!

Kaidou's minion attacks Caribou and the old lady. (Cover story)

Robin and Usopp are captured by a tribe of Tontatta.

Zoro, Wicka the Tontatta, Franky and Toy Solider head towards the Flower Field.

Sanji calls Law to warn him not to commence the trade and that Doflamingo never quit the Warlords.

What a view. Took me this long to realize where he was standing

Based on this chapter, it looks as if the Tontatta were the rumored fairies of Dressrosa. I wonder how they stay out of the people's eye. They are not as small as you may think. They are fast but there was one talking to Zoro in the chapter but the mother and daughter that they passed by didn't seem to have heard nor saw Wicka the Tontatta. There has to be more in what has kept the Tontata a secret from the rest of Dressrosa besides residing under Greenbit.

Also, these Tontatta do have a Gulliver's Travels feel to them. That is pretty cool.

What I am excited about is the possibility of one of Usopp's lies coming true. Remember what Usopp said to us when we first met him? He claim to have had a crew of eight thousand men. This is one of the few lies that haven't came true as we travel with Usopp.

Now we are in a situation where a tribe of tiny people think Usopp is a hero who has come to help them. If Usopp can keep this up then maybe he will finally have his army of eight thousand men. Even if they are tiny people who can't be seen. This is maybe one of the most exciting parts of the chapter to me. It is only a possibility but the small chance of this actually happening makes me want it to happen.

Plotwise. It looks as if Sanji and Zoro have both stumble upon very valuable information that has everybody at risk. Based on what we got during the second half of the chapter, Doflamingo never resigned from the Seven Warlords and has set a trap to capture to Straw Hats and Law.

It is interesting how everything is falling into place. I do wish that we get to see how these things were falling into place. This chapter was paced out nicely with each team getting a good amount of show time. The problem was that we jumped ahead into the future which means we will get a mini-flashback to how Sanji uncover Doflamingo's deception and ploy with the World Government and the Marines.

Where will Caesar fall into this? He is a wanted man by the World Government but a needed piece in Doflamingo's plan. Will Caesar get a taste of his own medicine when Doflamingo lets him go into Marine's custody? That would be a bad piece of karma for the Gas-Gas Man.

Things look to be getting dirty for the Straw Hats and Law. We were all expecting a flashback a few chapters ago but instead we are getting a trap. Let see how Oda takes us though this.

Until next time true believers!

 Oh! I get it. Region B! As in....Yeah. Oh Oda.....*Shakes head in shame*


  1. Can I be first to say right now that I TOTALLY EFFING CALLED IT! I knew Doflamingo was going to make a deal with the Marines to pretend he was giving up the title of warlord just so they can set a trap for Law and the Straw hats. I knew it! I knew that was going to happen!

    As for the Robin incident with the Tontatta's, yeah I rolled my eyes at that too. I would very much like it if we found out in a later chapter that all the things Usopp told them wasn't in fact a lie, seeing as he already has so many strengths and achievements that would qualify him as a hero without resorting to tall tales. But...this is Oda were talking about, who has shown time and again that he is scared to death of developing his characters anywhere away from the status quo, so more than likely, Usopp did feed them a bunch of BS and when they find out he's lying it's going to get them in trouble and blah blah blah.

    P.S. The concept of the Tontatta's becoming Usopp's 8000 men army would be lame, because everybody already has it in their head that he's going to recruit 8000 giants when they eventually go to Elbaf.

    Hmmm... Giants? or Migets? That's a tough call there.

    1. Doflamingo making a deal should have been seen a mile away! All the signs were right there!

      Each chapter this happens, it becomes harder and harder to stomach Oda's fanservice. It was decent before but now it is just heavily drip. I think it was tolerable before because back then characters like Nami and Robin were able to prove that they can hit as hard as the boys. As I mention many times before, Nami and Robin haven't had a serious fight since coming back from the time skip. The only thing close to a serious fight was Robin's thing at Fishman Island with I-Forgot-His-Existance-Hammond and Nami's team up with Usopp with the the fleeing Baby 5 and Buffalo.

      This lie could go both ways. It could be something of a mix between Usopp normal lies and tales of things he has done before (Skypeia, Fishman Island, etc) which entrance the Tontatta into believing he is the here. Or he just completely lie to them.

      Personally, this one lie has been one that I have been looking forward to coming true. I was disappointed that it never did prior to the timeskip and it always felt weird that it never came to fruition.

      PS: I have always been a fan of irony and the fact that Usopp's 8000 men army turned out to be a group of little people sounds funny to me. Giants would be cool but when it comes to One Piece's style, midgets for Usopp feels more right and funny. An army of little people that nobody can see but is true.
