Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 475 (Late)

Oh no! Is this the end of Portugaz D. Ace? Has Luffy lost? Will these dudes ever go faster than Slo-Mo?! What is going on?! Better check it out at OnePieceOfficial.com before you freak out any further.

First Thoughts

First off: Sorry this is so late, time issues and so fourth. Second: This is here because I loved this episode so very, very, very much. Oh wow, this episode…it just was phenomenal. Not only because I had forgotten what happened here, but how the animators portrayed the action, the timing, the responses…it was fantastic. Truly a great episode, of course, that isn’t saying much because I have been preaching that for almost every episode in Marineford, haha.

Still, what a fun episode. Crocodile does some fun stuff with sand (don’t try this at home, kiddies), and my *sighs dreamily* fav villain Doflamingo starts to duke it out with the Croco-Gator. I liked it even more because I never saw the end of their fight, so it makes seeing it start up all the more exciting knowing how close I am to the part I stopped reading at.


Having breached the Marine’s great wall, Luffy struggles against the all-mighty Admirals and scores of Marines inside of the plaza to try and reach Ace. Whitebeard and his crew are still trapped within the bay, and Luffy is kicked to the side as Sengoku gives the order for Ace to be ended.

As the swords come down upon him, Crocodile suddenly attacks the two would-be executioners, shocking all. Buying enough time, Whitebeard gives a surprise of his own as another ship emerges from the ocean floor and rams itself into Oars, who gives the boat, and all of the pirates, a free lift straight into the plaza. Oars is then taken down once more, and the battle begins anew within the plaza as Whitebeard himself leads the front line into the fray.


I am really curious as to why Luffy randomly kicked that frozen beam at the Admirals; he must have known it wouldn’t do anything to them, so…was it a distraction? Well, they don’t seem too distracted to me; heck, this scene is very entertaining, since the frozen shards go thru each Admiral differently based on their Logia power. It is really fun, actually! So Luffy…what are you doing…?

Holes that you absorb into yourself…holes that are just magma bursts melting the ice…holes that either obliterate the ice shards or let them fall thru…awesome powers. Now…why has Luffy chosen such an ineffective strategy?...

You know Coby, I can’t believe it either.

Oohhhh! So it WAS a distraction…he tried to faux-attack, and then attempted to jump past them with Second-Gear. Makes sense. Unfortunately for him, he is not faster than light…

Ooh…that’s gonna hurt…

Well, this part when Sengoku officially ordered it…it really freaked me out. Like…seriously, ‘oh my gods what the flip is he gonna die!?’, freaked out. Yup, it was fun.

I really liked the close-ups of all of the main players, especially Whitebeard and Marco’s. The Phoenix-man’s flames lit up nicely in the blue tint. But really, when that blood went flying, I was so freaked out…haha, I really shouldn’t have been, since I have read past this part, but it is at the point where I seriously only remember about 3 important details right now, so this was plenty exciting for me!

I really liked how the two Marines where shown in the reflection in Sengoku’s glasses. It is really a nice touch, one of many that Marineford has suddenly have had occurred.

Silly Marines, guns don’t work on Crocodile! Oh wait…where have I heard that before…oh, right: Impel Down.

I can’t help myself, I really love Marco’s wings. They are really cool…I hope that, when this is all over and whatnot, Marco doesn’t die or get captured or anything. He is much too awesome. He is up there with that one Supernova, Ex-Marine Drake. Awesome rare Zoans.

I just love Crocodile’s Moment here.

This is why I respect him as a villain. I normally don’t respect people as a villain unless A) they actually succeed, like Lex Luthor does AND maintains in high public standing B) they are just really fun, or have a chance at becoming good people (coughcoughBUGGYcough) C)…if they are just plain EVIL (fufufufufuufuu…Doflamingo much?)

Don’t Lose Your Head.

Speaking of my Fav villain…hahaha! I love this whole part. I have to have a picture of it. I mean really, slicing off his head may be a small sign of “oh yeah, I don’t totally respect you as a powerful advisory”, but still. It is awesome.

You know…I don’t think that Crocodile could give him much colder of a shoulder than he is already getting…you know, unless Aokiji decides to freeze his shoulder or something. Haha!

A weird, random thought. When they did the close up of Doflamingo’s glasses, I just pondered on what his eyes look like. I mean, are they crazed and ridiculous like Bellamy’s? I can see that. It would be rather disappointing, though it could make sense. I am very curious though.

When you mess with the Crocodile, you get…the hook?

This random bloke charging at Luffy reminded me of something. It is really almost scary to think of how all of these people here don’t look at Luffy like he’s a 17 year old kid; all they see is a ferocious, blood-thirsty pirate. I mean come on, don’t any of them consider age anymore? Yes, yes, they are in the middle of the Age of Pirates, and lots of people look deceiving, but not Luffy. He is…um…Luffy. So, anyway, I feel bad for Luffy. Of course, with his (sometimes) awesomely naive, he doesn’t notice or care one way or the other.

So there goes Luffy, busting up some Marines…and there is what looks to be a Vice-Admiral with those Six Powers. Haven’t seen that in a while. Akainu looks like he is going to make a move…and then Aokiji moves first.

I have had this suspicion every since first meeting with Aokiji when he was rather honorable, and then they only heightened upon seeing Kuma both times when he interacted with the crew…I still wonder if both guys are actually looking out for Luffy and company? I mean, they are good dudes. I…think…

Ohh…that spear thru the right arm wasn’t very nice…wow, I think that that is the first actual stab wound, or actual (technical) injury Luffy has gotten so far as he has been in the war. Looks pretty painful…

It would be important for 1) Hancock to not totally look like a traitor and 2) for someone who can wield fire to go up against Aokiji. Go Marco!

MR. SAN!!!!! Huh…hahaha! I didn’t know he went back here to hide out! Nice. I love this part for unknown, unexplainable reasons. After hanging out with Buggy for so long, I keep forgetting that he actually was quite a dangerous foe…he is Mr. 3 after all…well, it is true what they say: hanging around the stupid makes you stupid. It CAN rub off on you. Dang.

This part with the ship coming up was really awesome. I was with the Marines on this one; it really…haha, ‘blew me out of the water’. Nice. Well, it is kinda hard to forget a ship randomly rising from the seafloor as a secret last-minute trick, then having a Giga-Giant propel the whole ship and crew into the plaza. Tough beans. Still…I feel really bad for Oars. I don’t think he’s getting up this time…

Wow, a flying AND self-propelled ship. And they said the Great Age of Pirates wasn’t high technology!

When the canons are firing at the ship, I think that the animation for this huge scene is done really spectacularly. I mean, it is moving along well, and all of the motions are great. The detail is taken in well too. I really enjoyed this scene.

I love the music here; it somehow reminds me of the music from the movie Fern Gulley…weird, but oh well. It is really cool music. And…Sengoku is about to show his powers? How cool is this, the old-timers entering the fray!? But…so is Garp, so that is bad…


Ah, I won’t have one, since this post is so late. Again, apologies!

Swing by OnePieceOfficial.com again to see the latest and greatest One Piece episodes, especially when the action is getting so hot (ouch)! Later!

1 comment:

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