Saturday, November 27, 2010

One Piece More: Santa is Coming

So it is that time of year again. The time that I hate the most. The time of the year that I dread the most...The cold of winter!

The weather as of late was really nice though. It was around 70 to 80 degrees F which is very strange for November but it was nice because it wasn't cold. Then this morning it just gets cold! Went from what I think was nice warm weather to 40 degrees F. Just plain horrible and I hate it. Guess it is time to break out the blankets and such at night.


Secret Santa
By The One Piece at a Time Crew (Minus Sora)

Superneku: Christmas is a little less than a month away and you know what that means? Secret Santa time. Some of you may recall last Christmas when Mikey did a Secret Santa anime review in collaboration with the awesome guys at Reverse Thieves. Well this year, not only shall he be doing a special anime review but Sora and I shall also be doing one as well. Now of course since is not quite Christmas time yet, the reviews will not be done until then. But I will say one thing about mine, its well known to a lot of anime fans but to me, it’s a fresh look and really shows how anime can be determined as visual art in general. So look forward to that until then. Also I MIGHT have a special surprise One Piece related review out before 2010 bows out but we shall see ;).

Mikey: Yes! Just as Superneku said, The One Piece at a Time Crew will be taking part in the Secret Santa project hosted by the good people at Reverse Thieves. Unlike Neku, I won't be as secretive about my Secret Santa pick which is Baccano. Some of my other choices were Samurai Champoo and Kaiba. I already watch the Samurai Champoo and Kaiba didn't really interest me so I choose Baccano because I heard it was good. Currently I am over half way done with it and planning to finish it off next week. The show is good but there are some...umm....ugly to it. Stay tune and follow my progress on the blog's twitter.

Villain Poll Results
by Mikey
So since the last time More post, there was a poll put up asking for your favorite villain. The poll though I just notice seem to be missing a few important villains such as Blackbeard though there was a lot. Hope nobody sore about Blackbeard being missing on the list. The poll had an impressive 300 plus votes for it which is really cool. Glad that everybody came to support their favorite villain.

So it seems like I am not alone in supporting Crocodile in his voyage of conquest. haha Then again he is pretty damn cool as seen in recent episodes. Crocodile is such a sly sand gator. Personally I was surprise with all the support for Smoker. Didn't know that so many people liked him and for a while he was really close to surpass Crocodile. Though in the end Crocodile kept his lead and shot pass Smoker.

One Piece Meet Up in Dallas
by Mikey
Currently plans are being made to have a One Piece meet up in the (not so great) city of Dallas from January 2nd to the 8th! The event is being hosted by the One Piece Podcast with some help from myself. I am making plans to be there for a few days to meet up with the One Piece Podcast and maybe together with who knows who will have a huge One Piece thing going on. No plans have been announce right now but expect something.

If you can then I suggest any One Piece fan in the Dallas, San Antonio, Houston and other places nearby to come up and have some fun. Maybe eat, drink and other things. Have the chance to go then shoot me an email at OnePieceAtATimeBlog (At) or post a comment.

One Piece Merch Alert
by Mikey
Recently Funimation just announce that they got a whole bunch of new merchandise and some of it includes some cool One Piece merch! Funimation surely loves their One Piece since the guy in the announcement video was proudly hanging a One Piece wallscroll in the background.

Some of the One Piece merch that you can see hitting the streets, the internet, and cons includes the magnets, patch and hat as seen above. All looks good and all is something that myself and surely more would want. Cosplayers I know would really want a nice Luffy hat since it isn't easy finding a nice straw hat. I should know since I regularly cosplay Luffy. Also in personal experience I know it is really hard to find a straw hat during the winter.

Are you going to buy any of the One Piece merchandise that Funi will soon release? Let me know in the poll! Also if you do buy some of the stuff that they just shown then send us a picture to OnePieceAtATimeBlog (At) I would love to see it. Maybe you could get something if Mikey feels like doing a random drawing! (hint hint). Get featured on the blog? (Hint hint).

You can buy the stuff feature in the video (which can be seen below) here and also don't forget to buy some One Piece DVDs. Heard that One Piece DVDs are cheap right now (hint hint). Good way to show support (hint hint! haha).

Blog Rollin
by Mikey
Currently these sites featured won't be under the Blog Rollin section of the site due to me not having my tools but just wanted to make sure I tell you about some cool sites that will be there soon.

Pokemon Elite 2000
Before I was a One Piece fan, I was a Pokemon fan. PE2K is a Pokemon site that also have cool forums. The site provides Pokemon news and lots of fun things throughout the week and was one of the first sites to report on the news of the new English names for the Pokemon Black and White games. If anything just follow the site because sometimes Mikey will report something on that site because he has been asked to be a contributor there. Maybe you will can also find him on their forums. haha

Jaded Papa Robo's Blog
A new blog that has came up on the internet. Jaded is an anime fan that just wants to talk about anime and a support of One Piece. So got to give the bro some support. One Piece fans do have to stick together.

Dragon Hub
Some people that been following One Piece at a Time may remember DragonPiece from along ago. Now DragonPiece has a new blog where he talks about anything animation. So if you like US animation or anime then feel free to take a look at his blog.

I am sure that some people love winter and to those I like to say that you guys are brave people. It can be beautiful and that is good.

Stay strong people and remember to catch the latest One Piece episodes on where they are the first the have them up with English subtitles! The season of giving is coming so that is also something to look forward too. For now I leave you guys with this awesome video.

Have a great weekend and week!

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