Saturday, September 24, 2011

Manga: Chapter 640 (SPOILERS!)

SKULL JOOOOOOOKE time with One Piece! Buy it from Viz and JManga today!

We dive right back into the action this week as the chaos continues under the sea. The chapter begins with a view of Sanji fighting Wadatsumi, and Nami fighting off the enemies with her new Sorcery Climatact, as she unleashes a barrage of lightning clouds and attacks them with "Lion Rod"! We're only on page 2 and we already have a bad ass moment. Nice!

The scorched pirates anger Ikaros, so he and Zeo plan to attack Nami through having Zeo turn invisible and grab her legs, while Ikaros comes in for the kill. This almost works because Nami was caught off guard. She is, however, saved by Brook who rushes to her rescue, (Albeit accidently because he wanted to see her panties again, as usual.  Standards people! :D) Ikaros stabs Brook with the squid spear to suck up the moisture from his body, but you can't suck up the moisture of a skeleton can you? Naturally, Ikaros is confused which leaves time for General Franky to deliver an epic punch, which means they're going to fight! Moving the spotlight back to Brook, unbeknownst to him he's stepping on the face of the invisible Zeo until he slowly materializes, which means we have another fight . Interesting pair ups so far.
Usopp gains 100 EXP! Usopp leveled up to Lv 10!

Daruma, the little annoying shark, continues to dig underground searching for Chopper, while Dosun notices that Usopp is defenseless and prepares to attack him from behind. While this occurs, Usopp tells Chopper to come out. Chopper smells Dosun and tells Usopp to duck. Chopper then attacks Dosun with "Horn Cannon Elf" while Usopp attacks Daruma with Skull Exploding Grass, damn. The two clearly learned from experience. With this attack, the fights for both Usopp and Chopper are now set.

Meanwhile, Zoro continues his fight against the steroid enhanced/drunken Hyouzo. While this occurs, people are receiving medical treatment and children ask Madam Shirley if the island is really going to be destroyed, but she says nothing.  Above the island, Hody mocks Luffy's ambition to protect everything and he attacks Ryuuboshi explaining that he wanted to destroy the island anyway so that is why he killed Van Der Decken. Luffy understands his plan and tells Fukaboshi to take him to Shirahoshi, she tries to divert Noah by going away from the island. Luffy does not pursue because Decken is alive due to Noah’s continued rise in the water and Noah starts moving away from the island bubble. Decken rises from the bubble inside Noah and says he'll never forgive Hody, when he suddenly foams at the mouth and collapses. I don't know exactly what happened but he may actually be dead this time. The chapter ends with Noah falling towards the island, andHody proclaims victory while Luffy and the others gaze in shock.
Well...we are boned....maybe

So what did I think of this chapter? We certainly got no shortage of action this week as the fights have been decided for nearly all of the Straw Hats, not to mention the peril above Fishman Island. So the questions we have to ask now; how will the Straw Hats fare against the New Fishman Pirates? Will Luffy be able to stop Hody? Is this really the end for Fishman Island? Well once again, we won't find out until after a week's break but have no fear as the cliffhanger should be resolved soon. Until then, catch up with the current chapters, buy Viz Media's new volume 58, buy Shonen Jump, watch the anime, unlimited rice pudding et cetera et cetera!

Written by: SuperNeku
Edited by: Dsaftler