Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Manga: No New Chapter

Jimbei is going to get serious! You should too. Buy Viz's One Piece or read at JManga!
One Piece is on break this week because perhaps, Oda's (hot) wife wants him to take a break. So while One Piece fans suffer without their weekly fix, Oda is going to be at home with his (hot) wife and kids.

This is of course, not true. Oda is one of the hardest working men in manga and it is common knowledge that the guy works at home. Oda's (hot) wife may have suggested a break but there is no way to tell. It is still fun imagining she did though. haha

The action is picking up as the important fights are finally set. I was completely wrong two weeks ago predicting that each of the majority of the New Fishman Pirates commanders would fight a pair of Straw Hats. Instead they are all in one on one fights excepting Nami and Robin from the action. That is my only complaint about the last few chapters.

 I am guessing this isn't the best image for this topic. I blame Sanji.

The chapters that have come since the last break have been excellent. I am disappointed that both Nami and Robin will not fight a New Fishman Pirate commander. Instead they were used to set up fights for the other Straw Hats. Robin was attacked by Hyouzou. This then lead to a confrontation with Zoro for the octopus swordsfishman. Ikaros and Zeo both attacked Nami but now they are in a fight against Franky and Brook.

We all know that Robin and Nami can stand on their own feet in a fight. Robin may not have had any big battles by herself, but two years of training should at least give her rights to a big fight. Nami on the other hand has taken out big names in  villainous organizations such as Ms. Doublefinger and Kalifa. This isn't Naruto where the girls get pushed to the side while the guys get all the glory. That is why makes some fans criticize Naruto while lauding One Piece.

Hopefully Oda has a plan for Robin and Nami. There are no other important Fishmen to fight so maybe one of them will be lucky to fight Hammond. Speaking of whom, where did he go? A possible two against one fight with Caribou could be possible; another character that has disappeared from the scene, though we know his plans. Oda doesn't disappoint and I hope he doesn't here. I would love to see more of what Nami can do because I enjoy seeing what weather mischief she can pull in a battle.

Something awesome is coming in the next couple weeks as the important battles are now underway. Meanwhile, Noah is falling towards Fishman Island with Luffy, Hody and Neptune's children not far behind. Will Hody's unorganized plan to destroy and/or rule Ryugyu Kingdom happen or will Luffy and his crew put a stop to it? We will find out once Oda gets back from his week off with his (hot) wife and children.

Question: Does anybody understands Hody's plan? He wants to rule Fishman Island and kill the kings of the world at the Reverie but has no problem destroying Fishman Island. The very place he wants to rule over. Anybody wants to attempt to explain what is going on?

Maybe Oda's (hot) wife knows.


  1. The plan is for Hody to become the new King of Fishman Island. As king, he will use his status to go to Reverie and slaughter all of the world leaders to spread fear in the Fishman species. (This assumes that Fishman Island is officially part of the Reverie again which is the only part that confuses me since I think Fisher Tiger's actions took them off the list but wasn't sure if they ever went to future Reverie events when Jinbe became a Warlord or anytime after)

    Problem is Luffy and his pirate crew are a much bigger threat than Hody imagined, so he's planning on popping the bubble in order to kill the Straw Hats. He doesn't mind sacrificing his minions since he could always get more. And since he doesn't see Neptune or his family as threats any more to the crown, so he is essentially ruler of Fishman Island, so he's just going to rebuild his kingdom full of only his loyal followers, and either killing off or banishing any loyal to Otohime's ideals.

    Killing the Queen was to prevent good relations between humans and fishmen (plus Hody found her a burden to his plans).

  2. I'm not sure if you had heard about Oda's author comment in last week's Jump, but he actually did have to take a break because of his wife, namely having to take her to the doctor. Hopefully, she's well enough.

  3. @Anonymous
    That does makes sense. I was thinking something like that myself but wasn't sure. In a way it is counterproductive but it can also works. Another idea I was thinking is that the World Government may not even know or will know what is happening at Fishman Island until months later due to them being so far down.

    I didn't hear about Oda's author comment from last week. I hope that all is well with his wife and a fast recovery.
