Friday, September 6, 2013

Manga: Chapter 718 (SPOILERS)

Do you know what is super? Reading One Piece on Weekly Shonen Jump!
Kaidou's henchmen holds the old lady hostage. (Coverstory)

Robin, Usopp and the Tontatta forces head towards the Flower Field.

Franky meets up with Zoro at the Flower Field with the Tontatta forces.

Nami, Brook and Chopper struggle against Giolla off the coast of Dressrosa.

Law tells Nami to bring the Sunny to Greenbit as he fights against Doflamingo.

Luffy continues his match against Chin Jao.


This chapter had a lot going on inside. Usually I would be complaining that there was too much in it but it all followed quite nicely. I think it has something to do with the people at the Flower Field being a good pivot point. Everybody is heading there and there are monitors there that helped smooth things over like in the last scene where we were left off with Luffy fighting against Chin Jao.

 Damnit Oda! Can we finally see Nami do something cool with Climate Baton?

I am disappointed that we did not get to see Nami and team fight against Giolla. Even in their alternated states, it looks like they were able to put up a fight against the Art Art Woman, Giolla. Why is Oda avoiding to show Nami doing anything that looks like a serious battle? It is bad enough that the time you spent on her this chapter involved her doing a fail attack on Giolla. A failed attempted that resulted in her only weapon being made useless but then you taunt us with a sunken submarine that we can only guess was the result of a combined effort of Brook, Chopper and Nami.

Giolla looked much better in color. The woman looks rather plain in black and white. I guess art simply comes out better in color and Giolla is pretty artistic. I almost didn't recognize her at first. It is interesting to note that she isn't the one making the toys.

There wasn't much going on in this chapter and all it accomplish was slowly bring things together to one location. I doubt Team Nami will be going to the Flower Field anytime soon but it looks like things will calm down soon enough after the fights are done. Maybe then we can get some answers.

I guess the main purpose of this chapter was to get the readers caught up on what was going on because it has been a while since we last saw some of these characters. We had a two week break as well so Oda wanted us to remember what was going on while moving things along. That would explain why we kept jumping around.

Also, it would help if I didn't wait two weeks to review a chapter.

Until next time true believers! 

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