Saturday, January 23, 2010

One Piece More: Moe Sells (Not So Good in Winter)

As far as I know, this is as 'moe' as One Piece gets. Chopper is just a way to sell cute things when it comes to One Piece and is pretty damn cute. I am sure there are better things in One Piece that could be consider 'moe' and maybe I have the whole meaning of moe all wrong. Still I think this is cute enough don't you think?

Still what is moe? Is it something cute? Something loveable? Some person from the Simpsons? Something you eat? Well whatever moe is, I hope it is something good.

Still I think that is enough about moe. So how about we get into the More.

Winter Break
Incase you don't know, I am a college student. A busy college student who is a senior but going to stay in school for a bit longer because he loves school so much! haha Still that is something that I could go on forever and surely be heard again in another More post. The thing is that some time around mid December I get something called a break. A time period where I don't do anything which includes school work. I just sit down at home and find myself bored because my professors aren't coming to teach class and the doors to the buildings are locked.

So each time during the small moment of time that is called Winter Break. I try to tell myself that I will do things just to past the time. Let see what was on the list that I had for this year's break.

Finish watching Haruhi Season 2
Finish watching Toradora!
Watch It's Student Council Judgement

Finish Hatenkou Yugi and do the Secret Santa post
Do post on Top 5 One Piece things of 09
Learn Photoshop
Learn how to make banners
Make banners for the blog
Rearrange my room

Get a girlfriend

Well that was my list of things to do. Some of those things you can see some of those things I actually did. If you look on the side where the Blog Rollin section is, there are banners to the different sites that I follow and recommend you guys to go to. Those lovely banners I made myself after getting the ropes of Photoshop. Simple banners I know but they look nice. I also as you can see did the blog post that I wanted to do including the Secret Santa and Top 5 of One Piece 09.

Things that I didn't do is make a banner for the blog's title. I couldn't figure out what I wanted to do and by th time I did it was end of the break. That will be done for another weekend I hope. I didn't finish up Toradora but I got a few episodes watched. I am now three episodes away from finishing it. I am not sure if I am going to watch the SOS episodes. Depends on how the last few episodes get to me. Then is getting there. Some for It's Student Council Judgement. Not that I got any distance on that but I am trying. I didn't rearrange my room and don't get me started on the girlfriend part....

Still overall I got to say it was a good break. I am now back at school and enjoying handing out wads of cash to an institute that is going to cause me stress and pain but it is all okay! Because I have wonderful friends and I am already insane! haha I mean come on. I started this blog right? haha Still I am looking forward to this school year since a really big class will be completed this semester and then there are the weekly One Piece episode that will help fuel me! So I am going into this with smiles!

Winter Anime
So for the first time ever in my anime watching lifespan, I realize there is such a thing called Winter Anime. As in anime that premiere in the winter time. Beyond me but it is true. So I decided that I was going to try to watch some of the new anime that comes out this season and see if I could pick up anything new so I won't just be watching Shugo Chara! Party! and One Piece. Also my friend was watching some of the new anime for the university's anime club and I thought it be cool to help her out and watch some too in order to see what we thought of each one. So we pick a few that we were both willing to watch and decided to talk about what we thought of them.

This isn't an anime blog but meh. I think this is a good talking point and better then digging though old tweets on Twitter.

Sora No Woto

First thoughts (besides what was typed above) was that this was K-on! in the military. After awhile I saw that it wasn't. Similarities are there but really this show is a more then that. It is moe alright but the show itself was a bit serious. I wish I could take this show serious though but it was hard to do when your animation style looks just like K-on!'s. I am not sure why they did that. Maybe the animators wanted to send a message about moe can be serious? I don't know.

Then the scenery! Boy was it pretty! The sunset was nice and all that jazz. Still the show is kind of boring...Well mostly it is. Nothing really happen and I kind of got mad at the main character  for abusing her horn. Still nothing much happen. Still after two episodes I decided that it be best to not watch anymore and that if a war does ever happen in this show that these girls would be screwed.

It was a pretty show and would like to watch but I think I pass on this one.

Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Well this took a while to get into I have to admit. The first episode was a bit slow and the main character is even more slower. haha Another show that pissed me off a bit since I hate things like class systems in schools since it is so unrealistic. Still I got passed that and enjoyed the humor of the show. The first episode  felt like an RPG game with how the battles were conducted. After awhile as I got into the second episode I found it fitting.

Also the fact that one of the guys in the show looks like a girl got me laughing. haha I can never take that character serious for the remainder of the series now. haha I think I will keep this one since the second episode's ending caught me by surprise.

Dance in the Vampire Bund
The first episode was very interesting. It was set up as one of those round  table shows then ended to where the story starts. Then after that I stop watching. My friend told me that in the next episode the main character (Look in image above) was showing too much of her loli body that maybe a person like me shouldn't see. So I decide to drop it. I want to pick it up later but maybe it be best to not pick up this one till later when I have a bit more time.Still one thing that I like to say about this show is that it is like Death Note with vampires. haha

Now this show I was looking forward to watch. It sounded and looked very interesting. I am for sure going to try to watch this one. The first episode was interesting and funny while the second was just amazing and well played out. I have no idea what is going on here in this show but I am liking what I am seeing. I am getting cool beats from the opening and ending. Two things I am liking from this show is that the recap of the last episode happen during the opening (or that how it happen in the second episode and I haven't watched the thirt) and that I am getting an actual preview unlike the other Winter Anime shows I been seeing.

So I am hoping for a good catch in DURARARARARARARA!

Hidamari Sketch x Hoshimittsu
I was so hoping I could like this one but I don't think I can get truly behind it. The first episode wasn't getting me and really it felt like Lucky Star in an art school. I never actually seen Lucky Star but I know that Lucky Star is mostly about a group of high school girls doing random things. Or that is what I know. This show felt the same and the I just wasn't liking it. Also seeing that the video cut short for me in the last five minutes and I still haven't bother to finish it means that I am not that into it. Oh well.

So overall I think I enjoyed doing this type of thing. Well I enjoyed the good shows that where in this  batch. Thought I think one thing that I got coming out of this experience that I am burnt out on anything moe after watching K-on! The other stuff like Durarara and Baka to Test I am going to try to keep on watching but who knows. The school semester is young!

One Piece Season 2, 5th Voyage
So we are finally here. Where everything goes down and a lone group of pirates stand before a country at war.

This is the situation where our favorite band of pirates find themselves in. The DVD set lands us right where Luffy and Vivi are in a fight to decide what to do which leads our heroes to the HQ of Crocodile at Rainbase. After being capture along with Smoker, the crew finally meets Crocodile and with some smart thinking are able to escape. Still the long hook of Croc goes after Vivi but Luffy takes the chance to go head to head against the sand crocodile. Luffy doesn't succeed in the battle but it buys time for the rest of the StrawHats to get to Alaburna where the civil war between the Royal Army and Rebels erupt with help from the Officer Agents of Baroque Works. Showsdown are happening as Usopp and Chopper goes against Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 in a deadly game of baseball and wack-a-mole. Elsewhere Sanji is in a performance of a lifetime against Mr. 2. By the time the DVD ends we see Crocodile floating over Vivi as he pushes his plan to gain the Alabasta castle.

This is where the awesome starts. After watching everything that these guys goes though we finally get to where this show gains its stripes. I admit that to me the first few episodes are a bit slow but once things start to go south for the StrawHats is when things get interesting. Still like good One Piece style, things are going to be funny the whole way.

Though there are two things that made this DVD for me. The first one was that we get to hear Crocodile and this guy is my favorite One Piece villain ever. I am sure you guys know how much I love this guy and the VA for Croc is perfect in my ears. Then the thing that was the icing on the cake was watching the Chopper and Usopp Vs. Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4. This is one of my favorite fights in the Alabasta Arc. I love the action that we get here and even though I have seen this fight too many times. It is bliss to me. Usopp's speech about standing up for your friend's dreams get me every time. Seeing Usopp have dead as he stands there from the team attack of Miss Merry Christmas and Mr. 4 was just amazing. It was this moment here that made me fall in love with Usopp and know that this guy was on par with Sanji and Zoro.

This DVD also have some awesome extras to it. You get commentary with Wendy (Miss Merry Christmas) and Sonny (Usopp) along with Jason Grundy. Some good talk there. Then we get the trailer for the next set and it looks awesome! I have seen this trailer like ten times already and each time I get goosebumps from watching it. Just look below to get a peak of the trailer. Good stuff in that trailer with the music and what Luffy says. Awesome.

I know I say this all the time but if you haven't gotten this DVD and live in the US then go out and get it! Top stuff right here.

Blog Rollin
Well I added a new website that I recommend to follow. A must for any One Piece fan. It is the Pirate Summit! The site is a good place to look for when you want all your One Piece in one place. Quick and fast. If you are a pokemon fan and familiar with the site. then this is the One Piece equal. So just go over there and give it a look see.

And in a few months I will be doing this very same too when the school semester ends. haha Still for now I guess I should make the best of it and move on! I suggest that you all do the same too! Also in March we will get the ending of the Alabasta Arc on DVD. School may be starting soon but I am pump for it because I have One Piece to take me all the way!

So we see everybody next week and remember that rumors are that there is no manga this week but the Shonen Jump will be out soon! Also the One Piece Manga SPEED UP volumes 30-34 will be coming up soon so save up money! Till then just keep an eye out for the Anime post and have a good time!

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