Sunday, February 20, 2011

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 488

This episode is way too serious (and Great) to make a fun joke here today…you must go straight to to see it for yourself, as Coby is…

First Thoughts

First I must do this: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!~ In awesomeness. Second, I must note that for once (maybe the first time…) I, Sora, am extremely ON TIME. Yes…That is just the thrill I got from watching (and being able to comment on) this fabulous episode. Gods, it is extremely epic. Easily just as epic as last week’s episode. Coby totally OWNED this episode. Good for him, standing up like that. He should do that more often, but then again, he would totally die a lot earlier then...

I now know why this episode was so highly regarded when the chapter came out. Wow. The awesomeness never stops. Not ONCE during the duration of the episode does the action vary. Of course, it does help that there were so many surprising things occurring, like the appearances of so many allies and the sudden actions of a few individuals. As awesome as last week’s episode was (which was easily x10 better than normal), this episode is easily x3 as good as that.

So…I kinda liked it. Haha, I certainly took more pics for this episode than I have in weeks, that is for sure.

Trafalgar Law has appeared to save Luffy’s and Jimbei’s lives, but Akainu won’t stand for it. Kizaru steps in as well as the Marine’s fire cannons at the airborne (unconscious) Jimbei and Luffy, held by a confused Buggy.

When Garp steps into help Sengoku hold back the rogue pirates, Blackbeard’s Tremor-Tremor powers cause Marineford and the surrounding seas to be turned into a distorted landscape, and then results in massive tsunamis which threaten Shabondy Archipelago. The Whitebeards are sacrificing their lives to hold off a determined Akainu from killing Luffy in the meantime.

Coby has a mysterious mental meltdown on the battlefield, which erupts into a huge issue once he screams his feelings to Akainu in order to stop the unnecessary slaughter. Stepping out in-front of the Admiral to defend the losing pirates, Coby spreads his arms wide, his outburst halting the entire battlefield, even Sengoku’s and Blackbeard’s fight, all stop to listen to his cry from the heart. Sakazuki prepares to silence the “unjust” Marine but is stopped by the sudden actions of “Red-Hair” Shanks, who stops Akainu and Kizaru long enough to get Luffy to the safety of Law’s submarine.

Ahhhh! Buggy is being ridiculous! Why must he choose now to be his usual self? Oh well, his line is hilarious anyway. He does have a great point, what kind of doctor does carry around a sword? Ugg…but why does Buggy have to choose now of all times to be stupid? I mean, he has actually gotten a few ‘intelligent’ points so far in this arc, but why does he have to be stupid Now, when all he has to do is bring Luffy and Jimbei over to Law? Oh Buggy…

It’s Law, Law is AWESOME!!! …haha, yes, I hope I have already established by this point that Law is obviously my favorite Supernova. Hahaha, well, I cannot help it. He is just that awesome, and especially after this. Heck, I loved him Way before I knew this was coming. Him showing up here as an ally just makes me love him That much more. Oh yeah.

Haha, this makes it really hard for me not to just take a million screen pics of his face during this episode. He is so serious, and awesome, and worried, and awesome…did I mention awesome?

The Whitebeard’s determination to protect Luffy is really great. Who knew that they could be this steadfast, hm? It is extremely touching, not to mention great plot points.

These Marines…they are going a bit far, don’t you think? The ones on the ground, I mean. Sengoku is cruising just fine, dishing out attacks to match Blackbeard.

Still, the question remains: Just what the Heck is wrong with Coby?

Now, back into other matters. Namely, big, brute, Blackbeard-y matters.

Nice. Blackbeard stopped Sengoku’s shockwave with a tremor-punch. Scary…but, hey! Garp has re-joined the fight! Oh…poor Garp. He has suffered so much (internally) throughout this…

Oh gods, Blackbeard is doing that one move of Whitebeard’s, but darn it all, I can’t remember precisely which one it was…was it that one where the seas went all topsy-turvy? Jeez…I can’t remember…but darn it, it is super dangerous…

Ug, Buggy! This is really not the time to be doing this! Come on and just give them to Law already, you imbecile!

Oh man, the cannons, they have all cannons aimed right at Law…darn it, darn it! They need another miracle right now. And, as the world learned only a short time ago, miracles do not just come when needed anymore. The rules have changed, who knows when people will get miracle saves or…if they will just perish. Playing a game without knowing the rules is no way to play at all…

Tremor in the Seas…

Oh jeez, it’s that really strong one when he flipped the seas and the island all around…gods! But, it actually aided Luffy and the Law’s crew, so that was an unforeseen twist.

When you see such huge ships, on both sides, go down in tremors like this…it really gives you a depth of the amount of losses and deaths here in this battle. You have to remember that this isn’t just a fight, it is a full-scale war. A “take no prisoners” type of attack as well, the bloodiest and most brutal sort. The amount of people lost today…staggering. Terrifying. I have good reason to be a pacifist, no one can deny me that right, especially after finishing this arc.

Uughck. Disgusting…Blackbeard is just entranced with all of this…power. I am just shuddering at this sight, and he…laughs? Gods, what a barbaric being.

Oh Coby…! I am really freaked out now, and extremely worried for the kid…

I am very worried that Blackbeard isn’t in complete control of his powers yet, but I am more lenient on the fact that he acknowledges this handicap instead of lording over everything yet. Garp is absolutely right about Whitebeard, however. I agree whole-heartedly.

Now the effect of that has triggered a massive tsunami reaching Shabondy…this is insane. Just insane…

Oh gods, now the Pacifistas are on the move again? This is really getting out of hand…the violence is really staggering…

This is awful…just extermination…

Oh Coby…I am so sad…really, this part made me feel so incredibly sad…worse than I’ve felt in a long while, mainly because I did not know this was to occur…oh Coby…Gods…

The violence he is hearing…all of that bloodshed and death…when you think about it from a “real” point of view, it is horrifying…disgusting…dreadful. Really. Being in Coby’s shoes, were I there, I can see how he sees things, Especially when you consider his own personal reasons for joining the Marines. He has such a natural instinct to do good and be nice to everyone…it worries me greatly, as he hasn’t proved that he is strong enough to survive yet. It worries me…

Coby sees this, although, truth be told, I’m not quite sure what he is seeing yet…but I knew he was special. I still don’t know the reason yet…voices? Hm…maybe a power, or maybe just he is really sensitive that way…or maybe, he is like Gol D. Roger, who “could hear the Voice of all things”. But, I’m not sure. Just speculation.

“We’ll teach them, we’ll be the ones to conquer the world, not the pirates!” ~is this Really what people who govern the world really should be saying, at all? This is…disgusting. Terrifying, a thousand more choice words I could use to describe the horrific things going on now. Goading Marines on to fight just to ‘clean up’…pitiful.

Huh? Coby! Where is he going!? Oh no…please please Please don’t do anything foolish, Coby…

Oi, it’s Tashigi…oh man…that downed Marine…so many people are fighting, they don’t even Care about their fallen comrades anymore? Oh no…

These Marines are really scaring me. For once…Sengoku is not the scariest Marine on the field. The Commanders and ‘normal’ guys are. I mean, just look at their bloodlust…they are just exterminating the pirates, which is a basic normal thing for them to do, but at what cost? Once someone gets to the point that they would sacrifice their comrades, all of their comrades, just to keep killing/destroying the enemy…that is the point where they have just gone too far. The Marines have, by this stage, just decimated them {Roman generals used to do this to inspire their soldiers to work hard: they would select one perfectly random man for every 10 men and kill them. Decimate literally means to “kill one-in-ten”}. This is terrifying; they have lost the “just” attribute to their work and have degraded into pure annihilation of their foes, making them just as bad, if not worse yet, as their enemies.

Even Smoker can see that this isn’t right…the fearsome Marine with a history of pursuing pirates at all costs…

Oh Coby…when people like Him get to this stage, this hopeless, terrified, unsure stage…there is no telling what they will do next. Although…I fear that it shall be something undoubtedly fool-hearty. But…something very “Luffy-worth”. Coby…(watches in a pained, distant manner)

Oh no…now he’s even had a flashback of when he first joined the Marines, with Luffy by his side as inspiration…wow…this is really something…the honor and justice he wanted to uphold…this is not it. This…”Justice”…is it even worth it? This isn’t what he wanted, this is nothing like he wanted, not ever…

Oh no! The melon-headed guy…no! He is really cool…

This is sick, just sick. I am actually getting sick just re-watching these scenes play out. Gods…how can anyone do this?

Ah, Coby tripped…over a body…oohh…and…oh no…that, really innosent, childhood-sad music…oh…

Oh Coby…

Buggy! Oh jeez, Buggy is actually in a rather serious predicament, with Kizaru DIRECTLY Shooting at him…Finally, he realizes that he needs to drop Luffy and Jimbei. Although for a “save my own skin” reason, I have to admire the red-nose a bit. He Did want to protect Jimbei and Luffy for a bit, that is why he held onto them after Law was demanding he put them down…so I will do this for Buggy: awww…(okay, moment over now. Back to being annoyed with Buggy)

I have to take a private moment for a moment. Excuse me: (Law is SOOOOO extremely awesome…hehehehe hehehe hehee…yes.) Okay, I could not help myself. Even while Kizaru is being a Beep, still Law is totally cool.

COBY?! What the HECK are you doing!?!?

Oh…Coby…gods…he got everyone, and I mean Everyone…at a standstill…

Although I believe he is making himself look like a fool (as I surmised) and that, knowing Akainu’s track record of dealing with “un-just” Marines, that he is totally going to be wasted by the magma-user…Coby is really, really…courageous right now. He is standing up, facing an Admiral, and screaming out what is inside his heart. He looks like a fool, but…he is really brave right now. Luffy would be so extremely proud.

And…Coby is absolutely right. With everything he said. Gods, it is actually making my heart ache…wow…that is really impressive, how steadfast and serious the kid is right now…

Aw, and Garp freaked out!

Oh man, Coby is dead, he is so so so dead….

?!!?! A sword…but who…it must be one of the pirates! Who, WHO!?

AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! It’s Shanks!! Shanks came finally!! Gods, he SAVED COBY!!! AWESOME!!!

Ooh, was that a stroke of Fear that flashed across Sakazuki’s face there? Nice. Aw, and I think Coby was knocked unconscious. I doubt he will know that one of the four Pirate Emperors saved him then…darn.

Shanks has brought a whole new level of Awesome onto the playing field. Oh yeah.

Ah! It’s Ben Beckman! Awesome! Of course, I can see now exactly why I dislike Kizaru. I hate these little ‘games’ he thinks life is about. Beep Kizaru…

Finally, someone thought to save the hat. And of course, it would have to be the predecessor of the hat, Shanks himself. I love the line he gives at the end. It is very great.

An astounding episode to the very last breath, nothing was rotten at all in this episode. I am extremely proud to have been able to write about it, as well as to have seen it.

*Insert Image here*
No image for preview due to can't find a good source for the preview

Looks like we are finally going to end this epic war. Shanks is on the battlefield and he looks pretty upset. Everybody looks surprise. It is going to be interesting what this red headed pirate has in mind to stop this war.

Still if anything we need to worry about the faith of Law and his men. Luffy is on Law's ship and it seem like some people don't like that. A rain of lights is going to happen so Law is going have to be careful. Still we won't know what will happen until March 6th since there is no new One Piece next week.

Next Episode: Enter Shanks! The Ultimate War Ends at Last.

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