Monday, July 11, 2011

Anime: Post Marineford Arc- Episode 506

Yup. It is Franky. Doin’ his Franky-thing~GREAT. Back to his Cola-powered self at Be there.
First Thoughts
Well, my first thought was WOAH. My second was OH WOW. Yup, I am so sophisticated with my vocabulary. But still, I didn't know what to expect for the episode. I never did get to hear about the crew's reactions to this news, and it certainly was interesting, to say the very least. Also adding in a bit more on what went down on each of their islands was really useful information as well. I was appreciative of that part. Of course, I do believe that my absolute favorite part was at the very end, the last few seconds. It completely different than the feel of the rest of the episode. Of course, Zoro's reaction was my favorite of all the Strawhats. Seeing them all get the news in a different manner was really excellent; it was different and cool, a good combination of spontanious-ness and normal news-bird delivery...hahaha~
Each of the crew is re-visited on their separate islands, Zoro being first. The mysterious figures that had attacked them earlier are revealed to be giant human-like baboons, which quickly wear the still-injured swordsman down on the battlefield while Perona floats above watching in horror. Suddenly the baboons freeze and scatter at the approaching footsteps of a stranger, who is revealed to be none other than Dracule "Hawk-Eye" Mihawk, bringing news from the war-front (of course, which Zoro and Perona know absolutely Nothing about).

Next Chopper is visited, captured by the human tribe of the island and about to be boiled in their cooking-pot. He convinces them he is Not a tanuki (a racoon), and they tell him about the huge problem the giant birds pose on their civilization. Without medical herbs from the rock structure-like mountain, several villagers will perish. Chopper struggles to get the birds to listen to the humans, and for the humans to trust the birds, until the baby Cheeper Chopper saved earlier swoops in on its parent and gets the parent to convince the birds to help Chopper. The whole island is now united: birds and humans acting friendly towards the other species. Chopper notices a mail-bird and flags it over, enabling him to look at the latest world news.

Short segments of Nami, Usopp, Sanji, Robin, Franky, and Brooke are shown on their individual islands, but all show at each segment's end where the pirate has recieved a form of current news.

Noting the reactions of each crewmember, each crewmember has the same question flash urgently through their minds simultaniously: "What about Luffy?" As he is thought of the screen cuts to an image of him silent, on his knees, in bandages, with his back to the screen, staring at the sky.
So here I am, about a minute into the episode (when they were doing the short flashback to last episode and covering that went on there, and I think to myself: gee, what am I forgetting? And then I remember: I still hadn’t seen the last half of episode 505. Wow. That was lame of me to forget. So I go and watch the whole episode real quickly (because the first half was just That great) and I realize that it was Phenomenal~ Yup.
Dang, I missed a great episode last weekend. That was one heck of a wonderful episode! I have to pout later that I missed out on reviewing for it~ But anyway, let’s see how this episode turns out then…(after all, I only have So many spoilers past this point, now that my ready-source of horrid spoilers isn’t telling me them anymore. Hehehe.
I (unfortunately) do have spoilers for a few Strawhats…like Zoro, Sanji, Chopper, Brooke, and Franky. I have major spoilers for those guys. I only know a little about what happens to Nami, Robin, and Usopp, which is good. But I do not know major points, just minor details (that are extensive), so I am happy to still have some surprises. Yay!!
I just want to know two things about this Gloom Island that Zoro and Perona are stuck on:
1) What the heck happened to Muggy Kingdom and
2) what is up with the Sasquatches of Doom?!
Oh, I see. They aren’t Sasquatches. It is worse: they are…Baboons. In armor. With freakin’ swords.
Woah! That baboon was Fast! Scary…but hey, I bet they were either discussing:
A) “Yeah, I want to beat up the funky green-haired human!”
B) “No, I get to eat the human’s flesh to gain his human strength! (a shamless Princess Mononoke reference)
Or C) “Whoever beats up this human dude gets the floating chick (as a dessert option or a girlfriend)!”
Ah, me and my wonderful ideas about baboon language.
Dang…these monkeys mean business…they are really scary…and watching Zoro fight them is Awesome, to be sure, but still…he isn’t gonna do so hot in his injured condition like this. Still, the way this was shot (camera angle wise) is really well done. I like it.
Perona is being annoying, just…floating there, not doing anything to help Zoro out! Of course, she is probably in shock and still not used to them being comrades…but still. Eh.
Oh gods, Zoro…that looks like a really serious hit…I guess that is what it literally means to have your back against a wall…gods…Dang, this looks bad. I wonder what Zoro will do now-

Wait…footsteps? And that look of terror on the baboon’s faces…yes! Haha, the first occurrence is about to happen! I totally know who it is, haha!
Dang, even from his long-distance silhouette I can totally easily tell that that is Dracule “Hawk-eye” Mihawk. He must be some pretty serious chiz to make those monkeys That terrified of him…
Woah. Woah. Woah. I am such an idiot. I just realized the huge significance of this meeting. I am an idiot: I have known this spoiler for well over 3 months, but I haven’t even taken into account how serious this meeting is between the two again. I mean, the last time they saw each other, Zoro was so inexperienced (you know, compared to his current level, at least). This is Huge! Awesome~
Ooh! Now onto Chopper! I am really excited to see how this part goes. I don’t know as much about what happens to him, only what happens after he comes back…so this will be really cool.
Aww…they are still trying to eat Chopper…where does the big library from the Opening sequence come in at?! I am so confused…but, that little round fella is so adorable!
I totally forgot the huge Cuteness factor of this island~
Awwww~! Chopper is so adorable today~ and he is right: the stupid dad should listen to his kid for once. Hahaha! Wha? And the dad is Responding and still saying that…oh gods…the  nonsense of this scene is bewildering me…but still, the cuteness is killing me with awesome~

Oh gods. Now he randomly realizes that Chopper is talking, after his kid says so. (facepalm) Nice. Very nice.
? Oh…I see how this scenario is gonna work out. So, the people are sick, but they fight with the birds, so the birds fight with them. I get it. This is a lot cooler than I initially thought. I hope that Chopper’s friendship with the cheeper is gonna pay off…and everything on this island is either adorable or Squishy~ Yay!~!!
Oh dear…so now the bird is gonna attack Chopper, and the hunters are gonna attack the bird…that is really bad…don’t hurt Chopper!!! And what is with this “treasure” the bird is talking about?
Oooh! After such a long while, I had nearly forgotten that Chopper could do a Rumble Ball. The effects of the lots of Rumble Balls must be worn off by now, it seems, so he can use more. Dang, he had been so cute for so long…haha, the island of cuteness is getting to me! I forgot that he had other forms other than chibi~ (of course, the giant birds aren’t Really cute…)
Dang. Now Chopper has to serve as peacemaker between the two non-understanding species. Great. Poor Chopper…I hope he will do okay…Oh!! CHOPPER!!!
Oh jeez…I didn’t know those spears were freakin’ Missiles!! Then Chopper…jumping out in front of the bird like that to save it…oh no, Chopper!!
OH MY GODS~~~ Adorable!!! Cheeper!!!
Wait…is that Cheeper’s parent believing Chopper because he helped the baby bird out? Awesome~
Dang, what is with them and animals having arguments/conversations in today’s episode? It is totally awesome though, because it is rather obvious what they are discussing~
Ooh, I get it. They really did mean literal treasure. Hm…is it just me, or does anyone else see a startling resemblance to dragons here? Especially since in that arc a long time ago right before the Grand Line with that girl who could talk with animals, the dragons looked a ton like birds…huh. Interesting factoid.
Yay! Today is officially the Animals and Humans Bond episode. How awesome. The kids are sliding down the birds long necks. Yay~

A) ? So Chopper is the first Strawhat who is gonna be shown to get the paper? Weird.
B) The island of giant birds and islanders gets Newspapers!?
Hm. It looks like only Zoro and Chopper are gonna get long segments in this episode. That is really odd, since the rest of the crew seems to also get into this episode, but in shorter segments. That is odd…Dang. I wanted to see more on Robin and Franky…
But still, now onto Nami in Weatheria. …she is doing field work? Literally?! And she is hoeing…weather balls? Please someone else besides me thought of both the Pokémon reference to this and how weird this is at the same time…
But, she is getting the paper next. Of course, Zoro doesn’t need a paper…not even sure he would read it anyway, being Zoro…he will just be informed by Hawk-eye (who, in retrospect, is a Way better person to be informed by than a lousy paper or something. First-person info is what you want anyway.)
Ha, I love Nami’s reaction to him getting the paper. It is funny, because it reminds me how much of a news-a-holic she is. That is good, it is important to keep in-touch with the outside world. I should know, I spend most of the day on my computer~
Oh freakin’- Usopp is Still eating!? Gods…plus, I really hate this Bowin Island. It just freaks me out. Seriously, whenever that plant-island-thing decides to eat…well, I don’t want to think about the strenuous exercise constantly required to survive there. Dang.
This is women’s reaction around the globe to Usopp's body: BLEuck~!
 No Usopp; no one likes your body. I laughed a Lot at this part. He is now to be known as: Fat Usopp. Oh Usopp...see, he made me say it, like I have said it for Buggy and Luffy before. Oh boys...
Usopp is Insane. Officially. He must have eaten some of that cactus juice (shameless Avatar: The Last Airbender joke). Plus, why the Heck does the mail-gull come to the Bowin Islands?
Oh, Kama…bakka…Kingdom………gods, I puked a little in my mouth, excuse me. I think I am gonna be sick…oh gods, it is a good thing Sanji is tough as nails…you would have to be to even set foot on That island…oh gods, it will be an interesting thing indeed should Ivankov ever return. So a bit inside)
Speaking of which, I hadn’t thought about it before now, but that is an excellent point. Will Ivankov go back to working with the Revolutionary Army and Dragon, or return to his/her kingdom on this island? Tough question. Do I really want to see Sanji as a Real female………
…please let Ivankov go back to Dragon…all great gods please let Ivankov go back to Dragon…
(Fist-pump triumphantly into air) Yes~!!! Sanji snapped out of his crazy-stupor when he read about what went down in Marineford!! Huzzah! I knew he wasn’t totally brainwashed…er, whatever he is now…hurray!
WOW. Sanji is so freakin’…angry? Ticked off? Freaked out? Yup, freaked out. He is so freaked out, that all of his frilly make up just Melted right off his face! Awesome! Best part of the whole freakin’ episode so far. Hahahahahahaha! This is great!
On a lower-key note, perhaps what everyone’s reactions are to the article is what the headline really reads: Whitebeard and Portugas D. Ace killed at Marineford. They are all probably reacting to Ace’s death the most seriously, and are only gonna notice Luffy in there in a minute. That is a really sad thought. You don’t think about it often, but Zoro, Usopp, Sanji, Nami, and Chopper all did meet and became friends with Ace in Arabasta. They also know that he is Luffy’s brother…so they will definitely feel something over this huge incident. And they will all know how this ought to affect Luffy…
Now, back to the other Strawhats.
Oh! Where Robin is! I am extremely curious as to what is going to occur where Robin is, I have absolutely No idea what is going to go on…and this is hopefully huge…I predict that she will probably have the most level-headed reaction to the situation, but we shall see…
Woah. No way…if Robin really does stay with the Revolutionary Army for like, (spoiler spoiler) then…Woah. That is Huge! Awesome! This is great! Also, so glad that that freakin’ horrible prison labor camp Tequila Wolf is under wraps now. Yay.
Oh, Franky’s turn…this is the other one I am insanely curious about…Ooooooh…I liked Franky’s random/sudden flashback-montage to a polar bear-cyborg being inside of the laboratory…then it hitting him…and he found cola in the refrigerator he banged into…then he breathed fire and beat the bear…
I had never heard this before. It was so…random. Yup. Ah, the Super~ness never ends~~
? That is odd…one of Vegapunk’s old transmitting machines (yes, it is obviously a news-reporting machine) suddenly either switched on, or is still functioning. Huh. That is strange. Or unexpected. Or lucky. Choose one.
Oh, and the final missing person: Brooke. I know what happens to him, but I do not know how he gets to that point…
Hm…this whole part with Brooke is really interesting…I have never seen him compose music before. That is cool. Of course, doesn’t he also have some kind of ear-splitting song that just Kills people when they hear it? That could work to get rid of the Long-Arm tribe…
Next, these people are really funny with their Satan-worship thing goin’ on. I like how Brooke thinks he is being punished by the supernatural forces for seeing too many panties too. That is funny.
And finally, the 45 and 60 degrees angle thing makes me wonder if he is suffering any repercussions from the loss of his new crew. After all, this must make him think of the first time he lost his crew back with the Rumbar Pirates…
Oh. My. GODS. This random communication between Zoro and Mihawk is totally just what the thick-head needs. He is the absolute worst (besides maybe Usopp, Chopper, and Luffy on occasion) of the Strawhats who never know what is going on. Like Kenpachi Zaraki. Fight first, ask questions later. Aaaahhggggh! But…this time, an awesome guy (cough Mihawk cough) can actually inform him all personal-like. Awesome! The communicator-person inside of me is squealing with unmatched joy. I love it when all the characters are privy to the same knowledge. It makes me all tingly with happiness that everyone knows what is Really going on.
Oh gods…the first really serious music of the episode. Gods…Zoro’s eyes…that was probably the worst part of the episode…it was so well done, the horror/disbelief there was astoundingly well done…gods…this is amazing…I have no idea what is going to happen next…gods…
Gods…it is so strange to hear Mihawk tell him about this…then to see all of the crew’s reactions…gods, this is so strange…oh gods…it is horrible to see for me…

Woah. So…everyone thinks of Luffy at…the same time? Oh…what close bonding! Gods, they are such a wonderful family…even in such a depressing and strange time, they all immediately think of poor Luffy…gods…of course, he is even more child-like than Chopper or Usopp…so yes…but still…gods…this is so well done…I love Oda so much, he is doing a fantastic job portraying such realistic reactions. The animators are capturing the feeling so well in the anime (even though I never read this part in the spoilers)…man…

Woah, woah. So then there is that totally ominous last look at Luffy at the very end?! What is up with that!? Amazing episode. Such a good episode, even if it only connected all of their views on it. Still, Zoro’s reaction…so serious…excellent. I also think that this is my favorite picture of the whole episode. It beats cuteness, freaky fat, and ultra freaky Okama-ness. The silent seriousness of it all even beats Zoro's serious reaction. Intense.

Looks like the next episode shows Luffy deciding to go train with Rayleigh (this, I already knew ahead of time, but will be cool to see). Well, this is a surprise. Rayleigh visiting the Amazons...that is new. I wonder if Hancock knows him...huh. I doubt it. Still, it looks like Sandersonia and her sister don't have a problem with him, haha! Still, it looks like...LAW-SAMA~~ (Dies of awesome)...(comes back to life to keep writing). Hehehe...Trafalgar is gonna be in the next episode...~ Yay...~
Oh, and Fat Usopp. (bleh!)

Next Episode: Reunion with Dark King Rayleigh! Luffy's Decision!

Thanks to everyone for watching the episode (legally) and reading about it here, at OPataTimeBlog! Come back again!


  1. I realy liked the part where Usopp fights the guy in the armor(forgot his name). And also how he adresses Usopp:"Usopp'n"(awesome and hilarious). I was kind of annoyed that half of the episode was about Chopper (his island and the one Brook is on seem the most booring), but oh well I'll live with it. I'm happy that the past arc ended it was kind of a downer you now with Sabo's death and Ace's death and Newgate's death. So that's it from me. See ya next time.

  2. If you pay close attention the Revolutionary guy Robin was talking to in this episode, he looked strangly familiar. He had a hat with a blue feather in it, and he had curley blond hair. They don't show is eyes or his teeth, because that would be too much of a giveaway. I may just be guessing here, but I think there is a very good chance that guy Robin was talking to was a grown up Sabo.
