Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Manga: Chapter 633 (SPOILERS)

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Dorry and Brogy continue to fight at Little Garden. (Coverstory)

Shirahoshi reveals how she knew Hody was behind her mother's murder.

Luffy and crew arrive at the plaza in order to prevent Hody from killing King Neptune.

 That is one angry looking shark!

This chapter just went running on all engines bring everything that we love. We get a reveal and then bam! Into action! All the complaints from the last few weeks were addressed in one chapter. There is one thing that was unsettling but we handle that when it happens.

First off we discover how Shira knew about Hody being her mother's murderer. Seems like Megalo told Shira all about Hody while she was lock up in that tower. Kind of strange that he saw the whole thing but makes sense that Shira would know about it due to being able to talk to fish and all. It is amazing that the girl took what her mom said to heart and kept it a secret. Surely this could have been avoided if she didn't say anything but then we wouldn't get this shocking reveal. Also it kind of defeats the point of this arc...then again. Well whatever. Shira just got some major props here.

Hody on the other hand doesn't seem to like that Megalo told Shira about this. The feeling of hate is mutual between Hody and Megalo seeing that the big shark doesn't like the little shark. Either way Hody isn't wasting time rubbing it into Shira about how foolish she been on not telling anybody. Guess he doesn't appreciate keeping the secret.

Now you know things are bad when not only the kids but the adults are wishing the island is destroy then wanting to be ruled by you. That really sucks and very depressing. I was thinking this only moments before and then this happen. Really awed me and I knew that this was going to be an impressive chapter.

"Hey you pirate, Straw Hat Luffy! If you're planning on destroying this island some time, then come now!"
-Random Fishman B

The people would rather have Fishman Island destroy if it means that their king and lives are spare. That is really something. Well they may end up getting that if Decken has his way with Noah. haha They even begin calling on Luffy which is crazy since only moments ago he was consider a threat to the kingdom. Amazing how things can all change in a matter of minutes. Still this is a first though since no kingdom has ever called Luffy to save them. This surely is something that people do when they are desperate.

Hero enter from stage left

Did Luffy just got out of a shark to kick another shark? Yes. Yes he did.

Luffy...the king of the entrances. I don't believe that he was in that shark the whole time. He literally got himself cough out of the shark and ready for battle. So he was stuck inside of a shark this time.....I am getting flashbacks to Skypeia when he was stuck in a snake. Still unlike last time, Luffy came out ready for action and then things just got awesome.

And guess what? A surprise kick to the gut makes Hody fly. Looks like Luffy reused his plan to hide Shira to hide himself. Very.....crazy.

I just wanted to include this image because it is cool.

Everything just came in full force in the later half of the chapter. We had Nami doing what she does best by putting her brains and thieving together. Robin being sneaky and freeing King Neptune and the brothers. Franky and Usopp manning the Sunny from the sky to fire the Gaon Cannon! All in all it seems like whatever plan Jimbei cooked up with Luffy and crew is working. Still we are getting exactly what we wanted which is....THE STRAWHATS DOING AWESOME STUFF!

About freakin time.

A few things to note:
  • My love for Nami grew even more due to her hitting that one of the New Fishmen Pirates with her new Climatact when she release the mirage. haha Did anybody else caught that? 
  • Sunny has been coated. Does this means that the StrawHats are planning to ditch Fishman Island as soon as they can once Hody is taken care of?
  • These scenes are going to look awesome when animated.

One thing that I wasn't happy about is that we didn't get to see how Zoro, Usopp and Brook were freed from Hody's cage. Did the crew stopped by the palace to save them or did the trio escaped on their own? Wish that this detail wasn't skipped but I am trusting that this will be answered next chapter. It may take up half next chapter but worth knowing. Either way I am kind of glad we skipped that detail if it got us this awesome moment of the StrawHats actually doing something.

Things are beginning to heat up for sure now. The crew are on the scene and fists are surely going to be fired. The whole StrawHat crew is here and ready for action. If Hody wants to do his plan then he is going have to face down a new and improved StrawHat team that is full of surprises. Just look at Chopper! That reindeer is ready to kick some butt! Decken and Caribou are plotting (using the term loosely for Caribou) something but right here, right now, we have the StrawHats vs the New Fishman Pirates.

Get ready to see some fists fly!

Til next time true believers!


  1. Last time we saw Zoro and the others, they were trying to get Pappagg to unlock the cage; so I imagine that's how they got out.

  2. BADASS XD!!!! That is what the chapter should be called. I love Shirahoshi and she is a far better woman than me cause I DESPISE Hody and I can't wait for Luffy and the others to kick his sorry ass! I loved your line about how Luffy came out of a shark to beat up a shark lol that was awesome ^_^. Like I said Luffy and the others were so BADASS XD at the end so cool and awesome and super and did I mention cool XD!!! God I can't wait for next week. IT IS ON!

  3. YES!!! finally the chapter I have been waiting for! :) this is my second favorite chapter right after StrawHats came back...and i must say this chapter was EPIC..Oda did not disappoint

  4. 1. How did you get that the Sunny was coated? I didn't see anything.
    2. Re: Anonymous 1 - I think you are right, especially since Pappug is standing there with the crew and no longer afraid of Brook (I remember he was running away from the ghost .. Brook's new ability. But I guess Brook also wasn't in ghost form).
    3. It seems like at the end, it shows that Robin had found the Poneglyph which apparently is a letter of apology which she wonders who it is addressed to. For me, I'm much more interested in this what appears to be much bigger plot that is developing slowly in the background.

  5. Hi, Mikey while I enjoyed and agreed with many of the thoughts expressed in this review, I could not stand with the poor grammar and diction. With that said I'd like to offer my services as an editor., thank you for considering my offer of assistance

  6. @Anonymous #1
    Yeah. I figured that something came out of that. Wonder how long it took Pappagg to free them.

    Glad you liked the line. Next week is going to be pretty sweet after we are told how Zoro, Usopp and Brook are freed.

    @Anonymous #2
    Maybe Neku was right in saying that Oda needed a break to get better. haha

    @Anonymous #3
    Look in the panel where the Sunny landed or the last panel. It has the same shine that it had while it was coated. Sunny looks as if she was in a bubble.

    Agreed. That Poneglyph surely will be the overarching plot that will be taken from this arc.

    Thank you for the offer. I may consider your services. Please follow up with me via email if I don't contact you.
