Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Manga: Chapter 634 (SPOILERS!)

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Continuing on from the exciting events of last chapter, the Straw Hats are back and are ready to fight! This is it; we've been waiting a while for this to happen and its finally happening! The long awaited battle is about to begin...

The chapter begins with a flashback (don't worry its brief!) where we finally see why Luffy came out of Megalo’s mouth last time. Hours before this happened, at the Sea Forest Luffy and Jinbei are bickering over their fated battle against Hody’s forces. Jinbei is encouraging Luffy to become the hero of this island, as opposed to a vile human that destroyed Hody since- well, we all know how bad human and fishman relations are at this point, and further mindless violence between the two races would not help. Luffy is stubborn though and although he respects heroes, he doesn't want to be one. He even treats his love of meat as a metaphor for backing up his argument. I totally didn't expect that from Luffy. However once Jinbei says that he could have all the meat he wants if Luffy does what he says, Luffy instantly accepts (what did you expect? XD). Jinbei summarizes the plan to purposely fall for any trap set by Hody as a ruse to sneak Luffy into Gyoncorde Plaza, while Nami and Robin steal the Celestrial Dragon's letter and  the keys to the King's chains (which we saw happen last time). By doing as Jinbei outlines, they would be seen as allies....clever plan, I must admit. His plan seems near-perfect until we find he has no idea how to rescue Zoro, Brook, and Usopp (gee thanks). Luffy states he's only doing this because Jinbei asked and he's going to be angry if anyone cheers for him (I guess Luffy wants to be feared not loved...I actually never considered this before, but it makes sense since well he's a pirate).

The priorities of Jinbei ladies and gentlemen

Now at Gyoncorde Plaza, we see Hody get up after Luffy kicked him down last chapter and he's angry. Meanwhile, the citizens in the borders cheer Luffy on. Zeo attempts to confront the Straw Hats but the Straw Hats ignore him. The only important aspect of that conversation is that the Thousand Sunny has 2 new weapons much to Usopp's joy. Also, apparently Zeo intended to have his shouting ignored....ooookaaay. Nami passes the Celestrial Dragon's letter to Shirahoshi, noticing that Luffy has nicknamed her differently. He used to call her weakling, now he calls her Yowahoshi (Japanese puns are not my forte people [Editor’s note: I’ve seen it translated as Weakahoshi]), but this is Luffy's way of saying that she is not as weak-spirited as he thought she was. Jinbei gives her a good pep talk by saying that what she did was okay, eventually peace shall spread and everyone will get along. Moreover, Jinbei states that all the years she’s suffered shall not go to waste. Shirahoshi cries tears of happiness and Hody then reveals himself admitting that he was indeed fooled by Jinbei, but he says that Jinbei is an even bigger fool than Neptune since he's befriending humans. Hody reveals that his grandiose plans after becoming King involve taking advantage of Reverie, using it as an opportunity to kill the human kings at Marejois. Afterwards, he states that he would campaign to enslave the human race and become King of the Pirates.....oooooh bad move there Hody.

I can feel the antcipation rising higher and higher...

The 100,000 New Fishman Pirates prepare to charge the hopelessly outnumbered force of 10 in front of them. The pirate army attacks while Nami, Usopp, Chopper and Pappug all bicker over the new weapons. Zoro unsheathes his blade, Sanji takes a step forward, Luffy walks ahead of them and then....HAKI!!! Half of the pirates fall to the ground and foam at the mouth while the rest including Hody look confused. His friends acknowledge Luffy's prowess since they last saw him 2 years ago. Luffy pretty much tells Hody that THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE, and goes all Gear 3rd on his army. The chapter ends with Luffy launching a Gigant Pistol on pirates while everyone else is prepared to fight.

Soldier dock?! I WANNA SEEEEEE~ >.<

So what did I think of this chapter? OH MY GOD I LOVED IT! Well, I'm pretty sure the next one will be even better, but this one was still amazing. Luffy was awesome, Jinbei was awesome, heck, everyone was awesome. The action, art and story were awesome as well. So it looks like we'll be seeing the Straw Hats in full gear next week to show off each of their new powers and abilities. The only questions I have are: how will Luffy and the others stop Hody? How long until they realise a GIANT SHIP is about to crush them all? How did Zoro, Usopp, Brook and Pappug get there anyway? We should find out pretty soon. Additionally, there may not be a new chapter next week due to a break as far as I know, but we shall see. Until then, all I can say is; bowties are cool.

Written by: SuperNeku
Edit by: Dsaftler


  1. THE AWESOMENESS WAS IMMENSE XD!!! Like you said everything rocked. Luffy's values were hilarious and I love how he isn't calling shirahoshi weak anymore ^_^. Hody is gonna gonna regret saying HE is gonna be king of the pirates that was signing his own death certificate man. Luffy haki-ing it up was BADASS XD! So freaking cool! We will have to wait a week to see the battle and all the crew in action but I know it's gonna be awesome so the wait id gonna be totally worth it. ^__^

  2. I try not to comment often on posts that I didn't write but I have to mention this.

    So prediction that what Franky added to the ship was just a pair of legs and arms. haha I mean I hope that Sunny becomes a mecha-ish thing but I can also see Oda troll us by just making it funnylooking ship with legs. haha

    There is no chapter next week. Jump be on break.

  3. ohh snap Hody is so in for it, no one i mean no one can say they will be king of the pirates in front of Luffy..all i can say is when the next ch come out things will be EPIC!! *_*

  4. i loved for some reason Sanji and Zoro knowing about Haki (i expected Robin too)
