Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Manga: Chapter 585 (SPOILERS!)

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There are worse things in life then dying. One of those things is losing your dream. It is these very dreams that make us keep running towards a happier life. As long as we are happy doing what we are doing then one can be satisfy in what they did in life and die a peaceful death.

This is one of the things that One Piece should have taught us by now. The main reason why Oda doesn't kill off villains like most popular shonen series is because he believes that it is far worse for a person to loose their dream then to be killed. (Also it gives a chance for past villains that were awesome to come back again as we have seen in the last two arcs haha. Though that is a discussion for another time.) It is better to keep holding on and striving for that dream then to have that very dream ripped away from you and unobtainable. Because if we don't hold on to a dream then we will become just empty shells of people just doing routine tasks day after day with no purpose. Now that is something that is worse then death.

A bit melodramatic isn't it? haha Well I think it is appropriate for what happen this week in Chapter 585. A chapter about dreams from the people who can truly afford to dream all they want yet have the chance to make those dreams come true. This is what I felt from this chapter of One Piece and what may happen in the next chapter. Oda did what he could most likely be famous for and place the carrot in front of our faces and then pulled it at the last moment to give us something better like chocolate cake. He made us think that we may see the Celestial Dragons by mentioning them in the last chapter  but instead we got a rich chapter that help paint the picture of the world where Luffy came from.

I admit, the chapter gave off the feeling as if nothing really happened with no intense action and we got three pages of nothing but watching the Little Rascals (Ace, Luffy and Sabo) do crazy things. Though when I saw Garp appear and then hit his grandkids and Sabo, I laughed out loud (which is why I am using that for the first image instead of something meaningful haha).

Garp: Hi kids!

Ace and Luffy: Ahhh!

*Grap throws Luffy and Ace and grabs Sabo*

Sabo: Let me go you crazy old man!

(Yeah....that is what I think what was said in that panel.)

Nothing says 'I love you' to your grandkids then beating and throwing them. Bless Luffy and Ace for having such a loving grandfather like Garp.


haha Poor Luffy. So I guess due to the things that happen in the last chapter that Luffy decided it was time to make up some moves to make good use of his Gum Gum abilities. I can see that by the end of this flashback that Luffy will master Gum Gum Pistol but I think that is obvious. Still let the games begin as we see the famous fights that Luffy and Ace mention back in Alabasta. I guess half of the time Ace got somewhat lucky as Luffy took the time to test out his Gum Gum attacks while Ace one-hit-koed the kid. haha Poor Luffy. Never catches a break as a little kid.

Still it seems like what I was thinking was correct about the Gray Terminal. There is a place that is dumping trash into it which explains why there is a ton of trash. I just didn't know that place was filled with jerks and d-bags that deserve punches to the faces as much as the next jerk. Is there a such thing as a good rich noble (Not counting Kaya since she has the money but not status.) in the One Piece world because so far it seems like all nobles get corrupt with power. The Celestial Dragons and now the 'Royals' and 'Nobles' who live in 'High Tower'. Both are jerks that have a complete lack of morals.

Also if you have no idea why I call Ace, Luffy and Sabo the 'The Little Rascals' then go take a look at the page where they revealed themselves to be the guy wearing the hood entering the kingdom. haha I don't remember much about the movie The Little Rascals but that felt just like something that they would do. Crazy kids. haha

Click on Image to Enlarge

I wonder if the little symbol on that tower means anything. I don't recognize it as anything I seen before but it most likely mean something. Maybe it represents the Goa Kingdom or something.

Still I really like the design of this town. The people here are all jerks but I can't use that to hate on how this town looks like. It has an 'England' feel to it. Something completely different from what we have seen so far in One Piece. High Tower, Town Center, and Edge Town all give off this European feel to it which is something completely different compare to Windmill Village. I kind of like this setting but I am guessing that just like the Celestial Dragons, I don't want to be there to talk with the people.

Speaking of people, Sabo's parents are jerks too! Still I personally don't like these people because they are the type of parents that I dislike the most. Parents that plan out their kid's life and tell them that they will grow up to do this and this and they will like it. Those parents have no regards to what their kids may want and they may have good intentions but in the end they have no right to decide the life of their kids. Especially for the reason that Sabo dad mention at the end of the chapter. Such a stupid man and disgusting thing to say. Of course the kid will live a nice life if they follow what the plan that their parents set but the kid won't be happy. In the end, the happiness of a person is the real wealth that a person can truly embrace.

And so our Little Rascals have become brothers! I guess once again in Oda fashion, he pulled the blanket under us and proved us wrong. At least me since I was thinking a few chapters back that this flashback was going to end after this moment. Once again I am eating my words which is something that I tend to do a lot so it isn't new. haha

Still Ace, Luffy and Sabo are brothers that are connected by dreams. Kind of amazing though, I have much more respect for Sabo now that I know his dream. Before this chapter, he was just some kid that was with Ace and Luffy. Now that I know he has the cool dream to travel around the world and write a book, the guy has earned my respect. I guess you are nobody until you proclaim your dream because that what happen with Sabo.
"...You...The stuff that comes out of your mouth."
haha I love everybody's reaction to Luffy's dream. haha Poor kid, nobody has faith in Luffy becoming the King of the Pirates. I am guessing that what Luffy said since he says that all the time but I could be wrong. My track record hasn't been the best lately but I can believe in what I want.

It seems like Ace, Sabo and Luffy were really close. They did a lot of things together and even started to live on their own. I can see why they see each other as family since they had to depend on each other. Really touching.

Though like all good things in One Piece, they must come to an end. I am guessing we are about to see the Sabo Incident. Also I want Redjam, Bluejam doesn't look too cool.

Still it looks like Sabo is going to give up on his dream to make sure that his friends will be able to walk away unscratched. That really sucks. Something like this has came close to happening before with the StrawHats risking their lives and dreams for each other. Still this time it is because of a selfish parent. As you can tell, I hate parents that discards the dreams of their kids and force their own dreams upon them and this feels just as bad. Sometimes people have to choose between their friends and their dreams but it shouldn't be like this. Most of the time, friends are supportive of the decision but clearly not this time. I am sure that Luffy and Ace aren't going to take this sitting down. Surely they will try their best to fight against Sabo's dad and Bluejam but I have a feeling this won't end nicely. If the moment at Marineford with Luffy wanting to rescue Ace is any indication of how things will go when a brother of theirs is in trouble then I can expect something similar to that minus being all epic.

Then again I can also see where this could have a happy ending. I mean we have had enough depressing things happening already with Ace and Whitebeard dying. So maybe Sabo would live and this chapter kind of could explain why we haven't seen Sabo. Maybe he does survive this and is actually a pirate captain in the New World but couldn't make it to Marineford to help save Ace. Another possibility could be that Sabo was at Marineford but we didn't see him. It is possible but so far we can only guess what happened in the past.

I guess we have to wait till next week to see what happens in this flashback. Though I am quiet happy with the length of the chapters that we been getting lately. They are all really nice sizes and feel long. Nothing compare to what we been getting back in Marireford where it felt like it took a few minutes to read the chapters. So I am confident that a lot will happen next week. Still till next week.

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