Sunday, May 2, 2010

One Piece More: House Keeping

Sleep is very important. It helps with your health and helps you be at all gears when doing things the next day. A full night's worth of sleep means you won't have to be napping during the day and more work will be done. Boy do I miss those days. Sleeping at nine pm and being able to wake up at six for school. Those were the days. Almost four years ago. Now I am up till at least one am doing who knows what. Hmm....I should try to sleep earlier but oh well. When else will I do these post? haha


Well I would like you alive. Not sure the whole dead thing will work out. Still not sure if you have notice this but One Piece at a Time is mostly just me. That is nice and all but the thing is that I can't cover all that is One Piece. There is just so much of it to cover. So in attempt to cover more that is One Piece, I am hoping to get a crew here for the site. Not too many people but just a few.

So what am I looking for? Somebody to review things like the Funimation DVDs and other things. Still I want somebody who loves One Piece and would love to share their love for it like I do on a likely basis. Well you don't have to post weekly but where I can call you a friend and a crewmate!

A good understanding of the English language is needed. Being knowledgeable about One Piece helps. I would suggest that you go to here for more details. If you have any questions then feel free to ask them at onepieceatatimeblog (at) gmail (dot) com.

I hope to hear from you soon and maybe a lucky few would see themselves posting here! We see!

Convention Update
If you haven't heard, I am going to Akon in Dallas, Texas. The pre-reg was done by my university's anime club since I am going to go with them. That way I can get in cheaper. I am not sure if I will be able to go in as a member of the media to help me get some interviews done since Akon hasn't given me any information on that. Still I will wait and see.

So who will be at Akon that involves One Piece? Well we got some names like the voice of King Cobra, Kyle Hebert. Though the gem of this con for One Piece is the ever so lovely voice of Nico Robin, Stephanie Young. Such a lovely person and one of my favorite voices from the StrawHats. I saw her at a con two years ago and looking forward to seeing her again.

More on the One Piece side is that I still have a Strong World figure to give out. I wasn't able to give it out at AnimeMatsuri but that does mean you can get it if you go to Akon! How can you get this figure? Maybe by finding me at the convention and saying, "Hey Mikey! I read your blog!" and that is it! I only have one so first one to see me will get it!

Also due to some real life issues, I can only be at the convention until Sunday morning. I will get there on Thursday but will be leaving Sunday morning to make it back home. Got to be a good big brother and make sure I make it back in time to see off my little sister as she graduate from high school. It only happens once and I want to be there for her which means that I need to undergo the three hour trip back home earlier then expected. Still I plan to have fun while at Akon and I hope that you do too.

One Piece AMV 
So I don't watch AMVs as much as I use to and certainly not One Piece AMVs. Still I kind of wanted to always cover a One Piece AMV and now I finally got one that is cool enough to share with! It is quite a cool one. It tells the journey of the StrawHats up till a little before the end of Enies Lobby.

It is an interesting little AMV too as they StrawHats (being Japanese fandubbed by fans) are sing about all that has happen to them along their journey. Still if you listen closely, you can notice that the background music and their singing is similar to other popular anime music. Some of them include the ending theme to The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya and God Knows from the same series. These people like Harui apparently. I know there is more but I can't identify them all.

Still I let you guys watch it which is below.

Some AMV right? The people behind this AMV did a good job I think. The music was very well done and they did a good job in sounding like the StrawHats. It took me a while to realize if it was them or not.

Special thanks to KoRnpedo for finding this. If you guys find something that is One Piece related and want to share it then past it too me and I will take a look at it and discuss it here.

Blog Rollin
So been wanting to use this image for a long time and now I have an excuse. haha

So I added a new blog to the Blog Rollin section of the blog. I have no idea why I don't have this blog here on the roll since I interact with these guys a lot. Still these two guys are an awesome blogging pair and have style that is very cool. I present you Reverse Thieves.

Hisui and Narutaki could be called good friends of the blog. If you remember, One Piece at a Time, took part in their Secret Santa project in December and recently the pair helped me out in my Females in Anime blog for a class project. Then even more directly to the blog, Narutaki is the genius behind the design of the banner that you see up there on the top. Had to change the design of the blog but all came out well if I do say so myself.

Still why should you read the Reverse Thieves blog? Well these guys cover different types of animes in a dual blogging style. One person would talk about the topic then the other would say their thoughts in the same post. Kind of cool. They also have something called Otaku Diaries where they talk about different things that anime fans have to face as in dating and fandom. They are really good reads. Sometimes they will talk about One Piece but look around on their site for the Speak Easy Podcast where they did an episode discussing One Piece.

The semester is beginning to end. I am done with two of my four classes for the semester. One of my classes has an assignment that is due Monday and an easy final while the other one involves a final that I have tons of time to prepare for. So it is all easy right now. Then after that it is SUMMER VACATION!

I have no idea what I am going to do for Summer Vacation. I am thinking about doing some side projects that includes this blog but I am not sure. I guess I should write this stuff down but we see. Still word on the streets is that One Piece volumes 44-48 is on the streets and you guys should get them. These volumes concludes the CP9 arc and goes in to Thriller Bark. So that is some good reads to start off your summer.

So make sure you all have a good weekend and don't give up if you have finals! 

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