Thursday, May 13, 2010

Manga: Chapter 584 (SPOILERS!)

Don't panic! Viz has your One Piece fix right here! All 48 volumes!

Before I get to the meat of the post, Crocodile looks so damn cool there with his mafia hippos and holding that newspaper. Heck, it is funny to see the guy holding that newspaper with that hook and hand. I guess holding things with a hook is a skill that you acquire after having one for so long.

Now to the chapter!

This was a great chapter I think. It was a fast read but it also felt so long. To tell the truth it didn't felt like the end of the chapter when I got to it. I was reading the chapter where Ace and Sabo was talking about how they were done hiding the treasure, it felt like it was the beginning of the chapter. Then when it was the end of the chapter, I thought that there was more to the chapter and it turns out that we hit the end of the chapter. That was just crazy thinking there. I guess I should feel like I want more but I feel satisfied with what we got. So it was a perfect size chapter considering all that had happen.

Luffy doesn't look too good there there. One too many punches from the spiked gloves I see. Then again not many people would look good after getting hit with spiked gloves. It seems like Luffy got a iron lip since nothing these guys are doing to him is making him tell where the goods that Ace and Sabo have has been hidden. When I think about it, is it a good idea to beat Luffy up for this information? Even if the kid did told them he knew I am thinking that Luffy may have already forgot where it was. We all know that Luffy isn't the smartest person in the world and directions isn't his strong suit. So yeah....Luffy is kind of screwed here and I am thinking that Ace and Sabo's stash is in good hands.

Then again nobody else knows this so it seems like Luffy is screwed here. I have to say that when you think about Luffy's childhood with Garp and now this, it sure wasn't fun and I really wonder how this 'spoiled' side was developed. Luffy is one extremely optimistic kid if he was able to keep his native nature for so long. Normal people would be harden after all that Luffy has been though but then again we all know that Luffy isn't a normal person.

It seems like people doing nothing is normal in One Piece. I mean the people in the nearby town did nothing and they could hear the screams of Luffy. I know that the law doesn't matter in the Gray Terminal but still you think they should feel some sort of pity and try to help the kid out. Screaming kids? Wow....And some people say that One Piece doesn't have serious tones in it. It may be fun and all but when you think about what we have seen so far in One Piece as in slavery, abuse, corrupt military officials, murder and now the beating of kids. What other manga/anime series has this type of thing yet still happy? Not many as far as I know.

Thank goodness that Ace and Sabo came along and beat the heck out of the guys. Well maybe I am stretching the truth there but at least they got away and nobody died. Just like the Little Rascals.
"Stop! He has a sword! He's different from the punks in town!"
The fight against Polchemi is kind of refreshing in of itself. There was no big complicated Devil Fruit techniques. No fancy moves. Just sticks and swords. haha Swords are not something to be that scared off unless they are used by Zoro or Mihawk compare to what else it is out there. Still it is funny but nice to see swords being feared of like they should be. haha

Then we get to the all happy and 'everybody is okay' moment. Luffy is such a cute little kid. haha The little faces that he make and his reaction to certain things.
"Have you ever been punched by spikes?!?!?  I'm seven damn years old!"
That was my favorite quote from the chapter. It really made me take a step back and realize what had just happen and how much a jerk Young Ace is. haha I mean how many seven year olds do you know could take punches from spiked gloves and still be up after that? Heck, Luffy is lucky to be talking right now so crying is a small price to pay for what he went though.

Still the whole scene there with Ace and Luffy was touching. Luffy explaining to Ace why he wanted to be friends with him. Both kids seem to think that there is nothing they can return too and all alone. Then Luffy saying that he does want Ace to live ties back to what happen during the Marineford Arc.

In the end, we get a happy ending. Sabo goes on to live with Ace and Luffy with Dadan and the Little Rascals get to have adventures with each other for who knows how long. Ace takes on Luffy as his friend and Luffy being a little kid chases after his best friend with Sabo not far behind. So this is the ending right? I don't think so since we still haven't seen the 'Sabo Incident' that Ace mention before and what we saw just now make me think that wasn't it (since the title was 'The Polcheme Incident').

These 'Celestial Dragons' dudes. It seems like we are going to see them soon. The very ones that have done cruel things as in shooting innocent people and buying people as slaves. Looks like we will see them soon which is where this flashback is taking us.

This Goe Kingdom on Dawn Island does add a new dimension to this island since I always thought this was a pretty simple island. Luffy and Ace lived on this island and Shanks stopped by one day to take a break. Still this kingdom seem to just add a wrench into the whole island and made it look important.

Though one that that is making me excited about the next chapter is that this could possibility answer a question that I been wondering for a while which is: Does Luffy know about the World Government?

Well Luffy in the present surely knows about them but something said in Volume 41 from Luffy kind of made me wonder if Luffy knew about the World Government before the incident on Enies Lobby.
"I totally get who Robin's enemy is."
-Luffy (Volume 41, Chapter 398)
This was said right after Spandam talked about the World Government and when Luffy told SniperKing(/SogeKing) to shot the World Government flag. Luffy sounded serious but to me those words meant something bigger then what it felt like at face value.

Luffy may be a dim light bulb but I would like to believe that this guy does has his moments. They may be rare but I like to believe that Luffy does know more then what he shows sometimes. He may not sounded as if he cared about what Spandam said and only wanted to get Robin back but to me he acted as if he knew about the World Government at that moment. He didn't went into detail about it at the time since really that wasn't the right time but seeing that the Celestial Dragons being at the island that Luffy and Ace grew up in and this kingdom has heard about the Ace, Luffy and Sabo trio kind of ties these three groups together. If the Celestial Dragons are there then that means the World Government aren't too far behind and I also kind of count the Celestial Dragons as part of the World Government. So if something happens where Luffy is lectured about the World Government because of something that the Celestial Dragons did when they visited the Goa Kingdom then that means I was was on to something. If not and something like that doesn't happen then it just means I was overthinking something very small that Luffy said. haha

Overall this was a great chapter. I liked it and hope that the rest of the flashback is just like this chapter. Going back to the roots in a way without boring us. What else could we wish for? Can't wait till next week!

Also, Bluejam takes the cake for the strangest name in One Piece. I am so looking forward to Redjam, Purplejam and the rest of the Color Jam Association. haha

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