Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Anime: Impel Down- Episode 425

First Thoughts
What were my first thoughts? Umm....Well....I had no idea what I was getting myself into for this episode. I knew that Mr. 3 was in this episode, Luffy going Third Gear and some animals.

I have to say this was a funny episode though. Well all One Piece episodes are funny..well most of them. Still this was a good episode. Humor. Action. Humor. What else is there to expect from One Piece?

Well not much on first thoughts. I wonder how the Thoughts section will be like.

Luffy and Buggy falls into Level 2. Luffy and Buggy run from the beast in Wild Beast Hell.

Hancock meets Magellan and the he agrees to take Hancock to see Ace.

The jailers of Impel Down finds out that Luffy has broken into Impel Down. Buggy release the prisoners of Level 2 only to have the prisoners run back to their cells because of the Wild Beast in Level 2. Luffy and Buggy are now interacting with Mr. 3.

Sengoku is told about Luffy breaking into Impel Down and reveals that somebody in the past has broken out of Impel Down, Shiki.


You know. It is the small things that make some of these episodes of One Piece really great. haha Watching Buggy's headless body running around Impel Down with Luffy just made me laugh. I mean we have some sort of Scooby Doo run around scene here with Buggy's body just bouncing around like some guy who is missing his head. Wait....he is missing his head. Well you get the point.

Level 2 seems really plain compare to Level 1. I mean this one looks really brightly lit compare to the dark and loud Level 1. Still it looks....boring? Yeah. That is a good word. Boring. No wonder some of the prisoners can sit in their cells and do nothing. haha

Ahh! What a cute hippo! Doesn't he look so innocent and sweet? So not something that came from Hell.

He's hungry! Wait....Oh shoot.

As in everything in the One Piece world, not everything is what they seem. Here we have an innocent looking hippo that doesn't look as if he could hurt a fly. I mean this is Impel Down so the idea is that everything here can kill you. Yet here we have is a cute hippo that is hungry. Very very hungry that he has to get Buggy in his belly!

Get in my belly! Hur hur hur hur!

I just wanted to use these two images. I mean I have nothing to say about these two but really I found them funny to look at.

Though one thing that I just notice right now is that this Hippo doesn't chew nor swallow his food. I mean look at Buggy's parts in that first image. They are still together and kind of like in his mouth or throat? I am not sure since I am not majoring in Hippo-ogy. So it seems like he just put Buggy's parts in his mouth and going to swallow them later. Don't know but strange to know.

Advice to Hippo: Remember to chew and swallow your food. It helps in the digestion later on.

Wow. That was kind of cool.

Should we help it out?

Nah. Lets go get some coffee.

haha Wow....Fail much? haha I mean it was kind of cool and all but it sucks that A) You missed in your attack and B) You are stuck. Yeah...Very awesome there mantis guard thing. Nothing says scary then being stuck in the ground with your arms. I don't think we will see this guy again anytime soon. I mean he is stuck to the ground and unable to do anything. Not even fly. I bet wings will be helpful right about now but really...can't fly if you have no wings.

Also for some reason, I was thinking that the cries that this mantis guard thing was making was the same that Scyther from Pokemon does. No idea. I think because both are mantis things with blades for arms.

This made the episode for me. A Basilisk. A snake born from a chicken egg. I couldn't believe that. I had to reread that to make sure I read this correctly. Then I had to pause it to make sure I was seeing what I was seeing. Well I didn't read it right the first time but I notice that this chicken looked  bit funny looking. Snake-like. So I went back to see what it was said about it. Wow...Thank you Oda or whoever came up with this idea. Gold. Pure gold. haha

That is one freaky looking chicken.

And that is one epic looking hand.

Third Gear!

It is amazing that Luffy just going for that one straight out of the box. No wait. Truly I think he only use this one when he is in a hurry and need to finish off the fight fast. Good move.

And just when the finally found out who has broken into Impel Down! Poor Marines. If they had found out sooner. Well I don't think anything could have perp them for this. An unknown attack from nowhere as they seen their Basilisk flying before their eyes. haha So this is two guard houses that Luffy has ruin in Impel Down? Impressive. Got to say Luffy has a talent for this. If Luffy doesn't make it as King of the Pirates then he could always go into the business of Home Wrecker. haha

And tonight we bring you the Hannyabal and Magellan Show! Watch the comicitic antics of Hannyabal and Magellan as they become the perfect sitcom family! Hannyabal will say stupid things as he tries to work on to move up the ladder. Magellan just pokes fun at Hannyabal and then hurts him! Perfect combination that will bring in ratings for years!

Well it may take years for us to get out of Impel Down. haha Still I don't mind our Magellan moments. He seems like a strange villain to me but at least he does something other then say stupid remarks.

haha And Hancock gives me a reason to love her each week. She doesn't care who you are! She is going to step on you and look down on you! She doesn't care if you are Sengoku or the guy in charge of the most powerful prison! You are hers to step on and look down upon!

Got to love Hancock's view. She is just some queen of a random island in the Calm Belt so really she holds no power besides her Warlords powers but still thinks she is over simple people like Magellan.

Also that is a very nice pose there that Hancock is in. Heeheehee Fanservice much? haha

Nobody can stand up against Hancock's cute face! Look at how much her face is with her finger in her mouth! Looking all innocent as if she wouldn't kick a puppy! Look at how awesomely cute Hancock is! AWWW!!! Not even a tough guy like Magellan could resist her!

I just wanted to have this epic-ish image of Luffy punching a chicken with scales on his head. haha Is that too much to ask? haha I mean how often do we see Luffy punch a giant chicken with huge fist? haha

I wonder how come the shading for the fist is so different compare to just a regular Gum  Gum Pistol. Is the shading there to make it more epic-ish huge?


This is what I wanted to see back at Level 1. Buggy releasing everybody there and just causing crazy junk! Complete chaos to where it would screw with the guards of Impel Down. Still nice to see that Buggy is up and going for this. I like it when Buggy is all rally up about something. haha Good plan.

OH YES! I am going to get me some pie! Good old pie!

Tell me about it! I love pie! Pie is good!

Apple juice! I want me some apple juice! 

Yeah! I like me some apple juice too!

Yeah! Apple juice and pie! Yeah!


AHH!!! I don't want no apple juice and pie! Run run!

And that is what the prisoners of Impel Down should have said in those last few scenes. Or I think that what they were saying.

Though I wonder what beast they saw that made them run scared. Are they something that we will see in our next installment of the Impel Down arc? Will Luffy and Buggy going to face these terrors and beat them up? I hope so. That would be cool. haha

haha That was awesome. When Luffy and Buggy fought against each other. I wonder what Luffy was thinking in trusting Buggy. Sometimes that kid can be too trusting but I guess that is why we love him so much.

Big nose!

haha Though I would never say that in front of Buggy. That is suicide right there. haha

Still he had this moment interrupted but by who?


Well...umm...he can do that. He doesn't have fire on his head right now in Impel Down. It just like that in the flashbacks we got of him.

 Mr. 3! Live and in person!

Though I love this moment here with Mr. 3. How he put his hands together and then lets out the wax. I am guessing that he had some SeaPrism hand cuffs on while in the cell when we saw him in the last episode. Now they got off some how and he is using his powers again. Very cool. Makes him look very menacing looking as he butts into Luffy and Buggy's argument.

Is it just me or does Mr. 3 look a bit more buffer? Has prison made him muscle up. I guess I can tell that he has his stuck up attitude still. You know that 'I am so much better then you' self of him. Still nice to see that he will be helping out Luffy a bit. Or from what he said.

Now we cut off to Sengoku at Marineford where he is told about Luffy breaking into Impel Down. I am not sure if he knows if Luffy and Ace are related or maybe there is more to this then what we know. Still got to say that he looks pretty evil here with the light reflecting off his glasses.

And where is PwnGoat? We haven't seen him for a while. Sigh...I miss our PwnGoat.

Then we leave the episode with this image. The great Shiki, the only one to have brake out of Impel Down.

Still it felt strange that Sengoku would be  saying things that it is impossible for people to escape from Impel Down and that Luffy's faith is sealed. Then just out of nowhere remember that somebody had broken out before.

"OH Luffy is dead. There is no way he can survive in Impel Down! OH WAIT! There has been somebody who has escape from our great prison! Yeah yeah. I remember now."

A bit strange to me but if that is how we are going to tie into the movie and the next few episodes then I guess that is okay. A bit strange but meh. Oh well.


Speaking of movies and next week! Here is our preview of the next episode! It seems that some how we are going to see an adventure that Luffy and crew was able to do before arriving at Sabaody Archipelago. Or something like that. I have no idea how they are going to tie in this little arc while in the middle of Impel Down. Is Luffy going to have a random flashback with Buggy and Mr. 3 while in Level 2.

"Yeah. Let me tell you about this one crazy time before I came to Impel Down to rescue my brother. You know to let you guys know what I been doing since I beat you guys up."

We just be better off waiting till next week. We got four weeks of Movie 10 tie in episodes. At the most we will get some background behind Movie 10. So till next week I am expecting some funny stuff. haha

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