Saturday, November 28, 2009

One Piece More: Got One Piece?

I think this is a very fitting image for this week. As millions of Americans gather around to eat tons of food to show how thankful they are for what they have and don't have, our favorite pirate crew come together to eat a lot of food as they always do. Aww...Nice nice nabe. I could go for some of that right now. Perfect to have on a cold day especially right now as winter is slowly coming to my little corner.All that food looks really yummy and now I am getting hungry which is strange since I ate dinner like an hour ago.

Still I hope everybody had a good Thanksgiving for those that live in the US. Now to other things. I say this right now...This post was suppose to be done last week. The thing is that I didn't feel like doing a More post last week and decided to enjoy a few  days off from blogging since the early release of the manga post ruin my two day break last week. Then next week there will most likely won't be a More post because I am going to be busy Friday night. This week I am just going to talk about stuff since that is what my More post are really. So sit though and enjoy.

Blog Tweets
Yes, big giant birds bring me my tweets from Twitter. While everybody else is using small little birds for their tweets. I am using giant birds. Take that everybody else! haha

This week I decided that I wanted to do something cool for the More post. Nothing much. Just wanted to get other people words into my blogs. So I went to twitter and I asked some questions to the people that follow me on Twitter. I was only able think of two questions but it is all cool. So lets get to that.

First Question: What would your pirate flag look like if you were a pirate?
 The reason I asked this one was because the cool guys at the One Piece Podcast have their own pirate symbol, jolly roger, for their podcast. It is pretty cool. I be listening to them on my iPod and I see their little jolly roger. So I thought about it and wonder what mines will be. Still before I get to that. We see what others said in response to this question.

Bryoz replied:
"Good question! Not sure exactly.. but it would have glasses :D"
I think that would fit him very well since his little Twitter avatar is him (or his character) wearing glasses. That is very cool. A jolly roger represent yourself. It tells others that you are coming and to be prepare. If I would see a pirate ship waving a skull wearing glasses then I would know it is Bryoz. So that is cool. I like his idea for a flag already.

And that was all the replies I got back for this question. Still I guess I share what mines will be. I was thinking the same thing as Bryoz and have my flag to have glasses too since to me all bloggers have glasses. The thing is that I don't wear glasses. I have them but the thing is I wear contacts most of the time. So maybe that isn't a good idea to have on my flag. So I thought about it some more. Took some time to wonder how will others will be able to identify me if they saw my ship coming or if they come to this site if I ever do get somebody to draw this out and do the same as the One Piece Podcast and this is what I got.

It will be a skull and behind that skull will be two pencils. Huge smile on there just because it is cool. On the chin of the skull with be some black to represent this goatee thing that keeps growing on my chin. On the side of the skull where they ears should be will be a pair of ear buds since I have them on all the time when I am alone. Most of the time when I blog I have ear buds on even if there is no music being played. Sometimes I play music when I blog and sometimes I just have them in to tell me when I get a IM. Then that be it. Sounds good doesn't it? I hope so.

Second Question: What are you thankful for? Anime wise. Can be One Piece or not OnePiece related.
This one was asked just because it was Thanksgiving. The holiday is all about being thankful for what you have and I thought it was fitting to ask. Though to keep it narrow and since this is a blog about an anime. I made it anime related.

Jamedina88 said:
"fruits basket kinda got me into anime/writing and film in general. Solidified me wanting to get into entertainment"
 This was very cool. It is nice to hear that anime help get a person to go towards where they want to be. It was very heartwarming. Cool.

As for myself, not so heartwarming. I am thankful to Funimation for keep on dubbing One Piece and making awesome DVDs. Keep it up. Also thankful for having such awesome friends who I made though anime. Though real life and on the internet. I am also thankful for having people who look at this blog. haha So thanks guys.

So that is all I got for questions on Twitter. Feel free to answer these questions with your own response in the comments box down there. If you do then I will mention your answers in my next More post. Maybe I will do one next week just on those.

Umi Monogatari ~Anata Ga Ite Kureta Koto~
Also known as Mermaid Magical Girl show AKA show where nothing happens! Or according to My Anime List, the English name is Sea Story. I really like Sea Story as a name since it is easy to say and remember. I hate these titles where they involves complex and long Japanese names because I can never pronounce nor remember them. Still that is just me.

So this is what the anime is about. A mermaid Marin and her sister Urin find this ring. They go to the surface to return the ring. Turns out it belongs to this girl name Kanon who threw the ring into the sea after breaking up with her boyfriend. The ring gets thrown again. Marin wants to go find it. While looking for it, Urin breaks a seal and lets lose some ancient evil. Marin and Kanon end up being some sort of shrine maidens which are magical girls. Stuff happens, happy ending (not really) and I won't reveal how it goes from there.

Oh boy, was this a ride...The only reason I am mentioning this anime here is to relieve some stress that this anime cost. Trust me. It is a good anime but it had some things that kind of peeved me. First I let my friend say what she thought on this anime.
"It was slow...really really slow"
-Mikey-san's Friend
Yeah...We kind of share the same thoughts on this. We were sitting down watching this at my university's anime club and just thought the same thing. The opening theme song was slow. The anime itself was slow. I am kind of glad that the series was only 13 episodes long. The series it self drag out a lot. Some episodes they would spend time doing nothing and the only important part would be like the last few minutes. The show itself was beautiful. Some scenes in there were really nice. Especially the parts underwater.

Pretty right? It also has some hidden-ish fanservice. Though it is magical girl and one thing that all magical girl series have is fanservice. heeheehee Still it didn't help keep it from being boring sometimes. Well it did but that is a different thing on it's own.

Though you guys may be asking how I got myself into this series. I mean I could have just walked out when the anime club put this in then play some Yu-Gi-Oh but I didn't. The thing is that the show's humor reel me in. I am a sucker for funny things and this series had some funny moments to it at first. I am a sucker for humor. If something is funny then I will like it most of the time. From there the story got me and I found it interesting so I wanted to find out how it ended. Though after awhile...the show got predictable. I made some predictions and they came true. Though I wanted to find out how it ended so I kept going. Kind of sad how it ended. Story wise and ending wise.

It was all a dream!

If you don't understand what that means then I explain. It is how I heard how Sailor Moon ended in the English dub. Usagi/Serena woke up in heard bed saying that "It was a dream" right after the previous scene where she was in a fight with the last bad guy of the series. I don't know if actually happen since I never saw the last the last episode of the American dub but now it is a joke between my and my friends.

Still back on topic. So Marin, Urin and Kanon resolve the finally bad buy and their talking turtle reveal that all the people who were effected by the evil spirit would wake up thinking that everything that happen was all a dream. So me and my friend just sat there thinking that everything that happen in the anime was pointless. We laugh and then hated ourselves. haha I think the events that happen in the anime took up like two to a month worth of time. Nothing happen. haha

Don't get me wrong. It was a good anime. I enjoy it when it had it's moments but I will not watch it again. It is 12 episodes long so if you have the time and like pretty animation then go for it. there is an OVA I heard but I don't think I will watch it.

Hatenkou Yuugi
So I am doing a Secret Santa for Reverse Thieves, an anime blog that I read and follow. Pretty cool guys and interesting way of blogging. Two people talk about a topic in the same post. Cool concept. Still these guys do something call Secret Santa where different bloggers come together and do something similar to the gift exchange, Secret Santa. Well each person get assign three animes and that person picks which anime they want to see. Then before Christmas we do a post about the anime we decided to see. We won't know who gave us that anime till the end, I think. Still it sounds like a fun thing to do and a great way to make friends over in the blogosphere. Also I used this chance to make the blog itself look nice.

So I had to choose between three animes: Michiko to Hatchin, Hatenkou Yuugi, and Gakuen Utopia Manabi Straight. I was thinking about doing Michiko to Hatchin but the thing is I seen a few episodes of that series though my uni's anime club (I see a lot of animes and don't finish them though there) and this was all about seeing animes you haven't. Seen. So I went with Hatenkou Yuugi since that seems like a good series. It is short series so in theory it should be a fast watch.

I don't want to talk about it too much since I am going to do a big blog post later on. That is one reason why I went on talking about Umi Monogatari to see how I can blog about an entire series. I have only seen two and a half episodes of the series. I got caught up doing something else while watch the third episode but I have faith I am going to finish it. It has funny parts to it and I like the idea behind the story. It is about three people traveling to different places. There is more to it but still I like that idea of a plot. A bit random but cool overall. Look forward to finishing this series a week before Christmas. 

Shakira (She Wolf)
Did you know I am a big Shakira fan? Did you know that for most of the last anime post I was listening to the CD while typing it out? Well I am and did. Got it Tuesday after I got off from school and listen the heck out of it that night and the next day. It is a very good CD. Had some great beats to it and awesome to jam to. One thing I like about Shakira is that instrumentals that are in there. Beside the typical guitar and such. You get things like accordions, violins, and different types of drums. It is like ear heaven with all those different types of instruments there. Amazing. Good head bopping there with the lyrics. One thing that gets to me is that the Spanish songs on the CD are just Spanish versions of the songs like SheWolf and Loba. Would have love to have just some Spanish only songs on the CD but it is okay. Most of the time the Spanish versions of those songs are better then the English version.

Still the CD is a great listen. I am listening to it again right now. haha So if you are a Shakira fan and haven't gotten the CD then get it. If you want to listen to some new music and such then get this CD. Worth the ten bucks. haha

Shugo Chara (and the other anime)
Well this past week I finally caught up with Shugo Chara! Party!. I kind of let the series pile up in episodes but decide to take some time to watch the episodes I needed to watch. It also help that the latest episode was about a character that I really like, Nagihiko and something I been wanting for a long time. It is mostly filler to give the anime and manga a chance to get some space but the episode are decent. The one I wanted to see was awesome. haha Now I am behind an episode because at the moment that this post is being made, a new episode was just release. Though I get to it eventually. May it be tomorrow after One Piece or in a few weeks. Either way I am going to make good use of CrunchRoll.

As in Kampfer and Fairy Tail...Umm....They are not dropped. I just going to marathon them later. maybe during the Winter Break. Maybe following four animes on my own isn't good because those were the first two that I let fall behind on before letting Shugo Chara being fall behind on. My anime hierarchy seems to be One Piece follow by Shugo Chara then whatever anime I am watching. Also the reason why One Piece is so high isn't because of this blog. It is because it is that awesome. Some really BIG stuff has to happen if I decide to just not watch One Piece for that week. Kampfer is a hard series to watch because that isn't something you want to watch in pubic nor take the chance for your parents to come up behind you while watching it. Then for Fairy Tail, I just don't feel like it at the time? I don't know. No real excuses there I guess. Still I get back to Fairy Tail and Kampfer eventually.

Impulse Buys: Emily the Strange
Well today marks the Christmas holiday season the the dreaded Black Friday. I don't do Black Friday but the thing is I decided to go out today to a store since my mom was going out to return something. I thought it be a good idea to do my work's Secret Santa shopping today.

Well long story short. I didn't buy the DVD that I was going to give my Secret Santa because they didn't have the ones that my Secret Santa wanted. On the other hand! I got myself a book! It is called Emily the Strange: The Lost Days. I have no idea what it is really about though. It had a cool cover and the first page of the book that I read when I picked it up sounded funny and interesting. It is done in first person as if the girl was writing everything down as a diary. It has big font and I have only read thirty-three pages of it but I like it. Would have read more of it when I got home but I decided to watch Bleach with my cousin. Still I think this will be a good read during the up and coming 'Dead Week' before finals and for the Winter Break. The vacation time will be a good time to read books since I can't really do that during the school semester. (Sigh). Still I am looking forward to reading this book. It has pictures. haha

Also turns out this Emily the Strange thing is a bit old. Started out as a counter-culture thing. That may explain why I never heard of it till now.Oh well! Interesting results when I Google Image search this too. haha  This shall be fun! haha

Well that is it. Not much One Piece eh? Well I had a lot of that yesterday with two manga post. Still you can never have too much One Piece! haha Still I hope this been a good post for everybody to read though. The More post seem to be focus on anything else I feel like talking about which I think it is good. Give this blog a bit more then just One Piece. Still in the end this is a One Piece blog. I hope everybody have a good weekend and enjoy eating leftover Thanksgiving stuff. Have a good weekend and watch out for my Anime post which will be next. Good weekend all!

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