Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Anime: Little East Blue- Episode 428

First Thoughts
Lots of evil face in this episode here. I mean it was almost all over the place by the same guy. Evil face here. Evil face there. There an evil face. Here an evil face. All an evil face! Just so much of it. To tell the truth this face here right now is getting me scared just looking at how evil it is. Doesn't happen much but then again I tend to have the funnier moments on the opener image. Though there wasn't much of those here in this episode.

Also one thing I want to bring up is, did anybody thought there were a lot of ill placed advertising for the OnePieceOfficial. This is for those who are in America that are being awesome One Piece fans and watching the official stream. *hint hint* Still I get to that a bit later. Let just say that I would appreciate not to see the same advertising four times in the same twenty-three minutes. Especially a bad dog related one.

Luffy, Sanji and Zoro are captured by Largo's Net Net Devil Fruit Powers.

Yoko has a flashback of her times with Boss. The big beetle then shed to rescue Luffy, Sanji and Zoro. Largo captures Boss but now Luffy, Sanji and Zoro are now up to fight against Largo, Colt and the rest of the Amigo Pirate crew.


Ahh...Even though you are all idiots. My Robin you are the most loveable and awesome of them all because you are so damn awesome. haha Able to win so many rounds without breaking a sweat. That is awesome to see. You are so not an idiot. Just somebody lovable that no matter what you do you are still awesome. Awww!

Also some things seem a bit more 'enhanced' in this scene that she is in. Maybe it is just me but I should maybe do an ongoing investigation on Robin too. Hmm...

Sigh...You are all idiot. haha I mean you think they  be a bit more concern about smoke coming out from a mountain based on the island that their fellow crewmates are on. I mean they seem more excited then worried. I mean three of your most powerful friends are on the island but still show some worry guys.

Though I am not sure if I want the rest of the crew to go on the island. I mean it would be really cool if the crew from the East Blue to take care of this situation since it would show that they could handle something like this. So if the Grand Line recruits came to help out then it would kind of defeats the purpose that East Blue people can fight and be powerful. Though that is just me.

This is Colt. I am guessing that Colt is the muscle? Or maybe at least not the brains. He just goes around and shooting people. Maybe if he is lucky then things will go his way but once he is overpowered then he is in trouble.

This is Largo. After seeing all that has happen, it is safe to say that Largo is the brains of the Amigo Pirates. When he isn't sleeping then he can be counted on to come up with something to turn the tide of the battle so his guys can do their thing. The guy with the calm head.

And that is our hero stuck in a net that is hanging from a tree. Trying to get out of the net but with no success.

This tends to happen a lot. haha Good thing with know better that this tends to happen and it also tends to resolve itself in some way or form. We just have to wait and hope that Luffy isn't in a snake. Though this could last for a bit but then again we only have one more episode of this arc so it has to be done soon.

Then again. Maybe he isn't the full brain of the crew. Smart people can't be expected to know everything right? Well...Ok. Maybe this guy isn't into this as the others. Who knows. He still seem smarter then the rest of them with that plan of his. Beetle or the people's lives. Pretty evil and smart there.

And there is the evil face! It was hard to make this one here the opener image but really it felt more right to have this one here since it was first. Largo is really good at making these evil faces. I mean just in this episode we got so much of it and he does it like a pro. There is some real skill there. Yep.

Oh look! The Efille Tower!

I guess Largo gets bored sometimes and tries out things with this Net Net Powers. I wonder if Largo could do other tricks like Baby Cradle or something else. Maybe hand traps?

And here we have awesome scene of the week! Seeing Zoro using those Phoenix attacks are awesome to watch. Then they got even more better after he got that new sword because well...Seeing that huge slash is amazing as all three waves become one. Suck that Colt's gun blast negate the attack. Still I expect to see some epic fight between these two later. At least a few more of those Phoenix attacks.

Still seems like the Amigo Pirates are a bit more traveled then the StrawHats seeing that Largo knew that Zoro could do Flying Sword techniques or whatever they are called. I am guessing he is familiar with different things which may be why Shiki was okay with them joining his crew. That guy must want the most powerful and experienced on his side.

There is Zoro. Stuck in a net. Well at least the animators are doing their job and made sure to make one of Zoro's swords back. You can even see the little purple waves on it too if you look closely. I kind of forgot that Zoro has a black sword now. I haven't been looking for it but these little moments here can really help one remember.

There is Sanji...In a little small iron cage. Well that is sure is embarrassing if I sure say so. Sucks too. How can one be fitted into such a small cage. Still welcome to the world of One Piece! How ever things work in this world is beyond our minds and others.

At least Luffy isn't alone in that tree now. Kind of sad for Sanji since he isn't even trying to get out. Zoro is looking like he is trying and Luffy is just trying just as hard. Though not much you can do if you are stuck in a tiny iron cage I guess. Still these are your heroes! Believe it or not. They are here to make sure the day is saved and that we are protected. Well maybe not protected but at least they fight for what they feel is good and just. Well...Ok...Maybe a bit too much on them but sucks to be them.

You know, this is kind of a kick in the shin to see. The guy that was all cool and all that captured you then does something as stupid as this. I know this power allows him to do things like this to make different nets but really is this necessary? Funny face and all but still doesn't that hurt his mouth? Guess he is going to fill those third degree burns in the morning or something.

Though it seems like Colt is enjoying this isn't he? See that huge smile of his there as Largo is yelling in pain. Guess these two aren't as close as we think they are. If he has no problem handing this guy stuff that hurts him then I guess he gets some revenge for some of the stuff Largo makes him do as in holding an ultimatum on these people. Good for Colt. Now just fall to the ground would you? We all know it is going to happen eventually. haha

More evil face! Wow...Evil alright.

Largo is a very sadistic person you know that? Saying that it is very sad when something happens but shows no feeling at all. I mean when he first said this kind of stuff back in the first episode of this arc. I be thinking he was really sad if  Shiki's plan goes into motion but I think he really doesn't care. This guy is just saying it to say it and doesn't really give a care. What a little douche. haha

Still got to say he has a good evil face. haha
"I'm gonna tell you weak see idiots once again!"
Sigh...This again. I hate it when people call people from the East Blue weak. I mean don't people realize that the most powerful pirate, The Pirate King, came from the East Blue? That one of the top rookies came out from the East Blue and have defeated one of the Warlords, challenged the World Government and destroyed Enies Lobby's top guards? Where does this type of view point came from? I really would like this have this answer one day.

Maybe Gol D. Roger had a hand in this. Maybe during Roger's time, things in the East Blue were tough with pirates all over the place beyond the control of the Navy. Then Roger came and clean up the place a bit. Took down a few big times. Then as he rose to the ranks and became the Pirate King, he made the East Blue off limits or something. Similar to what Whitebeard did when he declared Fishman Island his territory. Now the Marines are trying to keep it peaceful as they take credit for what Roger did. That could be why East Blue is consider so peaceful and thus weak. Just an idea.

Ongoing Investigation: Seems like the bra is attached to the shirt judging by what is seen here. Also we...

Wait....Well got to say I kind of wished that this was allow to continued so we can see some Nami fighting. We don't get that enough in this series I think and it is a shame. Nami for once looked as if she really wanted to fight even though she was pushed into it this time kind of. I guess that little girl really touched Nami with how similar they both once were.

And here comes the reason why Nami didn't get to fight. Sigh...Nice to see the big bug is up for a fight. He is flaming!

Ok...I admit. That was a very bad joke but I had to try it.

I guess the big guy wasn't fully recovered from his fight against Luffy. Also when you are tangled up in a flaming net then that makes things a big hard. Then there are those gutless idiots who was all scared of you at first when you came out then started to shoot at you when they realize that there is nothing you can do back to them. Damn losers. Amazing how fast you find your courage when the person you are fighting is defenseless.

Don't worry little girlie! I will be okay! Just forget about me! Not like I matter much anyways. I am a bug! Maybe one day I will be in Bug's Life 2. Till then see you later little girlie! I am going to Hollywood!

People are going to be mad at me for captioning this for this image. haha

Still I believe that what Boss was saying when he was saying goodbye toYoko. That bug knew what he was getting himself into and wants to be on the big screen. Screw this small screen show. He wants to be in Movie 10! Where the action is. haha

Boy, racking up that bad karma. haha

Speaking of bad karma. Am I a bad person for not caring about this flashback of Yoko and Boss? I mean I was watching this and just wanted it to finish up to get back to the main action. Yoko was cute and all in these scenes and I found them some what touching but really I couldn't really care less. It was even worse that we got the same flashbacks a few minutes later but much faster and even then I wanted them to be done faster or skipped. Guess they wanted to kill some time or something but still couldn't care less.

The only reason why I choose this image of Yoko and Boss because Yoko was the cutest in this scene then the others.

AND THIS IS YOUR HERO! YOUR AWESOME HERO! haah He just punched the guy who was giving himself up to protect the island right in the face. Yes. He stopped the chance that may saved so many people. Only for a fight with a giant bug. haha Well that is Luffy for you. Got to love how he works. I mean this way is better since we avoid a pity party. Nobody likes a pity party. Also that was awesome because really, a random fist at the bug is just something you don't expect. Took Luffy this long to break out of the net but at least he did. Way to go. haha Now punch the other guys to a kingdom come! haha

Yeah. He is an idiot. But he is our idiot. haha I think I can feel Nami's pain there. Still she knows that Luffy doing that only makes this moment even more awesome. haha

PAZAA! Glee for happiness because now the townspeople are getting ready to get tough! Leading the battle is a guy with a bamboo sword who is scared, a guy with a frying pan, an old man with a hoe and a short old lady with a....fan? Yes! These people are going to fight for their island! Go people!

Thank goodness Luffy and crew is there with more help coming. Though this looks very familiar. Cocoyashi Village anyone? Still ok. Speaking of which? Where is Mini Cocoyashi Village? I want to see Mini Cocoyashi Village too! Syrup and Windmill Village is cool and all but let see some Cocoyashi love too? Or is this our tribute to Cocoyashi?  Sigh....It be nice if this was.


I am so sorry Funimation. I know you have to make money some how and I know your commercials aren't that good because these guys are doing anything to get some sort of advertising. You guys only insert them so it isn't your fault that their ads are bad. I feel for you. I am working in advertising too so it isn't your fault in their bad taste of ad making. Still please! OH PLEASE! Do a better job in positioning these commercials. Don't just put them anywhere! I mean I understand if you put them during the eyecatchers and after the recap but don't put them in the middle of a good scene or potentially could be where a good scene was! I was all fire up here by these awesome moments with Luffy punching the beetle and the townspeople all ready to defend. Then I get this stupid commercial about MIGHTY DOG! for the two thousand time! After that I felt deflated. Sigh. If you need like a fourth or third commercial. Then please put it at the end of the episode after 'To Be Continued' screen. Trap us in to there. Or do the Previews too and place the commercial there before the Previews so we have to watch them if we want the preview.

Also please don't replay the same commercial over and over again in the same viewing. It's gets really annoying to see Mighty Dog ads for the two thousand time.

So big big shed his skin and became blue. Burned the cages and then to tired. Kind of sad that even after the epic transformation that this happen. Still then we get this...

Heroes enters stage left.

The fire was so awesome that it burned though the nets that our awesome heroes were in and allow them to be awesome. haha Too much awesome in one sentence but this was nice. Finally we are getting back to the action and our boys are back to give it another go. This is what we have to look forward to. Luffy is right, Boss's efforts won't be wasted because now he is back with Zoro and Sanji. There is Nami and Usopp in the wings with those townspeople and Robin, Brook, Chopper and Franky on the way. Can you say screw? haha Best scene in the episode right here.


Luffy is in Second Gear. Now things are getting serious. I wonder what Largo has to counter this little development. A net is no good if your fish or whatever is too fast to be captured. Then as I said, looks like the Amigo Pirates are in a tough spot. The townspeople are fired up, Nami and Usopp are there. Robin and them are coming. I am hoping for an action pack episode. Don't disappoint me now! haha

Movie 10 Information

No idea on what is being said by the VA there. I guess she is the VA of that chick that Brook asked to see her undergarments. haha. Maybe saying something like "Please go see the movie" and all that jazz. No new clips here from what I can tell beside this one of Nami. Good view. haha

Still till next week! Hoping for an action pack-ish episode!

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