Thursday, December 3, 2009

Manga: Chapter 566 (SPOILERS!)


Good stuff here. Very good stuff. I knew this was going to be a great chapter just by seeing those two panels that are in the image above. To me when Luffy goes Second Gear in an epic way like that. It just telling me that we are going to see some great stuff. A foreshadow you can say. I could have picked any image and I am sure other people would suggest other scenes but this one was the best to tell how great this chapter would be. I think this is my first time seeing Second Gear so detailed ever! Then again I have only just started to read the manga so I wasn't there when Luffy did it the first time back at Enies Lobby. Still this is the testament of a good chapter right here.

Before I move on. Those colorspreads (Well one of them I think was the cover of Jump for this week) were REALLY nice. Robin with a ponytail in that green outfit? So cute! Ahhh! I am such a Robin fanboy. I love my Nami but really Robin just has that aura to her. Still this is all for Movie 10 but still good. haha Robin was right in the middle of that page but it was really nice. The cola colorspread was really nice too. Not as nice as the cover but still good. Thoguh the bottom of the page said something like "Drinking cola as they ease their wat out of another adventure". Does that mean that the Marineford Arc will be over soon? Judging from this chapter, I don't think so. The battle with Whitebeard and the Marines looks like it just got relit if you know what I mean. Wow. Still I kind of hope that this page means something but who knows. Oda is almost impossible to predict. haha

Once again we pick up where we left off. Luffy doing Stamp Gatling to break up the pillar he had which makes the Admirals just stand there. They are unaffected by it but we see their Logia's powers at work. Really nice. It seems like they are just melting off Akainu.

Still what I want to talk about was what Luffy planned here. I am guessing that after fighting the Admirals the last two times with Aokiji and Kizaru at Sabaody that he can't hold up to a fight with them right now. So Luffy's plan was to distract them then go Second Gear to get pass them. Genius. Really good there Luffy. Too bad the distraction didn't last long enough and Second Gear isn't faster as the speed of light. Really cool how Luffy just zip pass them. Sucks that Luffy got kicked. Damn Kizaru. I hate that guy. Sigh...

The "pew" sound effect was nice though.

THOUGH! OH MY GOSH! The next part was really cool. Though I had to reread it a few times. I am talking about when out of nowhere, Luffy yells and you see the two Marines executioners getting hit and falling to the ground. For a minute I thought "What happen?". Then I was thinking it was Luffy's Haki. That he just got so upset that he activated it again. Then I just looked over and found an explanation that was better then anything! It was Crocodile! OH MY GOSH! I should have guess since that as blood flying. I thought it was strange that blood will fly from a cut that Luffy would make even with Haki. Still Crocodile doing something is better the anything else.
"I can finish the old Geezer off later...but seeing you scum so cheerful makes me sick"
Oh oh! Just seeing that is so cool. Those Marines are so stupid. I saw that guy with the gun and know that he was shooting Crocodile but nothing was happening. haha Croc slowly going in and out of sand there. Nice. Very nice effect there. I love the surprise look on Sengoku's face as he realized that something he thought wasn't true. haha This happens a lot in this chapter which is really nice. Then I get what I been wanting, or more like a continuation, Croc and Doflamingo continuing their 'talk'. haha

You slice the guy's head off and expect him to team up with you? What? haha Well Doflamingo. You got what you want. Though I am sure that Doflamingo is messing with Crocodile only so he doesn't get in the way of the execution of Ace. Or he is just messing with him. haha I am leaning towards messing with Croc. Still awesome! Oh wow!

And we see that Marco was being lameish. haha I mean he can do something to help Ace but isn't. What the heck. haha This so doesn't look good for Marco right now. Sigh....Remember when we expect so much cool stuff from Marco? That with him watching Luffy's back that Luffy will be safe and sound. That everybody who get in Luffy's way is going to be toast. Remember that? Well Marco now doesn't look to awesome now eh? haha Sigh....Well that how the cookie falls.

But I guess that doesn't last long since Marco is proving himself! We are getting what we been wanting for a long time as Marco comes out of nowhere and Flaming Haruhi Kick (See The Day of Sagittarius from Haruhi Suzumiya) Aokiji. Really nice. Though I think the most important part here was when Aokiji was standing over Luffy. Realy nice. I just found it cool because Aokiji was telling Luffy that he owe his Grandfather something. I really wonder what it is that Aokiji owes Garp? Maybe when Garp turned down those promotions to Admirals, it allowed the spot to stay up for Aokiji to rise up.

Then we get the mass of 'Two Page Spreads'. Really nice but my computer screen couldn't handle it. Had to scroll the whole time but then again. This was meant to be seen book format. Not computer format. haha Still happy to see the wailmer ship is still there. Not the Moby Dick but love how sneaky Whitebeard was. I have a feeling that Sengoku's weakness is being caught off guard. If you can sneak enough of these things in then that will be enough to stop his planning ways.
They sure have exploited that tiny hole in the wall!!! Hell, that hole may as well be their ally!!
So very true. I mean we had Oars Jr. stay there. Then he threw the ship over to let all the pirates into the battlefield. haha Nice. Well I got to say. The Marines seem to have gotten the hold of the battle but now they lost it. Things look up for the pirates I see. Heeheehee Going to be good.

Though what has happen to the Pacifistas? Haven't seen them in a while. Wondering if they been shooting at nothing or something. haha

Still the best part is that there doesn't seem to be any Marines there. Well we don't know that. Maybe those Pacifistas are still there. Who knows. Still Whitebeard is knocking things down and taking names but I wonder for how long. The guy looks as if he is getting tired out. I can only wonder if he will be able to last for the rest of the battle. Still the line as been drawn. Marines on one side. Pirates on the other side. Kind of how things were when the battle at Marineford started. Except now we have Whitebeard in the fray and Sengoku and Garp going in.

I wonder if Garp really going to go in and fight though? Is being away from his grandkid and potentially fighting his own grandkid going to keep him from going in? Though this is becoming exciting. We heard that the Garp and Sengoku combo are powerful to stop Shiki. Garp we know can fight. He taught Luffy all he knows. Sengoku....Umm...he has PwnGoat? haha Still I guess we will find out soon enough. Though I think it is kind of sad. It will reveal a secret in One Piece. A mystery reveal. So I wonder what is going to happen. Guess we have to wait till next week to find out.

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