Thursday, December 17, 2009

Manga: Chapter 568 (SPOILERS!)


Well this was a short chapter. I mean I was surprise at how fast I got done with this chapter. Kind of sucks because some things happen. After some thinking, I was  saying to myself, "This felt like two steps back and then three steps forward.".

Though I had so much fun with this chapter. I mean for a good while of the chapter I was reading out each line. I was reading Whitebeard's lines in a deep voice and then going to Garp's in some sort of confident deep voice. Then yelling out the parts of the other pirates. That was really fun. haha I think I will go back later this week and just voice out each part in a different voice. haha I have no idea why I did it this week. I guess I was just way too happy about being done with the semester and all. Took my last final and just so happy!

Though one think that I didn't like about this chapter was the title. Have it your Own Damn Vay? What the heck? I am not sure if that is how the direct translation was but was it necessary to add an accent there? Do we even know if Ivankov has an accent? From what I been told it is more like a speech thing then an accent. Still what do I know? Not like these scanlations are correct and I know how to read Japanese. It just kind of got to me when I saw the 'vay' instead of way. In the least it made me wonder why Ivankov said this instead of being a surprise later to see who said this. Still that kind of sucks that part of the mystery of this chapter was taken away because of the way the title was translated. haha Oh well.

It is kind of funny to see Whitebeard talk. Especially to Garp since he called Garp young when they look almost the same age. Still that one panel with the lava dragon thing that Akainu shot at Whitebeard looks really impressive. I have no idea what it did to Whitebeard or what Whitebeard did to stop it but wow. That is something that I want to see animated because I had no idea what happen. This is one reason why I like the anime over the manga. I can see things better moving then not moving. Still seeing that lava dragon was cool. I so wanted to post the lava dragon here but I couldn't since it was too big. haha

Did I mention something about how we haven't seen the Pacifistas doing anything last week. Well we did see them but it was just a glimpse. Now we see one of them and I think they are not doing so well when ganged up on.
Feel the power of the New World!
-Some Pirate at Marineford
This line is just making me wonder how the New World is. I mean if these powerful pirates are there in the New World then I wonder how the StrawHats will handle it. I know they will get much more stronger while there but I wonder how and why. It is just scary that these pirates were able to take down a Pacifista so easily. Well it looks like they had little trouble with it. While at the same time, the StrawHats together  were able to do but were left tired out. I really just want to go to the New World now. Seeing these guys just making me want to and I am not sure if Oda did this on purpose but I felt that one purpose of this chapter was to show us how the New World is. If the pirates in the New World are like this then that would be awesome.

This next part got me worried. I though we were going to see the return of Sad and Mopey Ace but what we got is a good sign. I wasn't expecting to see and Ace past thing which is cool. It didn't last too long too. Showed that Ace really does care about his dad, Gol D. Roger. I mean if you are willing to beat up a group of kids for speaking bad about him then that is impressive. Way to go Ace in honoring your dad. Even though it looked like you beat them up because they bad mouth a pirate. haha
Damn...They weren't dead then? 
-Young Ace
Now that was funny. haha Little Ace is something isn't he? haha Though I wonder what happen between now and then where he decided to disown his father.

Still that line that Ace asked was deep.
"Do you think I should have been born?"
-Young Ace
Wow. Amazing. That is a question that I think some kids ask all the time. It is amazing that the age that Ace was that he is thinking that. Still the response that Garp gave. Just amazing.
That kind of thing you only find out by living.
Amazing answer. Most parents and stuff will just say something like "Of course you do." but Garp basically just told Ace that you should live to find out why. He planted the seed that made Ace want to live. He encouraged Ace to go out into live and learn that answer on his own. It was amazing. Very. He hinted to Ace that maybe he doesn't deserve to be born but he wanted to let Ace learn that on his own. A real life lesson. I am thinking that maybe that is why Ace left to become a pirate. He wanted to go out to the world and find that answer and I think he may have found it here at Marineford.

Seeing all those people risking their lives to save him showed Ace that he should have been born. If people are willing to come to your side to save you from the hands of death then that is proof right there. Something to be happy about even though this is a grim situation.

Oh yeah. Also Buggy has defrost! That is awesome. I thought Akainu's Raining Lave Fist attack would have defrost him and the other Impel Down prisoners. Seems like Buggy has a new resolution to fight so I am expecting some cool things. At least some funny things. haha 

Still Whitebeard doesn't look too hot though. Seems like those health issues are getting to him now. Though the rest of the Whitebeard Pirates seem to be in a jam themselves.

Still Damn Kizaru! Damn is going to be Kizaru's new name. Kind of like a middle name or such because that guy is a real d-bag. I mean first you kick a guy when he is down and not expecting it then you have the nerve to shot him in the back? What the heck! Don't you have no honor? Isn't that part of justice? Then you go shoot Marco twice in the back at the SAME time! I mean maybe Marco deserve it somewhat for being just awesome at protecting Luffy earlier on but not even Marco deserve this! He at least deserves to be shot from the front side....

At least we may get some more details on Marco's Phoenix Devil Fruit powers.

Aokiji at least had the honor to attack Jos in front of his face instead of from behind...

Then we get the part that tied this chapter. Luffy going to Ivankov to be healed.
I'll do whatever I can. If I die, then fine!!! Just let met fight Iva-chan! If by not fighting now I failed to save Ace! That would make me want to die!!!
Those are some deep words there. To lay everything down for your brother. Not even your brother by blood! Just in name only. That is pass impressive. I am really scared to see what the Vigor Hormones will do to Luffy this time. Iva said earlier that these things will cut Luffy's life so it should be worse even now. I know (or at least hoping) that we will all get to see Luffy and the crew go into the New World but it is times like these where I think One Piece would end here. I don't want to believe it but sometimes it seem so. All these things that been happening to Luffy makes it hard to believe but I will keep on believing that One Piece has many years to go. haha

Though what Iva said about Dragon. How powerful of a  guy is Dragon? To make Iva scared to see him if Iva does anything that may risk Luffy's life. Does Dragon care that much about Luffy that he will be that upset? I mean the only times we seen Dragon care about Luffy was back at LougeTown and after Water Seven. I mean maybe Dragon is doing all of this  Revolutionary stuff because he wants a better life for Luffy and his mysterious wife but then again this guy has left Luffy fatherless (to the point that Luffy doesn't even know he had a father till Garp told him after all the CP9 stuff). So it makes me wonder what kind of guy Dragon is.

Still Luffy is back in the fray. For how long? We may not know. Either those Vigour Hormones take him out or somebody on the battlefield. I want to say that I hope Luffy goes there and give Kizaru a good kick in the face like I said last week but I am wondering if risking Luffy's life is worth it. I may just over worry about this  but still I just want to say this: Go out there Luffy and kick some butt (and Kizaru's face)!

So till next week. We will see Luffy go crazy.

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