Monday, December 21, 2009

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 431

First Thoughts
Well this was an episode where I didn't expect to be so entertaining. The episode did a lot of scene jumping which was strange but at least it was entertaining none the less. We even got a good amount of cool flashbacks that fitted in nice while looking excellent in the new age HD TV. This episode also went by pretty fast but I guess that was because of all the scene jumping that was in this episode.

Luffy, Buggy and Mr. Three fall into Level Three, Starvation Hell. They are captured by Saldeath only to have the three escape.

Garp and Sengoku talked about what Luffy has done so far.

The prisoners on Level Two have escape from their cells and rioting.

Luffy has been abandon by Buggy and Mr. Three to fed off Saldeath's forces while Buggy and Mr. Three can hear the singing of Mr. Two (Bon Clay).


Seems like things are going nice in Level Two. Guards are clueless as in what is going on. Though they know why Luffy is in Impel Down. I guess the World Government and the Marines like to keep things secretive from everybody when it comes to family.

I find it funny how brave all these prisoners are since they are out of their cells. They were all scared before but now that the big bad sphinx is gone, free reign. It is funny to see this happening since all the prisoners seem so down hearten while all the guards here seem so cocky due to the face that the prisoners can't do anything in return. Serves those guys right. haha

The flashbacks were clearly added to eat up some time but it really was nice to see them reanimated. Everything looks so clean and fresh with the emotions kept so nicely. It was confusing at first since I didn't know who was talking since I am not use to Spanda's voice but I was amazed nonetheless.

Seeing Sogeking/Usopp shooting down the flag was really cool. I wish I get the chance to see this episode in it's fullness one day. Though I  think that maybe the animators plans this since this is going to be played on the simulcast. Not sure how many people who watch the simucast seen the old episodes but this is a nice preview for those who missed any of Enies Lobby.

I would say something about how Robin's figure is but maybe this isn't the time. All I am saying is that the figure is a bit thin some parts and nice in others.

Then the scene at Sabaody Archipelago. A great moment indeed. What else is needed to say about this moment? This one scene changed so much in only a matter of seconds. The whole World Government now had another reason to recognize the StrawHats. It is no wonder that Sengoku flashbacks to this since it so recent.

This is why Garp is such a cool grandfather. Proud of his grandson no matter what. Even though Luffy has done things that are consider against the law, good old grandpa is all happy for him. If this was set in the normal world where there was no such thing as Devil Fruits then I am sure Luffy and Garp would make a cool grandfather and grandson relationship.

Then we have the awesome moment where Sengoku steal Garp's cookies! haha That isn't right! Sengoku stole cookies! That is horrible! How bad! haha

We now return to our heroes? Or is merry band of prisoners a better way to describe them? Well they don't look too merry right now as they find themselves in Level 3: Starvation Hell. Just by the name I can tell that Luffy won't like this place. Seems like Mr. Sphinx is with them too but surely down and out from the fall. Poor kitty.

Love how Luffy refer to the sphinx sleeping by saying it is a catnap. Funny stuff there. The  guy tried to kill you one moment ago if you don't remember kid. Then again this same kid was playing with the sphinx that was trying to kill them  before.

I'm melting! Melting!

Cool picture of the week. That is the only reason why this picture is here. I just love that figure that Mr. 3 made of himself melting. I am sure that this would have happen to Mr. 3 if he was place in Level 3 instead of Level 2. He would be nothing but a pile of wax if it wasn't for those Seaprism Stone handcuffs.

What? I thought this was Starvation Hell. Why is Luffy eating in a place like this? haha

I was wondering about how Luffy was going to eat while in Impel Down though. The guy is mostly stomach anyways and always eats. So eventually the guy will be running empty and have to eat. If that happens I guess a random fried bird will fall from the sky and be used by Luffy to eat. haha It happen once so it can happen again right? Yeah...


Though Mr. 3 brings up a good point. Most of the prisoners here and out were once very powerful pirates. At one point in time, the names of some the guys in this prison brought fear into the hearts of people. Now they are here in Impel Down as weak as children. Some of them trying to live while others are wishing for the sweet kiss of death. Kind of depressing.

In the top picture there is a guy with his head in his knees. I wonder what is going on in his head. Does he wish to die? Does he wish to live? Regrets? As we seen before, not all pirates are actually bad, they are just deem bad by the World Government and the Marines. I wonder how many good people are here behind the walls of Impel Down. Something to think about I guess.

Back to the disturbing comment. That the sand in Level Three is just the bones and skin of people who have died there. Creepy.

Hmm....Nets seem to be a common thing now in One Piece now....I mean didn't we have a villain who used nets in the last filler arc and now we have nets again. I mean I know that this scene here was in the manga before the filler arc was ever thought up of but just seem a bit funny to me.

Still what I find funny here is the person who caught them...

Nothing against Saldeath but it just funny that he is such a small guy. haha The guy looks more like a pushie then anything to be feared of. The guy seems cool and all but I don't think I can take this guy seriously. I wonder how they get the Blugoris to listen to this guy. haha

Speaking about animals...

I am a cow!

I am a rihno!

I am a koala! 

I am a pony!

And together we are the SUPER ANIMAL FORCE FOUR!

Sorry, they didn't say that but it could have fit if they showed all four Awaken Zoans together. haha For those that don't know what the Awaken Zoans are then just stay tuned. Those that do then this seems like something nice. Once again we get things in shadows but I love how every one of those animals have their eyelashes in red and such. Got to love Oda's artstyle to make serious things look funny.

Now to the action! Seems like Mr. Sphinx was helpful in helping our Merry Trio out in getting out of that pesky net. Now Luffy is stuck with all these guys that should be easy picking for him. Though I don't think this is good for Luffy to do since it is eating up time.

Aww...Luffy. Even though they are leaving you like a bag of stinky dog poop, you are still nice to them. Sometimes it must be nice to be stupid so you can take moments like these and see the good in them. haha They leave you out to dry to defend for yourself against blugoris. Called you 'live bait' and said good bye yet you still wish them no ill feelings. What a great guy. haha

And we  get our Hancock moment which we haven't seen in ages. Not much here. Hancock being awesome as always. Hannibal is still an idiot. Magellen is fawning over Hancock.

I don't hate Magellen and that may seem strange since I hate Hannibal. I think it is because Hannibal seems like an idiot and a good for nothing while i know that Magellen can do something. I mean they don't just make anybody a warden right? So the guy got to be packing guns on him if he can do his work in only four hours right? I hope so.

This is a priceless face! I mean priceless!

The yelling, I had no idea what was going on but it made me wonder. I didn't know what was goin on and it was funny to see this face come out of Mr. 3. Perfect for what we are going to see next. It added a layer on the cake that is this episode. The bow is about to be wrapped here.

What is this? What is going on? Why is Mr. 3 all scared? Why are people dancing? Queer? Eh? What?


Oh! It is Mr. 2! haha Wow...I think I just gave nightmares to half of the people who are reading this post. haha Now this moment here was the bow that tied this episode nice and neat. I really laughed at how we saw Mr. 2 just dance around and lastly blow a kiss which went to the 'To Be Continued' scene. Funny. haha

Still it is interesting. We get to see Mr. 2 here in all places. Well the guy looks to be in good health. Not past out. Not half dead. The guy actually seems very happy. Good for him! I am expecting some cool things from in the next coming episodes since is Mr. 2. Anybody remember the end of  Alabasta where he helped the StrawHats escape from the Marines? The guy looked very cool back there.

Can't wait for the next episode. That is all I am saying.


Ouch! Seems like Luffy is in pain as the old friend Mr. Sphinx is attacking him. Something must have gotten the guy or something to get him hit like that. Though it seems like Mr 2 is going to be part of the next episode. Nice.

I wonder if Mr. 2 will meet up with Buggy and Mr. 3. Wonder what will happen there. haha

Movie 10 Information

Why do i talk about this if I don't know what is being talked about? haha

Well this image above looks very Christmas-y. haha Brook flying in the air on a moonlit sky. haha Still seriously, this does look really cool. Looks like Brook is going to get some big fighting done here. I can't wait  to see this actually in America. (I say this every week don't I?)

Still I have a good reason when we keep being shown  clips like these each week? Each and every one of the StrawHats here look cool beyond anything seen before. Amazing movie we have here.

Still this one looks like it is mostly advertising for the movie and Chapter 0. Explainable for this I guess.

Still till next week for the anime. I think. I am not sure but I have a feeling there will be no new episode next week due to Christmas. I kind of hope so since I could use a bit of a break. haha Though keep an eye out on this blog because I have a lot of goodies as mention in one of the last More post. Manga and Secret Santa! So stay tune and see you guys soon!