Sunday, February 7, 2010

One Piece More: PwnGoat and I Stalk Because We Care

Well been a while since I have done a More post. A long while. Heck I don't even remember what the last More post was about. All I can remember was it being about Winter Anime, the last One Piece DVD set and the manga. There are several reasons why I haven't done a More post in a while. One thing is that I feel like there is nothing for me to talk about. I mean I could talk about all the One Piece stuff but really I been feeling like talking about not One Piece stuff in a More post for a while. Still I think there is some One Piece related stuff here. Another reason is because I just been too lazy too make a More post. haha Still now that I am here typing it up then I am for it today!

Also, not sure if you notice it but the shirt that Luffy is wearing is the same one that Chopper was wearing back in the latest filler arc for Movie 10. Just a cool tidbit that I notice.

Inspiration: Simplicity
Well I am not really sure why I am mentioning this. It doesn't affect this blog directly and I am not sure if anybody who reads my blog has even heard of the anime blog called Simplicity. Still this little blog that I like a lot and follow has taken a 'indefinite break'. Simplicity is a blog that focus mostly on shojo anime as in Shojo Chara! but also goes into a bit of other animes.

Maybe I am taking this as definite break but I am kind of sad to see this blog go on break. The main reason why it makes me sad is because this was the blog that inspire me to create this blog. The blog caught my interest because of Shugo Chara! but I actually liked Fufu Maiden's style of blogging which is similar if not almost the same as the style that I am using. It made me realize that I can blog or at least try to blog in order to make One Piece more known. I wanted to talk about One Piece and just have a place for One Piece fans can look at to see what others are thinking about a certain episode or chapter of One Piece.

I can understand why Fufu Maiden is taking this break. A person can get burn out and also a passion for anime can dim down as time passes. I fear that this will happen to myself one day but hopefully not anytime soon. I try to look at my blogging as a way to have fun and learn more about the One Piece community and anime overall. I don't want to look at this as work and I want to make each one of my post with passion or at least feeling. So I like to wish Fufu Maiden luck with whatever she does next and if she gets back to blogging on Simplicity then cool with that.

Also sorry for anybody who has to deal with that little ranting and spilling of feelings there. Hope it isn't too much with the recent manga post from yesterday and now this. haha  Also I promise to get to editing that manga post (If it hasn't been done by the time of the posting of this post). haha

Interview Corner
So today in this One Piece More I have a special treat for you all! An interview with popular One Piece character, PwnGoat! So here I have PwnGoat to discuss with him the recent happenings in the One Piece world. So how about we get to it?

Mikey-san: Thank you for joining me today PwnGoat.

PwnGoat: You're baaacome. What do you want?

MS: Just asking a few questions is all. How are things for you in Mariejois?

PG: Very relaxing... When I heard that the Marines were going to war with Whitebeard, I did the smart thing and stayed with the Gorosei. No need to get my paws wet.

MS: Ok. I see. Is it because you are afraid of Whitebeard?

PG: Me? Afraid of Whitebeard? Don't get me wrong, but sometimes my good friend Sengoku needs to get some of the spotlight. Do you know how ridiculous it would look if Whitebeard was beaten by a goat? The world wouldn't believe it.

MS: haha Ok. Now that makes more sense. So what are you doing with this free time then?

PG: I've actually been playing some Unlimited Adventure. It's an ok game but I'm really waiting for Final Fantasy XIII. The Wii is awesome.

MS: Isn't the game a bit hard to play since you don't really have hands?

PG: Hands are not needed. It's all in the hooves. Or if I'm really into it my mouth works too.

MS: haha Ok. Still how about we get to some of the burning questions. What do you do at Mariejois?

PG: Well most days I feed on important government documents, watch anime, or train my mind powers with Brain Age for the DS.

MS: I see. Speaking of which, have you seen the recent cover for the newest One Piece chapter 573?

PG: Why yes I did. I believe it had a duck or something.

MS: That is good to know since the next question is concerning that. People on the internet are abuzz about Carue and how powerful she may actually be. What do you think about this?

PG: I thought Carue was a guy? oh well... I don't think Carue has much power. Think about it, he's a pampered pet for a princess. How powerful could he be? They don't just let anyone be in the marine meeting room.

MS: Oh. My mistake. Still Carue was riding a polar bear in the freezing cold.

PG: Ah yes well Carue was wearing a bear suit as well so I could see how the polar bear was confused.

MS: haha Ok. I see. So are you saying that you can do the same then?

PG: Fur is thicker than feathers, I have no need for bears.\

MS: Ok. You seem very confident. I guess now is the time to ask this but what is your ability? Do you even have one?

PG: Ah... If I revealed that I think Oda-sensei would be mad. But don't think my confidence is unfounded. I've been a part of the world government for 20+ years, so I can hold my own. When I do make a reappearance don't think it won't be important. You do know I made an appearance in Movie 10 right?

MS: Oh you did? I didn't know that. Still it seems like our time together is almost up. Any last words you have for your fans?

PG: Baaaa Baaaa Baa Ba Baaaa!!! (Look for me in the future!! I will return when you least expect it!!!)

I hope you all enjoyed the little interview with PwnGoat and I hope you all look forward to more in the future!

Tweet Bloggin
Friday! I think I will do a More post tonight! So yeah! Umm...So know that....Tweet me who you want to stalk in #OnePiece!
So this is the question that I sent out on Twitter this past Friday. Because you know what they say, stalking is the best way to tell somebody that you love them. haha Perfect for the season where everybody will be all lovey dovey and giving out chocolates. I didn't get much response from this but got to say the response that I got was pretty good. haha

@MikeyDPirate i would stalk Franky. or Ace. They would like it. #OnePiece:1
-Gottabethebest! from Twitter

haha Well I am not sure if they would like it but okay. I believe it for my sanity. I mean Franky had a bunch of weird people (I am not calling Gottabethebets weird because that is calling the kettle black) so I am sure he is use to having people falling him. Then Ace spent a good amount of the story tracking down Blackbeard so that is kind of like stalking.

As in myself, I think I would stalking Robin or Nami. I mean if I am going to stalk anybody it might as well be a pair of lovely ladies right? haha I would like to stalk Luffy or Usopp but really I think I be too tempted to join in on whatever they are doing. So it has to be Robin or Nami since they seem pretty cool. Then if I get caught by them then I hope they don't mind me joining them in whatever they were doing. haha

So the spring is coming and that means another round of cons coming on! Is anybody excited? Well I am kind of excited! Yay! So is anybody wondering if I am going to do the con circuit? Well I am and I am not! So far I am only planning to go to three cons right now. The best part is that they are all in Houston! Well all but one! I like to take this time to explain why most of them are in Houston. It is because I am a poor college student and I am at the point of my education where maybe it won't be a good idea to go out of town for can during the time of the semester where professors are going to be very demanding. So that is why. Now to the cons that I am planning to attend!

Kamikaze Con
A favorite among old time anime fans in the area. I don't really  care for it. I been to it last year after they revive the con after a two year hiatus and I thought it was okay. Maybe that was a bad year for the con since the anime con community was split since there was another con happening the same weekend. The con to me is okay. This year doesn't look that much better but there are some nice voice actors from One Piece there. This includes Clarine Harp (Usopp's mother), Greg Ayres (Cabaji) and Chris Ayres (Johnny). To tell the truth it isn't something to be excited about except for Greg since they guy is a huge support for the industry but the thing is that I don't really like the guy for personal reasons. He was spinning at the con's rave last year and said things that rubbed me the wrong way about the other con that was in town. I respect him for all that he  says and does about how fansubs hurt the anime industry but that thing at the rave still gets to me. Though I am going to try to meet up him and maybe other VAs while there. This one is going to fall on March 19th to the 20th.

Anime Matsuri
Ahh...Anime Matsuri. My first anime con that I have ever been to. Boy, long time anime con goers hate this con. haha I like this con. This was my first anime con and this is where I met Sonny (Usopp), Luci (Nami) and Stephanie (Robin) then got them to sign my DVD. Good times. Still a lot of long time anime con goers hate this con because they are not really nice towards the con goers nor any of the guest. This is a con that is run by a professional company and you can tell which tends to rub the 'long time con goers' the wrong way. To me I don't care. It was my first anime con and it is kind of close to my heart because of that. Also as I said before this was when I got to see VAs that work on a show that I really love.

Matsuri has voice talent of Leah Clark (Coby and Miss Doublefinger) and Mike McFarland (Director and voice of Buggy). I am really excited to meet both of these guys sicne Mike is the big guy of One Piece and does the voice of Buggy. I am not sure if it be possible to get my card into his pocket because the guy sounds like a busy guy. Still I want to see if I could meet with Leah since her voice is going to appear int he upcoming One Piece DVD set as Miss Doublefinger. So that be cool.

Matsuri Con falls on Easter weekend, April 2nd to April 4th.

Akon Anime Convention
THE BIGGEST CON IN TEXAS! THE BIGGEST IN THE SOUTH! Whatever but still it is a huge con. I love this con and am looking foward to it. I am not sure who will be there but I do know that Kyle Hebert will be there. Still if you are going to make it to a con to see me then this will be the one! It is very worth it! More on this later though.

So that is the cons I am planning to go to soon. This may change due to who knows what may happen since I have a huge project for school to do and not sure if I can take a weekend off to go to Matsuri and/or Kamikaze. I am planning to host a panel at once of those two cons while I am thinking about hosting one at Akon but that depends. Still the main plan is to meet a few of these VAs and see if I can interview them so that way I won't have to interview PwnGoat (Don't get me wrong, that was an awesome interview but we need more right? haha) Of course it will be about One Piece but I am not sure overall though. Still stay tune to find out more! (Lame...)

Blog Rollin
Just added a new blog to the blog roll here! So welcome Jammer from Jammer's AniMovie Blog! I talk a lot of Jammer via Twitter and sometimes look over his blog. Jammer recently did a review on last week's One Piece episode so if you want a review and something better written then my opinions of the episode then  give his blog a view. If you are into movies and such then this blog be up your lane too.

So that is it for this week! Going to try to enjoy these happy times and brace for the hard ones....damn....That is depressing. Still I just hope I haven't used the image above to close out a More post. haha Still it is a good week. Lots of things to expect from the blog soon. The anime post will be up in the next few days and the manga post with some big things will be up. Then if you haven't heard, DragonPiece will be doing his review of the First Season DVD set of One Piece.

So how about we just enjoy this time and have fun these few days of what is left of the weekend. So have a good time!

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