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First Thoughts
Here we are. The main HQ of the Marines. The place where the best of the best Marines gather. We have only seen bits of Marineford like from the time where Luffy receive his first bounty and recently as we watch Sengoku prepare for the execution of Ace.
Still this episode marks not only the beginning of possibly one of the most epic story arcs in One Piece but the premiere of Opening 13, One Day. A very fitting opening seeing that all the things that we see happening here only happen in one day. If you have friends that been out of One Piece for a while then this is the time to get them back in. Tell them to watch Episode 457 and 458 so they will get a small recap of the events that are important to know for this arc and then get them started on this episode. After that, hang in for the ride of your life as we watch the epic events of this arc unfold in just one day.
Mikey's Note: This post is very image heavy due the amount of screencaps taken from the Opening 13.
Luffy and his gang of prisoners have arrive at the Gate of Justice.
Ace is lead up to the execution platform where a sea of Marine forces could be seen from as far as the eye can see. Sengoku appears on the platform and announce to the world of Ace's linage to the the former King of the Pirates, Gol D. Roger.
Opening 13: One Day
As mention before, this episode features the new opening theme for One Piece. Fitting that it started here on the dawn of a new story arc. The song had a good start in the beginning since it gave me the feeling of it being fast beat and a bit rockish. The song surely does feel like rock but not the rock that I expected.
This opening also has a lot of moments to get screenshots too as you will soon see and good quality ones too. Just take a look at how nice that Thousand Sunny looks in the shot above. It looks very detailed and shiny. I am guessing they are pulling out the good stuff for this opening.
I was feeling a bit of Fairy Tail when I saw the title words appeared on the screen. The flaming One Piece logo did remind me of one of the volume covers but also it reminded me of the third opening for Fairy Tail where you see the logo in flames. That was a good opening for Fairy Tail and would have fitted perfectly for the current story arc then the current opening.
Then these little pieces where we were getting zoom ins felt like something from an Naruto opening. The song was giving me that feeling too. Still I heard that the Rootless are big One Piece fans so I am guessing they are trying to capture one of the themes of this arc concerning families and brothers. That is nice.
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So we have a look at all the StrawHats on the ship. Seems like an average day on the ship which is nice. Though I feel sad for Usopp since he is fishing alone. Very uncharacteristic of him since he is always fishing with Luffy and/or Chopper but I guess that is just something that he would do if everybody else is busy with other things. Though it was very touching to see all the StrawHats together in that 'family shot' since it been a long time since we seen them all together. I think I like that smile of Luffy the most since he seems really happy there. Not that sappy happy but the happiness where you are enjoying yourself.
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So here is where the spoilers begin as we take a look at some of the top members of the Whitebeard crew and their abilities. I am not sure if you can guess what those abilities are but we can take some educated guesses here. If the song was a bit faster then it would have been awesome if the beat picked up there where Whitebeard did his little two fist crack thing. Then we can see that Marco has something to do with that flaming bird there and Jouz can make himself into diamonds it seems like. They both could have Devil Fruits by the looks of it. Then we get two people that we don't now which one of them look cool already. haha Guess they are Whitebeard's commanders or something.
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So it seems like the opening is showing us our main players in this coming arc. Though I got a laugh from the scene with Buggy and Mr. 3 since they looked so funny yet also serious. Also it seems like those two got some new clothes. I am guessing our great savior Buggy thought it was time to look a bit nicer. haha
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I have a good feeling that these images will mean a lot later on as we move deeper into Marineford. These little happy moments of Ace and Luffy weren't place here for no reason. Though the whole reason why we are here is because of Ace but these images seem to hold some sort of emotional tone to this opening. It brings the feeling of a little brother always chasing after his older brother as the lyrics of this song suggest. Brothers just hanging out and have fun.
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Then we see the march of the Marines where all our favorite Marines and World Government officials like the Seven Warlords. Doflamingo looks very wicked there as he does his little puppet things while Moria looks crazy with his Brick Bats. Though that cape he is wearing does seem a bit new. Wonder how long that will last on the battlefield.
Though the big surprise seem to be the reveal of Akainu's face and his power. Looks like that guy is angry as it seems like he has a temper of an erupting volcano flowing with lava. I am guessing it is very clear that we know what Devil Fruit power Akainu has based on what he did during this opening.
So the new opening in my opinion is okay. It isn't what I expected since I was hoping for something that was faster beat and a bit more exciting. Something similar to Opening 6 but a bit more serious. It seems like this opening was made to have a deeper meaning later on as we make it though the arc especially after seeing the images of younger Ace and Luffy. This may be an opening that will take some time for me to like just how Opening 12 was on some people. Still at least the tone and title of this opening fits the current mood of One Piece right now.
Now back to our regularly schedule blog post.
Episode: Ticking Down to the Time of Battle! The Marine's Strongest Lineup in Position!
Ace looks dead already.
So the countdown has begun. Ace begins his descent down to the platform now as the journey of a thousand steps starts.Still no great journey can't begin until you put on your shoes. haha
This episode did felt a bit slow but it was perfect for an episode like this where the feeling of tension was in the air. Gloom could be felt as you watched Ace gets out of his cell while the the guards wait for him. The setting is quiet nice seeing that we won't be here for long. Well compare to the rest of the arc seeing that half of the episode we spent getting out of this building. This was the part that felt long but it was fitting as it added a sense of anticipation.
Then the first of what I think will be the many times we will see this clip in this arc. Setting the tone for what we will see for this arc. This scene came up about two times this episode from what I can remember so the sense of brotherly love is going to be felt a lot. Makes me wonder what is going on in this little small flashback and what is behind this situation. A tiny look into the little known childhood of Ace and Luffy.
Whitebeard as scary as the devil? Those kids in the Grand Line have some interesting rhymes
Then One Piece does what One Piece does best. It shows us how the world is going to be affected by the events that are happening in Marineford. Watching One Piece is more then just following some kid chasing his dream. It is watching a world where everything is connected to major events. This is the eve of a major battle between two superpowers of the world. On one side is Whitebeard and his forces while the other side is the might of the Marines. Then in between we have Ace, the person who they are fighting for. Makes one wonder where does Luffy and his guys fit in since they seem to be helpless bystanders. Though we should all know that isn't true. haha
Though people all over the world are worrying about what will happen here. People think it will be best that Whitebeard doesn't get involve while other people are reminding the younger blood that Whitebeard still has a lot of bite even in his old age. Apparently the might of this aging pirate is still something to be feared of even though we as the viewer have never seen Whitebeard in action before. Still the events happening in Marineford are surely to be earth-shattering.
Ahh...I remember my first bite into a Marinefood burger....
The only reason why this image is there is because I just find it funny. No real importance or anything. In retrospect, I should have just made this the opening image of this post but I was being smart. haha
Still clearly not even Marineford is left unaffected by the possible coming of Whitebeard as in seeing that the streets are bare of people. If junk was to go down then they don't want anybody to get hurt. Still this reminds to something that the old man from the East Blue mention about Shiki. Not only did this man break out of Impel Down but before going in there, the guy was able to wreak havoc on to Marineford. This guy came unannounced so I wonder how many of the civilians got hurt in that attack. I am guessing that the heads of Marineford want to avoid the lost of those kinds of lives to a minimum.
Got to say that people from Marineford look pretty interesting when it comes to hats.
Though all corners of the world are a buzz as the time for Ace's execution is drawing closer. We are getting a bit of background information on what is going on outside the stage of this upcoming event. The love ones of Marines are watching from huge televisions screens as a possible war is going to happen. Pretty intense. Slowly the anticipation is being built as one side of you is wanting this execution thing to happen while the other side is interested in what is going on as we see the world prepare.
Clearly we are one of those people. We are sitting at our homes waiting on what is going to happen to Ace. Though we may be siding with Ace here but still we are just as helpless as those people watching the screens at Sabaody when it comes to the events happening at Marineford.
PwnGoat! Keep on pwning!
More layers are being added to this cake. As said before, the pacing for this episode was a bit slow but it was because of it that the anticipation was slowly being built up. This little interlude with Garp and Sengoku just made us question what is going on. Seems like Garp isn't taking the possible execution of his grandson too lightly. Family or job? Something that most family men have to figure out all the time.
Still we all know the truly mysterious character here is PwnGoat. Yep. haha
Now we enter the parade of images....
That is WHOLE lot of Marines.
Is it just me or does the expression on Moria's face scare anybody? haha That is one scary expression there. He looks very excited. Though I have to admit that the cape looks really good on him. Brings out his eyes.
Also Hancock so looks like she wants to be here. Heck, her snake is more excited looking to be here then she does. haha Though that is one big snake there. I am sure the Hancock fanboys are kind of disappointed about the angles that we were getting of Hancock in this episode. Sigh....
Hey! This is from Opening 12!
Really. I am not kidding. It seems like all the fans of Opening 12 will get to have one last look of the opening as we enter this long moment in One Piece.
Though I admit that it isn't the same scene from Opening 12 since the chairs are colored differently but the frames are mostly the same.
Another look into the flashback that we saw earlier but with a bit more depth. A talk to his younger brother about being free. Something that Luffy has been talking about a lot in recent episodes. Wanting to be free. A freedom that they can't get. What inspire this is beyond us right now but I really want to take a look into their pasts right now to find out.
Back at the farm....
Seems like after a quick journey (If you count six filler episodes as quick), we finally made it to the Gates of Justice. Now the problem seems to be getting pass these gate since only Marines can open them and it seems like they won't open for a Marine battleship filled with escape prisoners.
Though Buggy seem to be still keeping his loyal following of prisoners as they are ready to kick some butt at Marineford. I have to say based on seeing the characters on this ship that they are going to be providing some interesting things at Marineford. There is Jimbei who wants to help out Whitebeard. There is Crocodile and Das Bones who want to kill Whitebeard. There is Ivankov and his Newkama Army who want to help Luffy and save Ace from being killed. Buggy and his band of prisoners who want to take down Whitebeard and gain fame. Mr. 3 who is being dragged down by Buggy (haha). Lastly Luffy who wants to save his older brother from the hands of the Marines and the World Government.
When you think about it. Luffy has had some bad luck with his love ones being captured by the World Government. First Robin back in Water Seven and now Ace.
For a minute I thought we were now going have to watch Ace goes down those long steps to the platform which will last until the end of this episode. Though that didn't happen as we next saw Ace on the platform with his head between two nice long blades. It really seems like Ace is ready for what is about to happen here. I wonder if he has any regrets since in the flashback he told Luffy that they need to live their life with no regrets. Based on that face, I have to say that it doesn't look like a face that belongs to a man that lived his life with no regrets.
Then here where things start to get serious and the ball begins to move. Sengoku looks over at Ace and demands to know his father. The responds is a surprise since I thought he would say Dragon but then starts talking where it makes sense that he wouldn't acknowledge Dragon as his dad. The guy hasn't exactly been there for Ace so that would make Whitebeard more of a fatherly figure compare to the guy.
Then we learn the secret behind Ace's birth. Being in the womb for twenty months with Portgas D. Rouge. The Will of D is strong as it most likely had given her the strength to keep her son within the womb for that long.
The music in this scene was great! I have to say that this was the best music I have heard played in One Piece in the last year. It had a feeling of the past along with serious. It was like we were watching an episode set during that time or something. Listening to Roger as he talks about the woes of the father shouldn't be passed on to an unborn child. Never did we enter the cell that Roger was in as we were watching from the side of Garp. We saw Grap's face and knew this was serious.
Then it happens all in one instant. The father of Ace is...Gol D. Roger! The former King of the Pirates. The man that we heard tales about and was the only person the conquer The Grand Line.
Something that just came out of left field. Since Alabasta, we thought that Ace and Luffy were blood brother but now we are questioning the truth of that fact. If they are not blood brothers then what does this mean? The two look awful similar to each other and are extremely friendly. It be hard to believe that they weren't brothers! Though Sengoku is claiming that they don't share the same father. That Ace's true father is the once great pirate Roger. This is completely mind blowing as now it seems like Ace is the one and only son of Roger.
Though I am wondering what kind of women was Rouge if she was able to get so close to Roger in order to bare a child. There must have been something within Rouge that brought her to Roger attention. I doubt the King of the Pirates would knock up any lady after all. Maybe Roger was able to see the strength that Rouge had within her.
And the news of Ace's father spreads like wildfire. The top corps of the Marines don't look surprise here but the underranks sure do. Though madness is spreading though the reporters at Sabaody as they are reporting this as the biggest news. The surprise is enough to make people worry as they are believing that the raise of a new King of the Pirates is before them. The man that was feared bear a son and they must be thinking the same way like the Marines. That the son of a powerful criminal is just the same as the father. Somethings don't seem to change. We saw a similar thinking back during Franky's flashback and now we see it here with Ace.
It seems like the execution of Ace is bigger then we think. It is more then killing a single person. They are trying to kill off a bloodline. A bloodline that people are fearing could continue. Though what will happen next is beyond us. Ace's execution doesn't start for a good while and Whitebeard hasn't appear. Still Marineford has just started so anything can happen on this island that is the stage for one of the most epic moments in One Piece.
Looks like next episode we are getting some pieces of the past as we see Garp and Roger talking. Most likely from right before Roger's own execution. Now his very son is on the platform. I am sure that Garp is thinking about how similar this is since over twenty years ago he witness the death of Roger and now he is watching Roger's son.
Then we see a bit of Rouge as she is giving birth to a baby Ace. I wonder how did Ace found himself in the care of Garp and if Rouge and Garp had some sort of connection. Maybe romantic?
Still things are going to go down as we see a bit of Luffy and his group but more importantly is that it looks like Whitebeard is going to make his move. The tides are raising and so is the action. Literally. That is Whitebeard's ship coming up and it is going to create a splash. Literally.
Next Episode: An Enormous Fleet Appear- Invasion! The Whitebeard Pirates
Though this intense episode won't be coming next week since One Piece is going to be on break. Instead we be going back to the action on August 1st. In the mean time I suggest you hit up our contest or feel free to take a closer look at the images in this post since there are a lot of them and prepare for the next anime episode in two weeks. It is going to be something!
I agree with what you said about One Piece always showing us how the world is affected by the events are happening in Marineford. It sorta give us a picture of what the One Piece world is really like, drawing us in deep into their world.
ReplyDeleteI particularly enjoyed the part where there's this conversation about Whitebeard. It showed us how his presence has affected those in the One Piece world.
I actually felt fear when I was watching this episode. Though I already know what comes after, it didnt fail to give me this unsettling feeling that terrible things gonna happen next or something like that.
Hey, Mikey, you said up there Quote: "Then we learn the secret behind Ace's birth. Being in the womb for twenty two years with Portgas D. Rouge."
ReplyDeleteHe was held for 20 months, I think you just misspoke or something...
Oh, and you misspelled Garp (Grap) near the end. Sorry, I am just THAT nitpicky sometimes ;)
This was excellently done. I really enjoyed reading it. Glad to see the first episode of this great new arc was portrayed in such a worthwhile manner.
ReplyDeleteYeah. The moments that we had outside of Marineford are really helping us learn more about this world and also about Whitebeard. Even though we never seen Whitebeard do anything. We are being told of how powerful he is.
Yeah. I think I actually felt anxious too when watching this episode. Hairs standing on their ends.
Damn...I knew there was a reason why I brought you on. haha I go fix those right now.
Yes and there be more to come. haha This arc is going to be crazy!