Saturday, July 31, 2010

One Piece More: Casting Our Pieces

Cake is nice. It isn't a lie. Cake is sweet and tasty. Each piece of cake is another bite into fluffy heaven and sweetness. Sometimes the icing is too sweet and other times there is too much of it. There is also so many different flavors of cake too. There is vanilla, strawberries, and chocolate. Still cake is like a work of art. They can be plain but there are also some that are elaborate and nice. Cake can be used to celebrate many different things like the blissful union of two people, the celebration of a glorious event or the most famous use of the cake: birthdays.

Today I shall be enjoying a birthday cake due to it being my birthday. haha A cake as big as the one Sanji and Nami is making would be nice but I am content with the one that I have right now.


by One Piece at a Time Crew
Mikey-san: Recently some members of the blog has been hitting podcasts to talk about some One Piece. We here are a One Piece blog and can't get enough of it clearly since we are blogging about One Piece after all. On these podcasts we give our piece about One Piece and topics that I don't think get talked about very often. So these podcast episodes have some good insight in our thoughts that in a way that you don't normally hear.

Anime 3000 Bonus Round- One Piece is Never Enough
The One Piece at a Time Crew were invited to the Anime 3000 Bonus Round to talk about some One Piece. Here you have myself and Super Neku talk some things about One Piece concerning the lack of popularity here in the United States, our views of Funimation and my favorite part: the ending of One Piece. We also recommend a good place for new and older fans that have gotten off the bandwagon to start watching.

This podcast also has some nice little interviews with the voices of the Funimation cast of One Piece. Overall a good listen. Personality I think I was a bit nervous for this podcast. haha Not sure if you can hear it during the podcast but I hope that you guys enjoy this little treat. It was quite fun to be on a podcast talking about One Piece since this is something rare for me.

Superneku: I was nervous too ya know! It was my very first podcast. I also talk briefly about the UK's lack of One Piece although I'm sort of quiet so be nice! The host (Sean Russell) was a really nice guy to talk to. Also random comment but Happy Birthday to Mikey! :D

Jammer's AniMovie Podcast 20: The Swimsuit Special
Mikey-san: In celebration for Jammer's twentieth episode, it was thought that we all talk about a series that we love, One Piece. This was something that I have been trying to push Jammer to do for a while since I know he wants to do it. haha The problem was finding topics that nobody hasn't brought up since it seems like all podcasts have talked about One Piece. I mean there is a podcast that is all about One Piece after all.

Still we had a good time and got a few good people for this podcast. Talked about some of the negative aspects about One Piece which we take a long time to do and also talk about some of our favorite things about the show. I have to applaud Jammer for being able to include the newest One Piece anime opening in his podcast. Something very unexpected. Though it was fun talking to Zach (One Piece Podcast), PwnGoatJunkie (One Piece Podcast), and Doctor (SSAA Podcast) about One Piece.

Also it was my idea to name the episode the 'The Swimsuit Special' and to use that image for the episode.

The Unoffical One Piece Podcast Episode 116: Mushi Mushi
Superneku: Although Mikey has been featured and talked about on some episodes already aired, this episode features a massive call in with several fans of both the series and the podcast. Two of those callers you may recognize as both me, Superneku, and of course Sora! We both ask the podcast a quick question at certain points so we aren't on for too long but it was cool to get our questions answered and just talk with them!

Sora: Yes indeed, both of us were heard on the podcast and it sure was a great feeling being there. I enjoyed hearing the fan discussion on different topics, and it also surprised me how few spoiler questions were asked. Haha, I expected to be blocking my ears for almost half of the entire podcast. Hearing all of the listeners from across the world was a great thing to hear.

"One Piece on TV" Petition  
by Mikey-san
The Revolution has started, have you joined on?

This week started the push to get One Piece on TV. If you missed the post from earlier this week then I recap it. The guys from The One Piece Podcast have started a petition to try to help get One Piece on TV. You can go sign the petition by clicking the image below or scroll up and click on the image above the Blog Rollin section.

Signing the petition is only the first part. Next we need to get in the trenches and go to the streets. Tell everybody you know about this petition and make them sign it. Got friends who like anime but not One Piece? Well ask them to sign the petition so we can have more anime on TV. Got a blog? Post about the petition there on your blog! The point of this petition is to get One Piece on TV. Still if we can get One Piece on TV then it be good for everybody. More anime fans can be gained by such an opportunity. The anime fandom can grown if we can get more anime on to American television.

The other thing that we need to do is mail the networks. Let them know that there is this great show called One Piece and that they can show it. Make the networks know that One Piece has a huge fandom and it is worth playing it on their network. You can find the addresses to many television networks as in The CW, Cartoon Network and 4Kids Entertainment right here.

So sign the petition and get ready to fight! The TV revolution is here!

'Show Me Your One Piece' Contest
by Mikey-san
There are ten days left. Have you shown us your One Piece? If you haven't then you are losing out on the chance to win some great prizes like any One Piece Funimation DVD of your choice including Season Three, Second Voyage. Though if manga is your thing then you could try to win any Viz One Piece manga volume even Volume 55. All you got to do is fit all your One Piece stuff into five pictures and send them to OnePieceAtATimeBlog (at) Gmail (dot) Com.

Time is running out! More details here.

One Piece Stuff I Own
by Mikey-san
Recently a friend of mines had a stop in Japan during his travels aboard and brought me a little something while he was there. A nice little keychain with One Piece playing cards. They are perfect for those times at cons where you have to wait in a long line and your friends forgot to bring the regular size playing cards.

These are not super fancy cards but they still look nice. On the front of the cards you have the normal face of a card while the back has Luffy's face as he enters Second Gear. The really nice cards are the Jokers because you get to see Luffy steaming as he goes Second Gear. It is really nice. I can't put it on my keychain though since it is a bit heavy already but I will put them in my con bag for the next convention which will be in a few months.

Blog Roll
by Mikey-San
Adding on to the Blog Rollin section that doesn't seem to want to stop growing is One Piece Campaigns. These are the same guys that bring you sites like The One Piece Podcast and such. Though it seems like Zach and them have set up this site so they can have a campaign headquarters for anything that is One Piece. Want Movie 10L Strong World in the US? Then hit them up and let them know you want to start a campaign to help convince Funimation to get Strong World.

Right now the site is focusing on getting One Piece on TV. They have a petition set up to allow people to view and sign it. Also you can find other ways to help the movement and push the networks as in letter campaigns to send letters to television networks. Many of the addresses to several popular networks such as Cartoon Network can be found on this website. Still give the site a look and let your voice be heard. It is my opinion that One Piece fans are a powerful group of fans that can get anything done if we set our mines to it and this is the perfect way to do that!

Also due to Mikey-san's laptop being out of commission, blog reader Andrew volunteer to make the banner bar for One Piece Campaigns. Thanks and it looks really good!

As July and my birthday comes to a close, thus we enter August. Summer is about to come to a close and the days of school are closing in. Still don't be gloom because we here at the blog are not! The end of August marks the first year anniversary of the blog! Got a lot of cool things to help celebrate our one year anniversary. One of them is two contests!

The blog has a Twitter and a Facebook page. Currently the blog's twitter page has 255 followers and the Facebook page has 8 Likes. If Twitter can reach up to 300 followers and/or Facebook reaches up to 100 Likes then I will give out a prize to a lucky person on both. I have no idea what the prize is but I am willing to take suggestions! So hit up your Twitter and/or Facebook and become a follower! If you already are then tell your friends!

So now excuse me as I go enjoy some left over cake. Also don't forget that the Marineford Arc has started two weeks ago and continues this week! Make sure and watch Episode 460 on One Piece Official then come back here in a day or so for Sora's thoughts on the episode.

1 comment:

  1. wow may your group of bloggers sustain and continue. I know you can't get enough about one piece because they are cool and they are lots of series to be follow and action to be wait. Me also, i do follow their episode but am not good in writing like the group but i do collect them from PIJ, recently my one piece ace was the last item i've included in my collection.
