Tuesday, July 27, 2010

One Piece More: The One Piece TV Revolution

 Don't want to read this post? Then just click this link to sign the petition

As the old Beatles song goes, "Are you ready for a revolution?"

Do you want One Piece back on the TV airwaves? Want something to look forward to weekly on TV? Just want some good cartoons on TV to inspire a new generation of young cartoon and future anime fans? Just want something to set your TiVo or DVR? If you said yes to any of these questions then you would want to read on in this post!

Remember when Funimation showed what they could do with One Piece a few years ago by showing their dub of Skypeia back on Cartoon Network? Those were some great times. We finally had a One Piece dub that we could be proud of. The stars in the sky were shining bright because now people had a good representation of One Piece. Then the dark days came and One Piece was pulled off the air.

Fast forward three years later and we have the first two hundred episodes of One Piece translated and dubbed with a majority of those episodes on DVD or soon to be. Those are great ways for the current fans to enjoy One Piece but we also need a young fanbase for both One Piece and anime. Still how can we do this? By getting One Piece on TV.

The guys at the One Piece Podcast have started a campaign to get One Piece back on TV so the audience can grow. We here at One Piece at a Time fully support this since this a good thing. We all want to have One Piece on TV since it will be beneficial to One Piece and anime fans. Mostly all American anime fans can say that Dragonball Z, Sailor Moon, and Pokemon were the first animes that they seen which eventually lead them many different animes such as Durarara, K-on! and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. One Piece can be one of those shows that can draw in new anime fans and especially new One Piece fans! My little brother loves One Piece and enjoys it whenever a new DVD set comes out and watches it with us. If I can gain one One Piece fan by putting in a DVD into the DVD player then imagine how many more fans can we get by putting this on TV.

So what can you do? First off I want  you to sign this petition that has already been started. Either click on the link provided or scroll up to the image of Usopp from Strong World which will take you to the petition. The petition only ask for your name and email. You don't even have to put your real name if you don't want to. Just make sure the email is legit.  I signed this petition and I recommend that you do to. Then once you do that, hit up the HQ for all of this, One Piece Campaigns. Zach from the One Piece Podcast has lots of ways in how we can push for One Piece to get on TV including addresses to all the major television networks.

Got your own site? Then please add a link to the petition there. Spread the word about this to everybody! Now is a time where anime is very limited on TV so any anime is better then no anime. 

We have no idea if any of these things will work to get One Piece on TV. Petitions and campaigns don't always work but the thing is that doing this is better then doing nothing. Just remember this though, it has been the power of the fans that has gotten One Piece as far as it has gotten today. The people at Funimation have heard your cries! You wanted a TV dub that was enjoyable? We got it! You wanted uncut DVDs? We got it! YOU wanted a simulcast to see the latest One Piece episodes almost as soon as they come out of Japan? WE GOT IT!

So let pull together again and show not just Funimation but the television networks the power of One Piece fans! Let start a revolution! Let get One Piece back on TV!

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