Friday, July 16, 2010

Manga: Chapter 592 (SPOILERS!)

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Before I get into the meat of this post. I am going to rant a bit. This rant has nothing to do with the chapter being 'late'. I can live with that. What I can't live with is that the translators for this chapter didn't translate to what is most likely correct and left unneeded Japanese in the chapter. Just look at the first panel where they used 'Kuraigana Island' instead of translating it as the official translation of 'Gloomy Island'.  Really? You are doing this for an English speaking lanuage. I kind of see it pointless to leave a translation note saying that 'Gloomy Island is the official translation'. Why not just translate it as 'Gloomy Island' if that is the official translation approved by Shueisha. Beyond me why not to use it but what do I know? It isn't like I know Japanese and know that the guys in Japan has the final say in what is sent out in this time and age of manga. Now back to what you are all here to read.

It seems like the castle that Perona and Zoro have been hanging out in actually belongs to Mihawk. Apparently Mihawk has been away from home for a long time seeing that Perona actually landed there during the Thriller Bark arc. This is really a surprise but I guess Mihawk does seem like the guy that likes to live alone in a big place with a forest filled with monkeys that are kill-happy. Get up in the morning, have a cup of coffee, read the paper, then maybe attack a few monkeys when bored. Leave for a bit and return. Rinse and repeat. Sounds like the life to me.

Now I know everybody is either saying that Mihawk is going to help train Zoro a bit or that Zoro will eventually overcome the monkeys and become much more powerful. Heck maybe Zoro will learn Haki. Don't feel like that will happen to tell the truth. It just seems really lame to me. Mihawk wants to fight Zoro when he is stronger which I think involves Zoro becoming stronger in his own way. Not some way that Mihawk help Zoro get. Mihawk had already given Zoro a boat and thank goodness that is in pieces because I don't think Zoro would have made good use of it.

This image is only here so it won't seem like a lot of text to read

I admire that Zoro wants to get back to Luffy and the crew but really I feel like Mihawk has a point here about Zoro wounds. It has now been three weeks or so since Zoro has been separated from the crew and his wounds from Thriller Bark and Sabaody still haven't healed? That is very strange and I am guessing that Zoro has been trying to fight these baboons for a long time which is the reason why they still haven't healed. I think that maybe a good reason why Zoro was sent there was so he can just rest up and heal then become stronger. Though knowing Zoro, he will just keep fighting with those wounds.

Then we head up to Weatheria where we find out that Nami is in jail for stealing some stuff. Apparently she is eager to get back to seeing Luffy and thought it would be best to take what she needed for some self learning or use it in order to help get back to Luffy. One of the two. Also Haredas is a strange name but at least we can stop calling him the old dude that goes, "Hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey...." all the time.

This got me a bit because I remember that it was Nami that asked Luffy if they should head towards Impel Down to go rescue Ace but in the end Luffy said no. Nami must be hurting since it was her who brought up the idea in helping Ace and because of that she must feel somewhat responsible in the death of Ace and Luffy's break down.

Maybe some of those tears that Nami had back then were really genuine and she really wants to be there when Luffy breaks down (which he already has). She, like a good amount of people in Luffy's crew, know how it is to lose a love one so I guess that is one reason why she wants to make sure to get there even if that means holding an old man hostage and then abusing them. Aww...abusing old people.

 I so wanted to use that cool image of the explosion and Franky giving us the thumbs up

I found Nami's part of the chapter emotional meaningful but when it came to character development then I felt that Franky's part really takes the cake. There was a lot of much needed character development on Vegapunk that can be used to get an idea on his character. Based on what was being said, it seems like Vegapunk joined the Marines in order to gather money and materials to come back home and finish his islandwide heating project. Though it looks like the Marines don't want him to go home anytime soon seeing some of the things that Vegapunk has developed. Till now, Vegapunk has always been depicted as some sort of evil, mad scientist developing weapons for the Marines. Now it seems like he does have a heart due to his project that could have benefited his home island.

Isn't this like the second time somebody got hurt/killed for not knowing the difference between a pirate flag and a danger sign? Really....

Though it is nice to see that we may see Franky's bounty go up if he is able to get out of this mess. I am sure that the Marines are not going to like the fact that a laboratory of valuable blueprints has gone up in flames lightly. Though there are concerns about how this lines up with what happen in the anime but meh...Poor Franky.....We knew you well. haha Though that big heating device on the island is now destroy, they now have a huge source of warmth.

Seems like I was right about what happen with Brook. He made a song that empowered the people to stand up for themselves. They still suck and needed Brook's help but at least they tried. Then we get disappointed and Brook ends up being kidnapped. If we are lucky then Apoo would come back and visit his old tribe and recognize or find out that Brook is part of Luffy's crew. Then he can take him back to Luffy. Don't think it will happen but let just send that out there.

I was thinking we wouldn't find out what Chopper saw back in the last chapter. If anything we will find out next chapter when we go visit Robin after our visit with Sanji. Suspecting that we may have a high chance of seeing Ivankov since two weeks may be enough time for Ivankov to arrive back home. I have a good feeling that we will see what Chopper see with Robin since she seem to be the best person to give us an opportunity to clue us in on news. Also she maybe the last person we see and that would be a good way to tie in everything we saw in last few chapters.

It makes me wonder though about how the others are going to get back to Luffy or if they will get back to Luffy. So far we only seen one person who was in the process of returning back to Luffy which is Chopper. The others don't look so good in that process as they are still having issues of their own like Brook being kidnapped. I sure hope that Oda isn't going to drag this out too long like a certain arc involving a battle at a certain Marine headquarters. Though we can all say that we can't wait to see the StrawHats reuniting.

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