Thursday, September 17, 2009

One Piece More: So not an advertisement for One Piece DVDs

So just take a minute to stare at the image above.

Done that? Good.

Does it seems like the eyes in the skull are angry? I am sure it is the lighting from the effects but it looks angry. I don't know why. haha

Still I love the trailer for the next set of One Piece DVDs. Just the opening scenes for it are funny.

"I'M IN!"

"ME TO!"

"FINE! Go have fun!"

haha Way to go Usopp! Show them that brave warrior of the sea! Show them! haha

Well if you haven't tell, this screencap is from the trailer of the Season Two, Third Voyage. I can't wait for this one to be in my room and in the DVD player. This will be all of the Drum Island Arc in one sitting (or set). Even if you don't like these episodes still get them. They are good to watch and there are some good fights with meaning in there. Also the Chopper is still fresh! Get it while you can!

If you want to get these episodes then I would suggest Amazon but if you want to be cool and help out some One Piece fans then go over to the Buy One Piece section of The Unofficial One Piece Podcast site and buy it there. I even provide you with the link (AGAIN!)! You will be buying them from Amazon still but you will have to go though a cool One Piece fansite. If you haven't bought this DVD set then go get it (now). It be cheaper then going to the store and you don't have to get somebody to drive there (if you can't drive). I just recommend doing this but not forcing you to get them.

Also give the guys at The Unofficial One Piece Podcast site a listen. They are pretty funny to listen to and Zack is cool. (He replied back to my email when I asked him if I could link to their section. He sounded so cool and nice.) Expect maybe a link to their site on this blog soon.

Naruto* on Disney XD
WHAT! Naruto on a One Piece blog! CRAZY!?!?! Well I don't have anything against Naruto. I like Naruto but not as much as One Piece. I watched Naruto on Cartoon Network and I tried to watch the 80+ fillars but I couldn't. I like fillars but I found out that there is a difference between good fillers and bad fillers. Yeah....those were bad fillers. Also as you can see and maybe tell, I didn't bother to watch those episodes of Naruto on my own and gave up watching Naruto when CN stopped showing it. (Though I watched One Piece on my own when CN took it off the air the first time. Got to show love!)

Back to the main point....

I found this out just right after I posted my last One Piece More post. I was going to add it in there but I didn't feel like it. So I just saved for the next one. Still this was a surprise to find out. I got on Twitter and somebody I followed linked the news story. At first I couldn't believe it and thought it was kind of like the whole Disney buying Marvel thing but when I thought about it, this made sense. Disney XD is more of a boy-focused channel with them showing Spiderman (Amazing and Spectacular), Static Shock, Batman and Suite Life. So with Naruto there it is perfect. That will be enough to get boys interested since it got lots of rating back when it was show. I mean clearly, Naruto is a boy show so being on Disney XD is perfect for it.

Also Naruto being on Disney XD kind of shows proof of another thing, CN moving out of the cartoon and anime buisness. You will be thinking that since Naruto was showing on CN that Shippuden would be a given to be shown there right? Nope, it seems like recently CN is just trying to get rid of anime and good things. I don't want to rant about how 'CN is evil and all' but after hearing rumors that CN is going to change their name by the end of this year or early next and the CN Real block. Yeah...Doesn't look good for anime and cartoons. Then how they are treating their current cartoons blocks. It just something I been thinking and I stop here before I go ranting.

Though Naruto is kind of bad when it comes to their fans and sometimes material, this could be good. Naruto is an anime that has brought in many anime fans and it being on a (kind of) mainstream channel could bring anime back to mainstream TV. I am being a bit optimistic but I like being optimistic. Also if Disney XD sees good ratings from Naruto then maybe it would get more animes to show, like One Piece. Eh eh? Funi already have the dubs done from the beginning and maybe with a few tweaks it can be TV appropriate? It is possible. I be for it. Naruto and One Piece hour? I watch it and/or record it. Naruto got huge ratings when it wasn't during fillers and showed at annoucned times. One Piece is getting good ratings on Hulu. The only thing that is stopping Disney XD is Toei and it seems likeToei is doing anything it can to get One Piece popular outside of Japan.

Just signed up to voluteer for the upcoming con. So I will be going in for FREE! This is my first time voluteering for a con and I kind of not looking forward to it but hey. I get to hang out with my friends and go to places I may not be able to go to as a regular con goer. So far I see that One Piece VAs for Vivi, Miss Merry Christmas, Rafitte, Jose and Shushu. I don't think there will be a One Piece panel but I think maybe the VA for Vivi will do one or something. I don't keep up with VAs but I am hoping more VAs are going to be there. Currently the guest list is small.

No idea on my cosplay line up. I tell you guys when I find out.

If anybody cared, I so had plans to do the last episode (episode 417) on Monday but I came down with a fever from a bug I got during the weekend. Had to go home, miss my class, sleep all night (which was actually a cool thing) and miss my classes on Tuesday. Made me behind and junk. Still the episode got up and I am all better! I enjoyed my sleep and all.

(More) Pimp the Tweet!

In case you haven't found out. I reached my goal of ten followers! Thank you all that are following me and are not TwitterBots! Thank you! I currently have 18 followers! Almost 10 in one week. Nice. If you haven't follow me then go for it. Nothing bad will happen. I won't flood your Twitter. It is a nice and fast way to keep up with what I am doing concerning the blog and myself.

Goal for next week on Twitter? Get twenty followers? haha Yep, setting those goals high! That how we do it here at One Piece at a Time!


I just love this clip of Nyon screaming! So funny. I hope you all have a good weekend and go crazy with whatever you are going to do this weekend. Don't forget to watch the One Piece simulcast on Saturday night via Funi. You know I will! Good weekend guys! Watch the Twitter.

EDIT: Concerning the CN and Naruto part of the blog, just got word that the latest is that CN won't be changing their name before the end of the year/early next. RaidonMakoto from Twitter updated me on that due to the success of CN Real. Still if anybody has other words on this then keep me posted. Clearly I am not the most up to date on this rumor. I will try to stay up on this and tell you what I hear. However out of date it may be.

san nor One Piece at a Time own Naruto and it's characters. Naruto belongs to Viz Media and the Japanese affiliates. The opinions expressed in this blog don't reflect the people and company who owns Naruto.

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