Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Anime: StrawHats Separation Arc- Episode 421

First Thoughts 
Well umm...Hmm...My first thoughts....Well I knew it was going to be funny. I mean the Brook part at least. The Zoro part I knew I was going to laugh but not as much as the Brook part. There was Perona but I knew that she would be doing something to Zoro but wasn't sure what. Still my money was on Brook being the funniest part since is Brook. He kind of more comic relief right now then anybody else in the crew.

Though I had no idea on the ending. Totally didn't see that one coming.

Well yeah. My First Thoughts for this episode are lame. Either I am tired out from school today or just not much on first thoughts on this episode. Maybe the rest of the post will be better.

Well Luffy and Hancock are still in the boat. They are in a boat. Luffy is eating. Hancock if fangirling.

Zoro lands on an island unconscious. Perona finds Zoro and heals him up. Hides his swords. Zoro wakes up to see Perona. He eventually is able to get away from Perona but Perona blocks his way and forces him to stay with her.

Brook lands on an island of devil worshipers. They think Brook is the devil. Brook wants to leave but the devil worshipers are able to convince him to stay by showing him some panties.

So we arrive where we left Luffy and Hancock the last time we see them. Luffy is eating like crazy with his new buddy, Snake (I have no idea what the name of Hancock's snake is but this seems like a good name). I can see that Luffy is enjoying his food and I almost thought we would catch Luffy having a moment of regret for not listening to Grandpa Garp for not joining the Marines. Though Luffy saves himself by saying that the food isn't as good as Sanji's. Nice.

Then we get this awesome moment. haha I have no idea why she would do this but it was funny. I mean the wall won't turn to stone or anything but it was just funny to see the heart fly up there and splash on the wall.

Also I was thinking that Hancock was going to say, "Open Heart". Still that is just me.

As much as I enjoy these moments of embarrassed Hancock, I am going have to admit that I am getting tried of spamming my episode post with them. haha Still as long as there is an embarrassed Hancock then I will be there! Taking a screenshot of her and using it for my entrainment and to make others happy!

Also damn, that is a cute blush there!


But we get Cool Pimp Luffy! I mean look at him! He is wearing a jacket and a hat just like a pimp would! P-I-M-P! PIMP! Just holding on to Nami and Robin like that. Got to say our man Luffy knows how to keep his girls in check.

Oh the pain look on Hancock's face! The fallen Hancock! How can Luffy be so cruel! To such an cute and amazing girl! Bad Luffy! Bad!

Also I love the outfit that Robin is wearing. It looks so great on her!

That is right Hancock! Don't give up! We are supporting you! Don't let Robin and Nami, girls you have never met, get in the way of your love! The love that you have for Luffy is a thousands times stronger then anything they have!You got to believe that Hancock! Don't give up! Don't!

Oh damn! Somehow my One Piece episode got replaced with The Nightmare Before Christmas! haha I mean I don't remember One Piece having mountains that looked like the ones from that movie.What happen? I want to watch One Piece! Not The Nightmare Before Christmas! Me want One Piece One Piece One Piece!

haha Well yeah. Those mountains back there do look like the ones from The Nightmare Before Christmas. All twisty like and such. I have heard that Oda does get inspiration from American things and such like Enel being based on Eminem. So I can see that he got inspiration from The Nightmare Before Christmas. That is one thing I like about One Piece. All the potential American pop culture references that we get. There are plenty of Japanese pop culture references in other animes and One Piece but when I see American ones in One Piece and other animes. It makes me feel all proud and happy. haha

I have to say that I felt bad for Perona in this episode. Perona was sent to this island and is all alone. Being alone sucks and nobody likes that. The quietness is nice and all but it gets boring really fast and if you don't have anybody to talk to then yeah. Very sad. I can understand a lot of the things she said (minus the part about having people serving her) in this episode and not letting Zoro go. Heck, if I was stuck on an island with my enemy, I think I would rather try to make friends with him then being on the island along with no interaction.

I am appreciating the scene here. I am wondering, how did the water get there. Does it rain a lot there? Did it flood? Is it actually a lake house (or castle in this case)? Is this a pool?

I am guessing that this is some sort of courtyard of sorts and that it rained a lot one day and just got flooded. The castle is abandon so it must be a result of nobody being there to care for it. Over time it just flooded and became a lake or something. Though we don't see any fishes there so maybe it is a pool. Just something that made me think when I was watching the episode in the first and second time around.

And here is Zoro. Damn does the guy look beat up here. It amaze me each and every time when Zoro fights because he should be dead every time he fights! Well in most fights at least. Though it is cool since Zoro is a cool guy. Though it is a good thing that he has a good doctor because if he didn't then well...the guy be dead. haha

Same for Usopp. haha

DAMN! Why does The Nightmare Before Christmas keeps popping itself into my One Piece stream? haha

See, I can't hate Perona that much because really, the girl did a good thing. She basically saved Zoro and was actually concern for the guy. She waited day and night for the guy to wake up. She even changed the bandages on the guy.

Though I have to say Perona did a bad job on bandaging Zoro up. haha The guy looks like a mummy for goodness sakes! Why does everything that involves Thriller Bark involves horror stuff? haha (Though that may expain The Nightmare Before Christmas-like mountains we keep seeing in this episode. haha) Though now that I look back at it, we didn't have any mummy-like characters during Thriller Bark. Wonder why. Though it is the thought that counts right? Perona did bandage Zoro up.

I having the feeling that Kuma will be haunting Zoro's dreams for a long time. I mean back at Sabaody Archipelago Zoro was still traumatized by Kuma. The guy is strong but wow. It is amazing that such a guy can do that to Zoro.

Though at this point I would like to point out that Zoro is very involved with the Seven Warlords of the Sea. I mean the guy knows is on somewhat friendly terms with Mihawk. He has had the most interaction with Kuma. The guy just seems to have the most interaction with the Warlords overall. I wonder if Zoro will have the chance to meet Kuma again and maybe even overcome this trauma by defeating him. Just an idea. Maybe trama is too strong of a word but that is the only way I can describe this at this moment.


I love that  face. I wish more people would use it but then again I want it to only stay with Perona. It makes her special. haha

Damn! I love Perona's Horo Horo powers. They are so cool. I mean it looks plain on paper but making people depress is a very effective way to battle. Then she has the option to make explosive hallows too. It is a very simple plan too. Make then depress, then blow them up. Then the unlimited amount she can make (Or it seems like it is unlimited) can be very effective against a single person. This is one of those Devil Fruit powers that I would like to have.

I need to fix this problem here....The Nightmare Before Christmas keeps getting streamed instead of the episode of One Piece I am watching...
Yes! I can do anything if I put my mind to it!

I just love Perona. That is just awesome and funny! Perona was one of my favorite characters (most likely only) from the Thriller Bark arc. I am so proud of her for taking down Zoro. haha Well it isn't a good thing that she did but well I am just happy for the girl.

Awesome. haha Purely awesome. I have to say that Perona sucks at bandaging but rocks at making things with them. That must have taken up a lot of bandages. Priceless face that Zoro makes there too. Then Perona looks so cute and happy to have Kumacy there. I wonder where she got that hat though. Did he found one lying around the castle or something. Still very impressive though. Apparently Perona made the bandages loose enough for Zoro to move his arms and legs.

Also I so forgot the name of Perona's bear. It also seem like Funi is using Kumacy instead of whatever fansubbers were using (I don't endorse fansubbers or fansubbing thank you very much). Though I did forgot that name too so I must have not cared too much. Though the bear was very important since Usopp, Nami and Chopper were hiding in him. Though now we knew that Perona misses Kumacy and I now know the bear's name was Kumacy.

Another reason why I love the Horo Horo Fruit. These guys. They look so happy and playful! haha They are waving their arms up and down with a smile. The Hallows don't do anything at all but make me laugh so much.

And here we have a Zoro Moment. Poor guy. It is amazing how he made it though the East Blue without Nami. Also was Zoro walking towards a wall? I mean there doesn't seem to be a door there or anything so why was he walking in that direction to get out of the room? Even worse he did it twice! What the heck! Zoro's lack of direction is VERY scary. Sigh...

Wow. Another reason why I love Perona. She is just such a cool character.

I know that a lot of people hate Thriller Bark and all the characters that came from it including Perona. Heck it seems like a lot of people hated Perona and her laugh but I really like her. Even before this episode came out. She had an interesting power and was very funny. All the other fights in Thriller Bark were either serious (Zoro vs Ryuuma) or touching (Chopper and Robin vs Dr. Hogback and Cindry) or silly (Sanji vs Absalom). Still her fight was funny and entertaining. Though I think the fact that she was fighting against Usopp which made it the fight that I was looking forward to a lot help her out. haha To tell the truth, this episode really makes me want to know more about Perona and find out more about her history. We got a bit of that back in Thriller Bark but they don't go into detail about it. It is pretty much a mystery right now and I want to know. I hope in the future that Oda will go more in depth on Perona.

And we now leave The Nightmare Before Christmas to join the misadventures Brook!

Is it just me or do those guys have Merry on their head? haha

Also why are they trying to summon Hercule from Dragonball Z? I never knew that Hercule had such a cult following. Still why did the place Hercule's afro on top of Merry's head? What is the point of that? It makes no sense! haha

For those that don't get my (very bad) joke, I am referencing to the DBZ where in the Japanese and uncut dubs, Hercule actual name is Satan. So I was just thinking that while all the people of Dead Bones Island were saying Satan during their ritual.

Also it doesn't help that the fro on the goat looks almost like Hercule's. haha

Cool moment right here. I don't think we have ever seen Brook so cool before. Well he was cool back in Thriller Back against the zombies in his flashback but this was even cooler. haha He looked really scary here. Also got to say the lightning and Brook crashing in happen just at the right moment eh? Nice special effects. haha

OH NO! Satan is looking at me! What does he want? Does he want me to sacrfice myself?

I want. I want. I want....Your panties!

haha Awesome. This is why I knew I was going to laugh at least during Brook's part of the episode. I mean it started out all serious and stuff and depressing. I mean with Brook falling though the ceiling and all sad about wanting to go back to the crew. Still when this part happen, I laughed so hard. Brook so would want to see those. haha And now he has people that will do it for him. haha


I don't need to see the guys' underwear. Wow!
 haha Wow...The guys even showed their underwear too. Still it isn't that what made it funny. It is how Brook deliver the line. The sounds of...what is the word. Not regret. Not depression. It is more like uncaring. Then the surprised wow part. haha I guess the girls finally got with the program and showed me. haha

haha Stg. Stalker. Wow. His parents must have foretold how his future would have been. Who is this person that does prediction for parents when they name their kids? I mean we have Smoker and now Stalker. haha Either that or Stalker just really wants to live up to his name. haha He even has a book too so he can write things down about the people who he stalks. haha

The irony is so sweet. haha And funny!

 haha Nice save there Hancock. She must be really good a voice impersonations. Or at least for guys seeing that she can do a very good Luffy. haha

Also I love the little reference to Alabasta here. Hancock said that she would need the same amount of food for meals five times a day. Remember back in Alabasta that Luffy said that he missed fifteen meals because he passed out for three days after his fight with Crocodile. Then Usopp points out that it means Luffy has five meals per day. haha Wow. I wonder if they are actually going to do that. haha

Though does that mean this arc here (StrawHats Separation arc) happen in the duration of one meal? That this whole time, Luffy and Snake been eating one meal while Hancock was fangirling this whole time? Wow. I didn't realied that. Did anybody else caught that? Or realized that these episode happen in the duration of one meal? Wow.

Is it just me or that piece of biblecard for Ace is getting smaller and smaller. I mean every time we see it the thing gets smaller. It seem so much bigger back at Amazon Lily and now it is tiny. Is it just me?

Then we get the 'Who's Who in The Marines' parade.

I have no idea who the first guy is. Mr. Spartan Skinny Dude. I know I seen him before but I have no idea from where. If anybody knows. Please tell me in the comments or something. That would be nice.

Then we get the guy from G8. Nice to see him again. I almost didn't recognized him since it been a long while. Still he was a fun guy. Didn't expect to see him here.

Hina and her two dudes, Fullbody and Jango.

Smoker and Tashigi. For some reason Tashigi looks a bit strange holding her sword that way. What does she does with the stealth when she fights?

Some giant dude. Don't think we seen him before.

Aokiji there with his sleep mask. He seems very awake today. haha

Kizaru. Meh. Not much to say. Glad to see that he is okay? Not really.

And then we get a cool picture of the building that holds the big shot Government people in Marejois! I have to say it looks really nice. The animators did a good job drawing it out.



I love this picture. This very image of Moria all upset and has the bandage around his head. haha So funny. Sorry but Moria is not on my list of favorite One Piece villains. The guy had a cool power I admit but really....yeah. He was annoying as heck! So really just this scene here is funny. All sulking about his lost against Luffy. haha

Though he looks strange sitting at the same table with the rest of the Seven Warlords. And that is saying a lot since Doflamingo is there too. haha

This image looks so nice. Though I think it looks better in the manga. I don't know how it looks in the manga but really I don't think the screen was big enough to convey the awesomeness of this moment.

Fuffuffuffuff BURR! I am sticking my tongue out! Fuffuffuffuff!

ARGG! I am eating me pie! ARGG!

AHHH! What you looking at! Stop looking at me! GET OFF MY YARD!

Umm....I got nothing.

*In a thick spanish accent* Hmm...That does look like a tasty pie.

And that is what I think each member of the Warlords are thinking while sitting at this table. haha

I have to say though. Kuma's eyes look very lifeless. Have they always been that gray? Is he even awake? Was one of those modifications was to have shutters over his eyes when he goes to sleep? haha Something about those eyes look a bit off.

Impel Down. The great flag that belings to Impel Down.

Kind of looks like the flag for Baroque Works. In a way.

It does looks nice though. And it has a very cool story behind it. Or at least as in the symbol you see there.

This episode did answer a question I did have. I was wondering if all scenes involving Ace was going to be done in gray scale but it seems like it was just for that one episode. Nice to know I guess.

A war is coming. That is all I have to say about this part. Get right or get left.


Looks like with the next episode we will be in the Impel Down Arc. Looking forward to this one a lot. Lots of interesting things are bound to happen and I wonder if we will see anybody cool. The place where the worse of the worse are stored. One the Marines' strongholds. Overall I can't wait for next week and I hope everybody feels the same. Till then we wait!

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