Saturday, October 10, 2009

One Piece More: Rants, Raging, and Flags

Damn! It is hard looking for images of Luffy when he is angry. you think it would be easy but it isn't. They are either too small or just all happy. Well I guess I could go screenshot hunting but really that is a bit too much work. Well for right now it is. Currently (at the time of writing this opener) it is Friday and the afternoon in the anime club. They are showing some...stuff that I don't like so I am making good use of my time right now. Yay me!

Also expect some angry Mikey-san this week. Some news disturbed me greatly and I feel that it deserves a good blog post. Originally I wasn't going to do a One Piece More post but I feel like this week something important enough happen where I should rant a lot. A good ranting is always good for you anyways.

Fairy Tail on CrunchRoll



AHH!!  Thank you! That is exactly how I feel about this news when it came out this week! I just love how a picture can tell a thousand words!

So if anybody cares, the manga Fairy Tail is debuting as an anime this Fall as part of the whole Fall premiere thing. When I heard about this I was all excited and happy about it. A friend of mines loan the series to me and I read a few chapters of it. He actually gave me a lot of it but the thing is I am not much of a person when it comes to manga being in digital format. I actually like to own it in my hands and be able to feel the texture of the pages. Smell the smell that is emitted from the paper. To hold it closely to my body! Though what I read really got me turn on to the series. I found it funny and it felt a little like One Piece. The thing is that I never really got myself off or remembered to read it. So you will expect me to be very happy since now it is being animated.

Though it seems like the head of CrunchRoll rears in and ruins this little dream of mines. Apparently they got the rights or whatever to show the Fairy Tail anime as part of their simulcasting schedule. Their first one ever to my knowledge. Now I have no problem with this, that way I get some nice looking subs and junk but I have a problem that it is Anime Members only. That means you have to be a CrunchRoll Member to watch it and if you are not then tough cookies for you. No legal Fairy Tail for you. They are saying something that it is legal junk but I kind of find that hard to believe. There are a lot of series on CrunchyRoll and I refuse to believe that they picked one that has that much red tape around it. Personality I should have saw this coming that they would pull some sort of "Member Only" anime which will then make some anime fans to become Anime Members and dish out money for it.Still with Fairy Tail? An anime that I REALLY wanted to watch? Damn.

If you guys follow me on Twitter then you would have seen that this news kind of made me a bit upset. Though one person on Twitter brought up a good point, AnimeAlmanac. There has to be a free option to anime fans to watching anime. Not everybody has $60 a year to watching anime on the internet. Some people may not even feel like it is worth it. I don't. I rather get buy two One Piece DVD sets with $60 dollars. At least I can say that I can actually hold it in my hands and watch it whenever I want even in the dark (via use of my laptop). Even with (the sometimes annoying and bad timing) ads, having anime that is free is better then nothing. The whole waiting a week thing is a step back in getting anime for everybody but it is something. Anime shouldn't be something for just a select group of people who can afford it. Anime needs to be something that everybody can enjoy even if it means we have to watch a thirty second ad.

To tell the truth. This little rant has some bias to it. Since the time that I first heard of CrunchRoll, I never liked the site. No offense to people who like CR or to the people themselves but I find the people at CR to be a bunch of hypocrites. They started the site to show animes that haven't be licensed and I understand the good nature with it but back then when I got on it I felt that it was all talk. A friend had recommended me to use CR to watch some anime and at the time I needed a site to watch One Piece since I believe at the time it was off the air or something. The thing is that he didn't told me CR's thing about showing non licensed anime but I went there to see if they had One Piece. Since 4Kids had the rights to the show, CR didn't have it on there but I did saw that Naruto was on the site. I didn't care much about it since well I had no problem. I am kind of use to not being able to find One Piece on websites. Later I told my friend about it and he told me CR thing about not showing licensed animes and I brought up that they had Naruto on it. Since then CR has always left a scar on me and I just find it hard to approve of anything they do. 

I understand that CR wants to make it as easy and legal as they can to show anime. I even commend them for coming up with the idea of simulcasting animes but that one thing that happen back in my younger anime fan days just won't go away.

By the way, I have signed up for their free two weeks. Currently I am watching Shugo Chara which is simulcasted on their site but I didn't find that worth it to get the Anime Member thing. Still seeing that Fairy Tail is getting simulcasted there I guessing maybe it is worth trying. Maybe I even force over cash for a year or something. I just hoping that one day Funi will get the rights for Fairy Tail and simulcast it on their own site. Who knows. 

Kampfer Episode 2
Well and it seems like I am blogging about episode 2 of Kampfer. Well yeah....Hmm..Rage is raging!

The episode was good. I got a good amount of laughs from it and I found it funny. Very funny. Not sure if it was plain as day in the manga but it really seems like Akane has a dirty mind. A very dirty mind. For a book worm she just let her mind run off into the gutter. Her Kampfer side may have a foul mouth but her real self has a foul mind! haha

Then we hit the ragin time. It seems like the writers are just wanting to get the to the action and avoid weeks worth a material from the manga. I mean the stuff that happen in this episode happen in volume 2 if I remember right. I was really kind of looking forward to a date episode and lots of comedy from what they will pull from the manga. Yet they just skip all of that and just go into a battle in the 2nd volume. I am really annoyed about this. Are they really afraid that this series will fail that they will just skip the comedy and go for the action. I admit that it doesn't have action in the first few chapters but it's humor is what kept you going for a good amount of time.

I really don't mind since I usually treat the anime and manga as two separate things  but that is when I watch the anime first then the manga. Still we see what happens. I sure hope I don't become one of those people that are uptight about animes not following the manga.

Still we do get this little gem from the manga. Hehehe. Fanservice. Sweet sweet fanservice. The battle scene was good overall but it felt a bit rushed. This battle felt longer in the manga but oh well. That what happens. Hopefully the anime will be better but so far the pacing is worrying me. I wonder how many episodes will this series be. Hoping for an ongoing series but doesn't seem like it.

One Piece Junk I Own: StrawHats Jolly Roger
To order to save this post from being a complete rant about junk I didn't like this week or things that upset me. I am going to talk about One Piece junk that I own. Starting with the StrawHats Jolly Roger.

I got this flag like a year ago I think from Oni Con (a local anime con that is hosted every year). Maybe even two years. I just know that I have had it for a long time. At first I wanted to use it as part of my Luffy cosplay but wasn't sure how. It is too short for a cape and I don't feel like carrying it around on a stick and waving it. So I just went with the other reason why I use it which is as a curtain. The door to my room has glass on it so if you can look into my room if you really wanted to. I had a regular curtain when I first movied in and then I replaced it with a DBZ wallscroll. Then I got this and I so knew it had to be used for my curtain to my room! It represents the anime series that I been apart of for a long time and means a lot to me. Just like the StrawHats, the current is an embracement to my love of anime and One Piece.

And there is the view if you look at it from the hallway. It doesn't cover all of the door but it covers most of it where it keeps people from looking inside.

Well that is it. A lot of rage in this post. Promise I won't do much of that but can't say if I will hold it. The last time I check a blog is used to say what I think and I think I will do that. My blog my rules right? Haha! Still I think I be like Luffy here and just be happy. Just found out that I am not the only one in the One Piece blogging world just a few minute ago. Cool. I try contacting the guy and maybe we will see another site in the Blog Rollin section. haha

Still enjoy the weekend everybody! New One Piece this weekend which will take us out of the StrawHat Separation Arc and open up the Impel Down Arc. Big stuff happen! See you all later!

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