Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Anime: Marineford Arc- Episode 479

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First Thoughts 
This was such a great episode! Damn awesome! Everything felt fast pace and the action was intense. Even the filler with Buggy was good. The filler with Buggy was a bit strange but it had some great moments.

My favorite moments were the ones with Crocodile and Boa Hancock. Very awesome moments that I loved very much. Got to love some Crocodile action since that guy does it with class.  Then again we all know that Crocodile is going to dile...Or was it Croc? Not really sure.

Whitebeard commands his allies and crew to support Luffy.

Inazuma makes a pathway to lead Luffy to the gallows. Garp intercepts Luffy and challenges him.

Kizaru looks so stupid here

So some of the Marines are a bit taken back due to the power of Luffy's haki. Clearly another reason for the Marines to take down Luffy since if he is this powerful and unable to control his haki then imagine how he will be in, let say about two years when he has time to learn how to use this power. Going to be a grim day when the Marines have to up their power to just take Luffy down.

Also Kizaru looks like a complete idiot in that shot above! I mean he just hanging his mouth out like that as he talks. The best part is that this scene is used later on in the episode so you can see Kizaru looking like an idiot twice in the same episode! Awesome!

It is really sad that the Marines can't even take a seventy something guy with a giant hole in his chest. Really that hole should be able to make Whitebeard fall over. Normal people tend to be on the ground when they have a giant hole in their chest. Just saying is all. Still really Marines? Out of all of you guys, you can't take down a single old man with a hole in his chest? What does that tell you?
"From now on, back Straw Hat Luffy up...."
Now the goblet has been thrown. Whitebeard has thrown all his support to Luffy hoping that this rookie will be able to save his 'son'. Now that is something. The kid is one step away from passing out but Whitebeard has faith in him to rescue Ace.

Then again Whitebeard doesn't look any better himself.

Doma is currently my favorite Whitebeard Pirate right now. He has a damn monkey with a gun on his shoulder! Now you don't get any more awesome then that. The guy has two swords and knows how to use them and has a monkey for backup. Damn what isn't there to love about this character? Now if only we can have that monkey fire the gun. Then this would make the episode just plain awesome! haha

These guys are cool but not as cool as Doma

The Whitebeard Pirates are taking Whitebeard's order to heart as they put their all into defending Luffy. All the Vice Admirals who have kept their eye on Luffy are being counter by some of the toughest men in Whitebeard's pirate army. Notice how two of the men that had took down Luffy earlier are also being shown once again trying to take down Luffy only to be faced down by two of Whitebeard's allies. Very impressive that Luffy has such strong people willing to help him out without question. This was all because of Whitebeard I know but still these guys are not questioning the faith that Whitebeard has put into Luffy. A good sign of a great leader or a good sign of what faith the past 'heroes' have for a future leader? (Eh?)
"You have the middle initial D."
Whitebeard seems interested in the fact that Luffy ha the middle initial D. We all know that people with D in their names are special people but it seems very interesting that Whitebeard is acknowledging this belief. I am guessing Whitebeard knows something about the 'Will of D' and has seen glimpses of it during his time against Gol D. Roger. He has seen the power a few times in this time certainly with Roger and bits of it's evil side with Blackbeard. Now Whitebeard is going to see what Luffy has to bring to the table being a young pirate. Surely Whitebeard is going to be a bit impress since we all know that Luffy has proven the Will of D is strong within him. It was very cool to see a little bit of Whitebeard's inner thoughts on this subject.

Epic short fight is epic

It is no secret that I like Crocodile. Just knowing that Crocodile supports Luffy in some form or way makes me very excited seeing that he sent his 'number one' agent to help out Luffy just because Croc considers the Marines his enemy at the moment. It is very funny in a way but also very cool.

Sucks that Daz Bones was taken out a bit fast by Mihawk but it was all worth it just to see Crocodile challenge Mihawk in order to allow Luffy to move ahead. I so want to see more of this fight though since both Crocodile and Mihawk are powerful people.

I also like me some Boa Hancock action as well. haha

Hancock is just interesting to watch for more then the obvious reasons. She doesn't run but instead travels via her snake. Then uses the pacfistas inability to attack 'allies' against them. Then just literally looks down at Sentoumaru from the top of her snake.

Also it was cool to see her easily avoid the axe of Sentoumaru with little trouble. Now that is skill. Hancock is quickly becoming one of the MVPs of the Marineford arc for me. haha

I think I pulled out the best bits of the Buggy filler for this episode. Interesting seeing that now Buggy and his people are trying to defrost the Den Den Mushi. We have a cool pose by Buggy as he floats above the battlefield then we have a creepy one with him and the prisoners. haha

It is kind of sad though that all of the 'serious' prisoners (the ones following Buggy) have now just became comic relief. They have their moments but they feel so underused. We heard that these guys following Buggy are all powerful men and surely they can knock around a few Marines but we are not seeing that. Instead we are seeing them being silly and goofy (which is cool in One Piece). So it kind of disappointing that we won't be seeing them do anything of the things that made them a threat anytime soon.


This episode has official been made awesome just because a monkey with a gun sitting on top of a man's shoulder has fired his gun. That was the number one thing I wanted to see from this episode. When I first saw that monkey holding the gun I was thinking that he has to used that gun before the end of this episode. It  be a complete waste if he didn't even use that gun once. Now it has. Episode can now end. Too bad things get awesome from this point on.

We have all of the Whitebeard's pushing the Marines off to literally create a path for Luffy. Then we see Inazuma popping out of Ivankov's hair to cut a bridge out of the ground to lead Luffy up to the gallows. Lastly we have Whitebeard's men coming up and defend Luffy from attacks.

This is just a testament to how powerful the men under Whitebeard are since all of them are using different weapons to get rid of the cannonballs. I really want to see these guys show their moves in a one-on-one fight since some of them seem to have interesting abilities like McGuy (that is a damn awesome name by the way). He is able to generate electricity and run it down his sword. I really want to see how McGuy does that since it can't be a Devil Fruit power due to Eneru already having the ability to creating lightning.


Whitebeard just added another layer to the awesome cake that this episode was. He stopped that damn loser Kizaru from ruining the party with a single slash and then got him to make that face. Kizaru looks so unhappy but it makes me happy that he is unhappy. So all is okay in the world.

This moment was built up perfectly in the anime. We had the happy celebration music playing in the background then out of nowhere we hear a BOOM! The music is cut off and Garp pops out from under the pathway to intercept Luffy. Amazing!

Things are going to get very tense now. Luffy is force to fight against one of the few people he count as family just because he wants to save one of the few people that they both count as family. An interesting situation for both of them since they don't want to do this.

Next episode looks pretty good. Luffy and Garp have to fight against each other. A grandfather verses his grandson. Both doing things that they don't want to do. Garp is having to decide between being a grandfather or a working man while Luffy has to pick between family members.

It seems like a bit of Luffy and Garp's relationship is going to be shown in the next episode. Looks pretty interesting since it seems like they did things more then just 'training'.

Next Episode: The Path They Chose- Luffy VS Garp!

The path is crumbling and it is do or die time. Stay tune and come back next week!


  1. Crocodile is so funny.
    I never seen he's has such a good face helping luffy and whitebeard.

    Cause he never been a good guy from the startin, that face. -.-

  2. @One Piece Gigant Battle Walkethrough
    haha Yeah. I really appreciate the Crocodile love here.
