Friday, December 3, 2010

Question Corner: How to get people into One Piece?

Time to pose a question that I hope all you readers will try to answer! It involves an issue that we all have seen in the past when we try to get people like our friends and other anime fan into One Piece. How to get people into One Piece?

Currently One Piece is being discussed among the people at The Manga Curmudgeon. A lot of good things is being said about One Piece and it makes me happy to see that people in the US are enjoying a series that many One Piece fans knew was great. Still one thing that most people tend to bring up is that One Piece is a HUGE series (which many seasoned fans already know too) and that makes it hard to get new people into the series.

Currently in the English-speaking One Piece can be read up to Volume 55 while in Japan it is up to Volume 60. Either way there is no stopping and Oda has claim that he is half way though the series. This potentially mean that we can expect about 50 more volumes. That is a whole lot of paper on the bookshelf.

We all have heard the reasons from other manga/anime fans when we ask them why they are not reading or watching One Piece. They bring up several reasons but one of the reasons that comes up a lot is: One Piece is just so long.

There are clearly a lot of reasons why people don't read and/or watch One Piece and I don't want to focus on just that one. It kind of funny since I recently got a friend of mines into One Piece and he knew that he was going to try out a long series. He went into this willing knowing that. So I lent him my first three Funimation DVD sets. Originally I was  going to give him the first two  but I threw in the third since that had the epic Episode 37 of the Arlong Park arc. We all heard it before where if you are not into One Piece after that arc then it is going to be hard to get into One Piece after that point. Still he was a fan after Episode 3 and watched them like crazy. Now he is watching via to try to catch up.

Every One Piece fan knows how popular One Piece is in Japan. The last few manga volumes had printing of over two million and Movie 10 made a MURDER at the theaters. Yet here in the US it has a small fanbase compare to something like Naruto. The fanbase is growing surely if you look at conventions but still small where fans are worrying about if we are going to see episodes past 205 being released on DVD.

That is only one tale of how a person got into One Piece and my attempted into getting a friend into One Piece. I just lent him some DVDs and hoped he would watch them. Still this can't work with everybody I guess. So I pose a question to you guys, the readers: How to do we get more people into One Piece?

Do you trick the people and tell them One Piece isn't that long? Force them to watch a kick butt episode of One Piece? Just tell them to fall into it? Tie them to a chair and force them to watch One Piece? How do you do it? How would you try to get a person into One Piece? Is there more to this question that I haven't mention? Let me know your answers in the comments.


  1. Gosh I feel pretty bad that I am not in any situation to try and get any of my friends to watch One Piece.. since.. none of my friend's taste run in the direction of One Piece.. well one of my friends did like One Piece for a movie theme.

  2. I let my other friends do the talking and persuading, they're so passionate over it. And go on and on and on! :D I am too but I use my womanly charms to do it - I guilt-trip them and make them watch it without them realising. Hohoho.

  3. I want to comment on this. When OnePiece used to be on TV (oh, strange...) I would watch it religiously every Saturday. I was fond of inviting my friend over to hang out on Saturday nites, and I always forced her to watch with me. When I went over to her place we watched it there. She hadn't seen the beginning like me, and so she always got kinda mad at me for making her do that. Still, I was persistant. Even after it stopped being on TV, I went online and watched it, and kept telling her about it. It has become this very strange thing with us now, where I will ask her "SO, have you seen any OnePiece lately?" and then she will always give a non-committal answer, and I know she has not. So, I sent her the first 5 volumes last Christmas.

    Hehehe, I am so bad. I know that she secretly enjoys the series under her grumpiness, and she always uses the famous excuse "the series is too long, I can't watch all of that." She also comments jokingly on how addicted I am that I spent two different years marathoning OnePiece to catch up, each about 200 episodes of marathon. It is too bad that she does not actively watch it however, because it was fun talking to her about it. But, oh well. Hehehe, I am sending her the next 5 volumes (6-10) this X-mas...fufufufufufu....

  4. Hmm...well I have friends that use a different tactic to watch One Piece. They aren't like me who watches episode every week. Instead, they'll wait for an arc to complete before they start to watch it. They consider themselves One Piece fans since they gush about it all the time and know what they saw but they just prefer to watch one entire arc at a time. Maybe, just maybe, this is a good way to introduce One Piece people.

  5. Well, in my place, no one seems to be a One Piece fan. People seems to be fans of Naruto and Bleach and no One Piece. When I tell them it's great, they always comment about the drawings. That's why I always put links about how One Piece beat up those other two in sales, especially the recent news about how One Piece is #1 & got 32 million sales and how Naruto is #2 & got only 7 million sales, which is not even a quarter of One Piece. I do tell my friends who are anime/manga fans to watch or read One Piece they always prefer the other two. Oh well, they don't know the real meaning of epic.

  6. When FUNImation released Season 1 Part 1, I was so excited that I had a marathon at my place and I bribed my friends to come watch with free food. 16 people showed up and at first only 4 of them stayed fans of the series.

    It wasn't until Season 2 Part 1 that I was able to get another friend to come around and now she is into One Piece after watching that filler arc with the millennial dragons because she is a dragon lover (yes I'm talking about you Melanie).

    So 5 out of 16 people I introduced One Piece to stayed on as fans. The other 11 whom I have tried to force into watching the series think I'm stupid for getting into it while they are more interested in Bleach and Naruto (I'd rather drink a gallon of bleach than watch Titty Kubo's crap and I only read Naruto chapters to spoil it for my enemies, call me juvenile but it is well worth it).

    As for the 5 friends I have hooked on the series, they are up to Skypiea's Arc and are anxiously waiting for the next DVD in January and more to come afterwards.

    That is a bit of a problem. Still if you ever feel like trying to get them into One Piece then let me know how that went. If anything you can work on that one friend who was interested in One Piece as a movie theme.

    Drats! I should use my womanly charms too to get the rest of my friends into One Piece. Wait...Most of my friends are women...and yeah...hmm...Guess that not going to work. Still I like your method of guilt tripping them. *thumbs up*

    That sounds like an awesome idea. Just give it to them and let them read it like that. haha When is her birthday? Sounds like that be a perfect time to get her 11-15. haha

    That is an interesting idea. Watching it arc by arc. That way they don't have to worry about watching 400 plus episodes at a time. Instead just around 50ish episodes. That is a good idea.

    Then I think the whole 'tie them to a chair and force them to watch One Piece' method is the way to go with your friends. Just make them watch One Piece until Episode 37 and they be begging to be watching more. haha

    Create a One Piece watching party....That is a cool idea. Fun too. I really like that idea too. Very awesome.

  8. two words.

    strong world.
