Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Manga: Chapter 627 (SPOILERS!)

More tears shall flow this week. Grab yourself a Kleenex tissue and buy Viz's One Piece

Continuing last week, Queen Otohime has just been shot by an unknown assassin. Right off the bat, the perpitrator has been shot and identified by the Royal Guards. Jinbei goes over to inspect the suspect and tells them to keep quiet and that it may ruin what Otohime was working for....strange. But Hodi becomes furious and enraged and practicaally shouts to the heavens that their queen was killed by a human. Everyone is shocked to learn this and...they just can't believe this. Even King Neptune locks himself in a tower so that he doesn't let his emotions get the better of him and even going on a killing rage, thats actually kinda scary. The Minister of the Left tries to comfort him outside but Neptune is heartbroken. He beats himself up (metephorically) since hes a man of action and couldn't exactly participate in Otohime's plans for the future. As time passes, the day of Otohime's funeral arrives and we get the beginning...of creepiness. Vander Decken's proposals are starting to come to Shirahoshi and Neptune tells the children to stay behind in case the shooter had accomplices and he also orders his men to find Vander Decken. The ceremony is held at the Sea Forest and the entire crowd is full of silent tears...until the monitor comes on and Prince Fukaboshi addresses the people. He tells the people through a speech to not give up hope and that even though they may not be ready for the current Reverie or even the next few that they shall one day live freely and see the Sun together as he carries on his mother's will. This heart rending speech concludes the flashback.

A winner is Fukaboshi

We return to the present day, when Jinbei finishes up by saying the princes collected the signatures again and that they've been discriminated for 16 years now and finally he takes full responsiblity of Arlong's actions to Nami and even though he could've rushed him if there was a big incident, the fact that Arlong bribed Marine officers in his turf made things difficult. Sanji snaps at Jinbei saying he still won't forgive him but Nami tells Jinbei that she has no hatred towards him since it was all Arlong's own doing. Even though they had bad encounters with Fishmen at first, she eventually realised that not all of them are bad and they even managed to make a new friend out of all of this and that shes truly happy with the way her life is now. Jinbei starts crying and says hes indebt to them all and even Franky and Hachi have a good cry. Oh by the way, Luffy slept through the whole thing......hehe, funny. Nami sand Shirahoshi start talking with each other and become quick friends in fact (Shira even calls her Nami chin sama like how Keimi calls her friends with a chin XD) most likely due to their similar backstories. Jinbei then summarises how Hodi and his gang are at the palace as well as Neptune, the Royal Guards and 4 other comrades (Zoro, Brook, Usopp and Pappug) though their statuses are unknown right now. Hachi starts telling the others about Hodi's plan, how his hatred for humans far exceeds Arlongs since Arlong didn't kill any fellow fishpeople but Hodi will kill anyone who stands in his way...damn. It just so happens this year is when Reverie takes place and of course Hodi will try to stop it since if you remember its a migration to live amongst humans, but thats not all to his plan apparently. Chopper spots are big Den Den Mushi slithering out from the forest and a monitor pops up showing Hodi. The chapter ends with Hodi introducing himself as Captain of the New Fishman Pirates.

Man, Nami really has grown since the beginning. Shes so mature now

So what did I think of this chapter? Well it ended the flashback nicely, there were some good emotional moments and there were also some good character development for Nami and Jinbei. But now that we're back in the present questions still need answering; what is the full extent of Hodi's plan? Will the other Straw Hats and Neptune and the guards be safe? How are Luffy and the others going to stop this? Well unfortunetly, One Piece is once again on a break next week. But don't worry, it'll be back in 2 weeks time. Until then, maybe you should catch up to the rest of the flashback in case you missed something, read some past chapters to pass the time or you could watch the anime. I myself, shall be getting Vol 57 next week to hold myself over until then. See you guys next time!

 Hey get out of my TV! I'm trying to watch Doctor Who over here ya know!


  1. I enjoyed the flashback but I am glad we are back to present time and I can't belive Luffy slept through the whole thing -_-, I should have seen that coming. And I for one think Hodi shoot the queen or he was working with Decken, Just what the hell is that bastard up too!?!? It's gonna suck having to wait 2 weeks for the next chapter but like you I will be reading volume 57 to pass the time yay! ^_^.

  2. I liked this chapter a whole lot. It was a nice way to end the flashback, and there was character development all around.

    Well, except for Sanji... I wanted to slap him for what he said to Jinbe.

    I'm sure the wait will be worth it, but it's still a wait. I'll also buy Volume 57 to pass the time.

  3. @StrawHatPirate9
    I am wondering if Oda think/knew that people weren't liking this flashback. Not sure. I haven't been too happy with the recent chapters (Minus last week's) but I thought the flashback was good. At least not to sleep though it. haha

    It is very unsure on what really going on with the whole 'who shot the queen thing'. Apparently a human did it but it feels like this is something that will be unresolved for a while. Either the human was working with Hodi or with Decken. I am thinking Decken since he needed a distraction to touch Shirahoshi.

    I be getting Vol 57 at Akon to past the time. haha

    Agreed. Still this flashback feels like we will see it again in the current story somehow. Nice to see that Nami has gotten over her fishman thing a bit. Shows that she has grown since East Blue.

    Cool beans that you too are getting Vol 57. Hope you like it.
