Thursday, June 23, 2011

Manga: Chapter 629 (SPOILERS)

Hop on your shark right now and get some One Piece manga today!

The people of Cocoyashi Village hear news about Nami return. (Cover story)

Luffy and Jimbei fights.

Hodi plans to leave the castle while the fishmen from the Fishmen District arrive.

Zoro and Usopp send out Brook to get help to release them from their cage.


So the best part of this chapter was the reveals we got about some of the new abilities that the crew have developed. I especially like Robin's new power since I called it after last week's colorspread. The ability to bloom full Robins is pretty cool but I can see how this is bad too. Robin can feel the pain of her limbs so if one of them is stabbed then she will feel the pain. Wonder what happens if one of her blooms get stabbed in the heart.

Either way Robin knows this since she pulled her full body bloom out before Jimbei, Luffy and Sanji's attacks collided.

Wonder how blooming clones will help Robin out during battle. Will she use it to confuse people and attack from afar? That is always one option. Another is to maybe create a huge version of herself. Wonder if her clones can move since we don't get a good look at her feet. The again plants can't move so maybe her full bloom clones are the same.

To tell the truth I couldn't care less about this fight between Luffy and Jimbei. This fight is just taking up time that could be used to get Luffy and crew to the palace. I know we should put some trust in Oda and believe that this fight isn't some random thing but that doesn't mean we need to give the guy a free pass.

One of the good things about this fight is that this is a fight that doesn't look like will be over in two seconds like the majority of the fights we seen so far. Then again it could be played out off panel like the others as well. That seems to be popular at the moment. I liked that we got some more information on Fishman Karate and glad that it doesn't involve Haki face on. Instead it is manipulation of water as we seen so far with it. Kind of crazy but possible. Being able to control the water vapors in the air and a person's body. Heard of the body part but never the vapors (or at least like this).
"We can't ignore this island...We do have a reason to fight!"
What Sanji is saying is the reason why I am not liking this fight between Jimbei and Luffy. The crew have a complete legit reason to go in to raid the castle and beat up Hodi. They are pirates and when their crew is in danger then the captain has to go in and defend their honor. Jimbei's thing of 'let the fishmen take care of fishmen problems' is good and all but he isn't thinking like a pirate. He is thinking like a politician or something similar.

Luffy I think is totally in the right in wanting to go into that palace to save his friends and beating up Hodi. This whole thing that Jimbei is doing is just wasting time and he should know that there is no stopping Luffy when he gets like this. He saw Luffy's determination back in Impel Down and Marineford and know that all he is doing is wasting time. While they are fighting, the water is rising for Brook, Usopp and Zoro so Jimbei isn't helping.

If anything it would looks better if Jimbei ends up helping Luffy and crew to get into the palace and beat up Hodi. That way it shows that fishman and humans can work together. It shows that fishmen don't approve of what Hodi is doing and that humans are good people.

Another thing I don't care about. Hodi. It not that I think he is lame or anything but...I still think he is boring. The guy isn't impressing me. I rather see what Decken is doing then pay attention to Hodi.Not only did Zoro beat him in his own domain but the guy is still in pain from that single slash. The only reason he was able to take own Neptune was because of his pills and even now he is still depending on them. How am I suppose to be impressed in this guy again?

Also I feel that Hodi is only playing with limited knowledge. He believes that humans are completely bad and fishmen that don't agree with him are just as bad. Wonder what happens when he finds out that fishmen can be just as bad. Then again this only matter is my idea about Otohime's killer is correct. (That Decken had hired that human to shoot Otohime in order for him to get close to Shira.)

So come on Hodi. Impress me because so far you have. The last villain that disappointed me was Eneru but he redeemed himself.

Lastly it seems like Brook was able to expand on his Yomi Yomi fruit. A very surprising development. Based on last week's colorspread it looked like he expanded on his music based attacks. An interesting development and I wonder what else can Brook do with this new expanded power. Will he be able to posse people like an actual spirit? That be kind of cool.

Also being able to posse people may actually help out a lot with him chasing Pappuga. Instead we get a gag (that I don't find too funny and saw coming a mile away).

This episode felt like half and half. Some of it I liked. Some of it I didn't like. I am really glad that we are finally seeing some of the new things that the crew have developed during the last two years. They all look very interesting and cool and can't wait to see them being utilized more. If we see more of what the rest of the crew can do then I can see myself enjoying the next few chapters a bit more. Heck....I be happy seeing Robin blooming more clones of herself. haha

Til next time true believers!

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