Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Manga: Chapter 628 (SPOILERS!)

Get ready for some butt kicking with Viz's One Piece! Buy it NOW!

So after a week's break we return to the crisis at Fishman Island. The poor, crying citizens are being forced to step over a crumpled picture of the late Queen Otohime by Hodi's this is the first page and I'm already pissed at them. We continue Hodi's transmission from the last chapter (even the citizens identify him as an ex soldier) as he gives his obligitory villian speech which basically comes down to him wanting to become the new King. The viewers are confused naturally as Hodi gives his death threats to anyone siding with the humans by pointing out that corrupted fishman from the Fishman District are seeking to reform the island along with him. Hodi yells at the people since he can't understand how they can cope with humans after what one of them did to their queen. As this happens, the 3 Princes are also watching in anger.

I'll be the joker......of criiiiiiime!

We go back to the Sea Forest where the Straw Hats, Jinbei and Shirahoshi are still watching the transmission, Hodi is trying to convince the people that the Royal Family are trying to poison their minds by saying that the path they want shall lead to death. To everyones shock Hodi unveils a chained up Neptune to show how weak their king is, Nami deduces that this may be their fault who quickly puts the blame on Zoro. Jinbei is shocked (man that face never gets old! XD) but Keimi tries to justify that to be fair, the king's army did attack first. Hodi puts on his creepy face and states that within 3 hours at Gyoncorde Plaza, he will kill the King. But thats just the beginning of his douchebaggery, Hodi has gotten ahold of the letter given to Otohime by the Celestrial Dragons and says that it is irreplacable. Not only that but he has ALL of the signatures collected which he calls his "list of traitors". He's dissatisfied with having them step over Otohimes picture since thats letting them off too easily, so he deduces that the signatures themselves are proof enough of who is with or against him and plans to destory every one of them. Neptune tells him to stop since its too selfish but Hodi nudges it off since apparently all kings are selfish including Neptune....riiiiiight. Finally he addresses the Straw Hats themselves and shows Zoro, Usopp and Brook in a cage and states that once the king is dead, that they'll be drowned (Alabasta flashbacks anyone?). He also addresses Luffy's new bounty of 400,000,000 Berries and says he'll be taking their heads to show to the humans above. Hodi ends the transmission with the "cleansing" of the old Ryuuguu Kingdom and everyone is in a panic but Fukaboshi isn't about to let this happen.

Gee...thanks Nami ¬_¬

Back at the palace, Usopp is panicking as the water is starting to rise, Zoro tells him to undo the lock and Usopp proceeds to use his....psychic powers but fails.....who didn't see that coming? Brook is proud of himself since he managed to give the fishmen a good scare by pretending to be dead but the other 2 are mad since this could've been to their advantage, good point. Zoro is confident that since Nami got away, then Luffy and the others will come for sure but Usopp isn't too optomistic and even does an impression of Robin's creepiness....speaing of creepy that face is just.....*shudders* ANYWAY! We go back to the Sea Forest but this time in another location where we finally meet up with Robin again (nice transition) who has finally found another Poneglyph. She claims that this one is different from the others she has seen so far as it appears to be an apology letter to someone she refers to as "Joy Boy" (Roger maybe?). Maybe she'll come across the others next time since they're in the same forest. Somewhere else in the Sea Forest, Luffy is pleased at his new bounty but after the war it seemed pretty likely to happen. They're about to leave but Jinbei stops him as well as Shirahoshi who also tries to save her father (shes all brave now! Yay! :D). Hachi says that its not a good idea for Shira to go as Hodi is terrified of her talent (the haki) and he would be able to do nothing against a power to call Sea Kings no matter how great the plan is. This is risky because the King as a hostage is essentially bait or a shield and if Hodi captured her and forced her to use this power, it would be catestrophic. This is why he even teamed up with Vander Decken, Shira knows about the haki but she claims to never have spoken with Sea Kings before and shes not even sure if she even still has the ability or not. Jinbei says that his fear of the power may be enough, Luffy just ignores him and tries to go off and let Sanji take care of Shirahoshi but he gets stopped by Jinbei again warning him not to fight Hodi. This is of course due to the fact that the Straw Hats are humans (for the most part) and will certainly get killed so Jinbei offers to go, but Luffy (in a badass moment) says that they're his crew and if he doesn't do something then Hodi will make not only his friends but the people suffer and goads Jinbei on to try and stop him. Our chapter ends with Jinbei saying that he'd never thought it'd come to this but since Luffy is "that man's little brother" then he has no choice....thats it.


What can I say about this chapter? Things are definitely picking up; lives are at stake, the Straw Hats are ready to kick butt once again as Hodi's plans go into motion. But once again questions need asking like; are Jinbei and Luffy going to fight and if so who will prove their point? Is Jinbei simply going to give Luffy something? How will Zoro, Usopp and Brook get out of their situation? Who is "Joy Boy" from the Poneglyph? Also, how will Luffy and the others stop Hodi's plans? These questions shall be answered over the next few chapters hopefully but either way we're in for a good one. Tune in next time and see you all later guys and gals! :D

 This is badass....'nuff said


  1. I completely agree. This was an amazing chapter and welcome after the flashback (even tho i loved it). Things are picking up and I think One Piece will be back on the top of its game very soon

  2. This chapter OWNED so freaking HARD XD!!! That color spread was such a tease as to the awesome new power up's we'll be seeing soon. With every new chapter I hate Hodi more and more, the douche. I'm sure Zoro and the others will be fine though and I LOVED Usopp's impression it was hilarious. I am extremely curious to find out who this joy boy is.

    And lastly Luffy looked totally BADASS in that last page. I KNEW IT! I totally called it that when the time came the maturity would show, that's what I saw in that panel anyway or it may just have been my Luffy fangirlness kicking in lol. Either way I can't wait to see what happens next ^_^.
