Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 442

As seen on onepieceofficial.com in the US of A!  

First Thoughts
I promise that next week's opening image won't have Ivankov in it. Then again maybe I shouldn't promise that since I think it will. haha

This was a great episode! I loved it! It had everything that I wanted and more. I admit that I got a bit scared since it was looking like a certain character that I expected wasn't going to be in there but in the end he was there. So that was cool. Then we got some good moments in this episode that I think was filler but I am not sure. It was good filler though for the most part. This episode was fast moving and is leading up to something really big. If anything that what the last few minutes showed us. Also I am not saying that because I loved the last few minutes the most out of this episode. I really do mean that.

Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma make it into Level 6.

Ace is given to the Marines who will take him to Marineford.

Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma are unable to leave Level 6 due to escapes being blocked off.

Crocodile reveals himself and offers to help Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma to escape.

So we start off this episode fiery as Luffy, Ivankov and Inazuma make their way down to Level 6, Eternal Hell! And that is how I like to start my episode! We had a super long recap (or at least it felt long). Still Luffy and the guys are moving deeper into Impel Down but we already know that Ace has already been moved  already. Well that wills suck for our heroes.

That Gum Gum Ricochet looks funny. I am not sure if Luffy used this attack before but it sounds kind of strange. I wounder if this attack was needed and why not Gum Gum Gatling. Still what do I know? We all know that this show makes no sense at times. Then again I am being nit-picky. haha Just a thought I had when watching this episode really.

 Yes, we did need a screencap by screencap play of this haha

Well this was nice to see because we all need more of Ivankov's Emporio Female Hormones. haha I don't know about you but I enjoy these little moments. It let me see how much different the guy looks compare to his female form. Still the new girl seems really happy with how she came out. haha This was kind of filler though but it was good filler! It wasted time and was entertaining for the viewer. I had no problem with this and I hope that it doesn't create anything bad later on since the guy that was grabbed by Ivankov in the manga wasn't turned into a girl.

Also is it me or does this girl's chest look a bit big and perky compare to the last person that Ivankov used the Emporio Female Hormones on? I mean just look at her standing up straight in that last image there. They are freakin huge! It could be the outfit but to me those look pretty big.

Well at least she has a pretty face.

Now we hit one of the serious parts of this episode. Where Jinbei sees Luffy for the first time. Not much happens here but this is going to be the start of something good here. Jinbei is clearly impressed by Luffy here and how he was able to make it this far. That is something too since I think it is kind of hard to impress a Warlord of the Sea like that. Way to go Luffy! Party it up!

Also here is what I mention not too long ago but does Luffy's hat looks a bit discolored here? It seems to be going on and off. I think it is because of the lighting or maybe it been a while since we seen it in normal light. It kind of just been standing out to me every time we see it.

This episode did a lot of scene jumping now that I look back at it. I mean we went from Luffy in Level 6 to Hannyabal then to Ace. I am not too annoyed since I usually hate this kind of thing. We are getting our fair bit of action so it isn't too bad. If anything this was needed.

Back at the farm....

Yeah. Things just aren't going good for Luffy and them. I mean we first get the elevator breaking on them and now sleeping gas. I am wondering if this is something that they only use for Level 6 since you think they would have tried this back at the other levels to try to stop Luffy. Level 6 is roomy enough for the gas to be effective. It can easily reach people faster if used compare to places like Level 2 or Level 5.

Also I love how they made Luffy a bit upset there when he pounded his fist to the ground. Just a little bit of frustration. 

Also a little tidbit. That thing that fell down in the elevator was a spiked ball in the manga. I guess the animators wanted to be lazy or thought that a flat thing with spikes on the bottom would have been more realistic. It doesn't matter since it does it job anyways in the end.

That is our hero. Running right into the gas without a care in the world. Then even more the guy just sleeps there. Oh wow. What will we do without you Luffy? Just love how we can depend on you for these kind of things. haha If we had a smarter hero then I am sure we won't be watching One Piece. haha At least we now know that it is sleeping gas and not poison gas. haha

I am glad that we got Ivankov because I am loving his reaction faces. He has been giving these things to use since arriving and I am liking it. Ivankov is bring in these little moments of humor sunshine in these clouds of gloom.

And once again Hannyabal proves that he is just an idiot! haha

You know, I thought it was kind of funny that Hannyabal popped the party popper. He seemed happy. I still thought that he was an idiot since maybe he should have been doing this ages ago or at least try to keep working hard to make himself look better then Magellan. Still he takes it to the other level and says it in front of Magellan. Way to go Hannyabal! Never ceasing in proving how awesome you are to be consider as warden.

I wonder if they record these conversations over the den den mushi. This will surely would look good later when they (whoever that decides positions) consider who to be the next warden when Magellan decides to quit due to old age or stress.

This was filler too but it was good filler! Well I thought it was. If you read the manga (via Shonen Jump hopefully) then you would have seen a panel where Ace was being held down by Magellan and wishing that Luffy being in Impel Down was a lie. You aren't told why Ace was on the ground being pinned down by Magellan or anything. We are left to guess that Magellan is just somebody who likes to randomly pin down people without no reason which is kind of against everything we seen of him so far. Still this little fight scene helps clear things out as we see that Magellan was pinning him down for a reason.

I am not sure if Oda had any hand in this by suggesting this filler piece but good call on Toei Animation. Help clear up a lot on what was going on since I was clueless on this while reading this part in Shonen Jump. Also got to like the epic teeth grab there. That is some talent. haha Seems like Ace knows how to fight without his fire Logia powers.

You know the only reason that one image is up there is because it has chibis and you all know that I like chibis. haha

And this here is bad filler. haha With all the awesome that we were getting in this episode we had to deal with this. I want love Mr. 3 and Buggy but I can't force my love on them. It needs to come naturally. So sorry guys. Maybe next time.

Now this is why I think Inazuma is cool. haha He just goes in and snips the ground like it was paper and then when he is done goes to sipping that wine. Not a drop is spilled. I am wondering where he kept that wine glass while he was snipping. Was it in his sleeve? On the ground? I don't know. I am guessing in his sleeve or maybe hair. If so then this guy is skilled!

One thing that I thought was strange was how he was running when snipping. That was a strange posture that Inazuma was giving when running. Kind of off. I though he was going to look faster looking while running. Still it was cool to watch him cut the ground.

Once again things don't look too good for Ace or Luffy. The moment of vivrecard is showing that Ace is way up there while Ace is about to be taken by the Marines to Marineford. Not good for him.

It was kind of touching to see Ace and Luffy back at Alabasta. Kind of a reflection of what he has done and what he and Luffy last did.

This is the cool image of the week. I wish I could have gotten all the ships under Whitebeard but I couldn't. The camera was panning up. Still Whitebeard looks very evil here in this image. We haven't seen much of him anime wise but I guess he looks really powerful here.

Also the curve beard is new. haha I guess it was for us to see him smile since his normal smile is hidden by his mustache that makes it look like he is smiling all the time. haha

Ivankov was so right here. Dragon's and Luffy's expressions look so much alike here. If it wasn't for Dragon's long hair, skin and tattoos then you can mistake him for Luffy. This must mean a lot about Luffy's personality as it could mean that Dragon and Luffy are very much alike. If anything this could mean that Dragon is just a smarter Luffy but if somebody that has been around Dragon lot could see Dragon in Luffy then does this shows us a bit of Luffy's future? Maybe I am over thinking this but it is cool thing to think about.

The anime so did a better job on this scene by showing the image of Dragon. Very nice and clean. Love it.

Now prepare for the image parade. Also known as what I think was the best part of this episode. haha


What is this that I am feeling? This sense of excitement? I have heard this laugh before! This laugh that brings me joy! Oh my gosh! I can feel the awesomeness already! It is him! It is him!


You guys should know by now that I am a Crocodile fanboy. haha

This last minute of the episode was the best part for me! This one part was going to make or break the episode for me literally! If this part wasn't in the episode then I would have been really upset about it. I mean I know I am overreacting here and it isn't that big of a deal but I just loved this part here that much. I been waiting for this moment for a long time and now I got it.

This part was greatly executed too as we just heard Crocodile's laugh throughout the floor. Then we go to see Luffy's expression as he looks into the darkness to see who it was. He squint his eyes and then you see them slowly opening up as he realized who this person was. Then everything comes flooding into Luffy's mind as he is remind of scene by scene of his experience with Crocodile back in Alabasta from the showdown in the desert to the final one in the underground tombs.
"You're being held here?!"
The response to Croc being here was dead on. Perfect! Luffy look of surprise was perfect. Croc must have really screw with Luffy if the kid was able to remember so much about him. I mean Luffy is kind of dim when it comes to past villains so hearing him remember Crocodile should mean something.

A great way to end the episode. The revealing of Crocodile as he makes the offer to help Luffy out. I wouldn't mind if they spend a long time on the recap for next week's episode just to include almost half of this minute here. That would be an awesome way to start the episode. I got this same fanboy feeling both times when I saw this episode and it felt awesome. Now next week we are going to get some great stuff! I just know it because now Crocodile has made himself known.


I was really tempted to just take screencaps of the whole preview because it was just so screaming awesome out of every pixel! Just so many great things. Seems like Jinbei will be getting out too as Crocodile is sporting a new look there. Looking good there Croc! Looking good!

Then we even going to get some fight scenes too. I have to say that Croc Sand Sand powers being CG don't look so good but this is only the preview. Hopefully they will look better in the episode.

Oh boy oh boy! The awesome is going to rain in next week. Sucks that I won't be able to watch it on the dot due to the con but I am so excited! This is going to be an awesome episode! Yes!

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