Saturday, March 27, 2010

Con Piece: Going KamiKaze Con! Part One!

What a con! It is Kamikaze Con! The con where all your dreams can come true! A place where you can get up close and personal with your favorite voice actors and actress! That is how this con was because it was just such a small convention. 

Really, this was a kind of small convention. I went to this convention last year and it was small too but for some reason it felt like it was smaller then last year. I didn't see that many cosplayers and the rooms for the panels weren't full. It was kind of lame but overall I think it was cool since it allowed the voice actors to get even more up close and personal with the fans. So that was cool which made my job as a blogger even easier and cooler. 

One thing that kind of annoyed me was that it didn't felt like we were going to a con till the day we got there. Usually you can feel excited about going to a con a few days in advance but I couldn't feel it for this one. I go into detail later in this the coverage of this convention.
One Piece and KamiKaze Con
I was kind of disappointed here when it came to One Piece and KamiKaze Con. The One Piece love among the fans was kind of low when I think back to the last con. I think I only saw like five One Piece cosplayers including myself. Still, I am glad that there was One Piece cosplayers to begin with since it made me feel so happy. It shows that the One Pieces fans are out there.

Those three people were all the One Piece cosplayers there minus myself and one that I didn't take a picture of. They were all cool cosplayers. I really liked the Female Luffy since that is completely brand new and has some weight now that Oda has drawn a female Luffy (Oda did it in an SBS). I love the girl's pose too since that is something that I wouldn't do in my Luffy's cosplay. So way to go for her.

The Shanks cosplayer I met before at OniCon and I am sure he doesn't remember me but it was cool to meet him here at this one. This time at this con we were able to talk about One Piece and the recent events in the manga. It was a cool talk since it is rare that I get to talk One Piece to other people in real life since none of my friends are really into One Piece. It is much different talking One Piece to people face to face and I would love to do it more often. haha Still what made this guy cool was that he had crutches due to an injury. You can't really see it in the picture because of the cape. Later at the rave he was there with his crutches. He had glow sticks on them and was just lifting them in the air as he was leaning against a chair. That was really cool to see and a testament to how much he love to have fun. Nice.

The Nami cosplayer was cool too and I got her name due to certain reasons. I knew it was Nami but I had to make sure and she was cool to talk to. I love this costume too because it is Skypeia Nami with her shirt and now I feel a greater appreciation to that arc since I have read the manga. This girl also knew her stuff too since she did that Nami post nicely. I hope to see her again in another One Piece cosplay.

Even the Anime Showing room was loving One Piece since they were showing One Piece related stuff. The con was showing Movie 8 which is kind of sad since there are better things to show from One Piece. Still it was cool, I sat in there for a bit to watch Nami's fight against Miss Doublefinger and then left. (Had other things to do and take care of.) Personally I would have wanted to watch something from the first DVD set or maybe from Season One, Third or Fourth Voyage. That would have been really cool to see. Still props to Video Room Dude! I know him so thanks a lot!

There was even more love in the Dealers Room. I saw crazy things like these two things. This guy had most of all the manga volumes including the SPEED UP volumes. I also wanted the bookend set since I am going to need it to help keep my new manga up. It is something from early One Piece since it only had six of the current crew there. The only problem was that it was $120.00. *Tears* Too much for me since I already had spent $60.00 earlier.

Still some good One Piece representing here. Something is better thing nothing and that is good. Representing!

Did you guys know that I cosplay? Well I do and above is a cosplay that I did for KamiKaze Con. Can you guess which person I am in that picture?

Every cosplayer as a cosplay that they keep in the deepest and darkest part of their closet. My Yuki (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) cosplay is that one. haha Still a real man has no problem wearing a skirt so no complains (Yes, that is what I tell myself to make it not hurt too much). I am very in character for this cosplay since I don't say much. I just keep my mouth shut and when I want to take a picture, I just raise my camera up to the other cosplayer. This time we added a person that you can see in the back of the picture. Boy was it fun to wear this cosplay on Friday. Still what I learn from this cosplay is that I have great friends that love great ideas and very enthusiastic about doing them even if they are half joke ideas. haha This  cosplay has grown on me since it is our group cosplay.

It was cool since we were all working guest relations so the guest knew that we were the team they need to see. We were like in uniform you can say and it would have been cool to wear it all three days but maybe that was a good thing we didn't do that. It is nice to have a cosplay that I could do with my friends but I just wish my friends would stop grabbing the knife and give it a good twist. haha
I don't know the girl in the picture. Met here there. Power of the Ikuto cosplay!

My Ikuto (Shugo Chara!) cosplay. You guys seen this cosplay before but I just love this cosplay. If there is anything different from the last time then it was that the shirt was made less baggy and I painted my eyebrows with the hair spray. Still I love how people react to this cosplay. This one girl asked for my picture just because I was a cat guy. Then the girl above was an Amu so I had to take a picture with her. It is a good Amu if I do say so myself.

Ah...My Luffy (One Piece) cosplay. My first and favorite cosplay. I have been doing this cosplay since my first con in the Spring of 07. I love this cosplay. It is so simple and nice. I had to change the pants every so often because they get torn or just worn but the shirt is still the same from the first time I used this cosplay. The shirt has changed a bit since originally it was a button up shirt but I sew it down the middle and the straw hat (I gave it to a cousin who needed it for work) isn't the same from the first. Still this cosplay involve little work and easy for me to get into. I just suck at doing poses. One of my favorite questions that I get asked is where can did I get the straw hat from. Apparently they are a rarity. Wal-Mart tend to have them in stock during the Spring while the last time I check you can get them at Academy. I just got a red ribbon from Wal-Mart and wrap it around to cover the holes.

This time for Luffy I decide to go for a more Skypeia look by putting some rubber arm bands on the arms. A nice touch to make it a bit different then before. Still I love this cosplay and I feel bad that I have pushed it off till Sundays now.

Below is all the cosplays and pictures that I took while at Kamikaze Con. Some good stuff there.

Yep, some good cosplays and pictures there.

Strong World Figure
Remember this post where I was offering a Strong World figure to anybody who can find me at a con? Well I was recognize and this lucky KamiKaze Con goer got it! Letitia was the one that knew who I was. I was just there to take her picture as Nami and then handed her a flier that I was passing out for the blog. She told me she got it before and asked if I was Mikey. That was in enough for me to give her the Strong World Figure. She said she remember reading about the giveaway and that is cool to know since it proved that she reads the blog.

I am so glad that people read my blog. So keep reading Letitia and others and I hope to see you again at another con! Congrats to you Letitia for getting such a cool One Piece thing and tell me who was in there when you have the chance!

Wow! What a con! I mean it has been tiring! Doing all of the cosplays and such. Heck, even right now I feel like just laying down and sleep. Still wait! There is more! I got so much material from KamiKaze Con that really I think it will be very wrong if I jam-pack everything into just one post.

So what can you not expect from Part Two of  my KamiKaze Con coverage? Well that will include my very exciting game of War for two pieces of beef jerk with my friends, us watching over the panel for the invisible band, dealing with a friend's broken glasses, the trips to Walgreen's and watching Bleach just to hear Johnny Yong Bosch's voice. Besides that, I think I cover just about everything else. So keep an eye out for it!

1 comment:

  1. I still check you time to time my friend. Hope to see you at Akon, guess I should get a facebook or myspace contact of you. If all goes well, Sir Crocodile will make the stage at Akon...

    And if I have the time/material left over I might even be Pell.

