Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Anime: Impel Down Arc- Episode 447

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First Thoughts
You know, these episode titles have lately been very mistitled. We did get some fighting in this episode between Luffy and Blackbeard but it wasn't much. Just two minutes of punches and then we got flashbacks and talking. A mostly serious episode but I wish we could move a bit faster though.

Got to say that Buggy and Mr. 3 really saved the episode for me. Took us out of this little thing of watching Luffy and Blackbeard just stare each other down. Now that was funny.

This is a short First Thoughts. I blame the essay I have to do....Grr!

Luffy and Blackbeard fights for a short moment until Jinbei stops Luffy.

Buggy and Mr. 3 continue to march toward the entrance with the prisoners from Level Two.

Luffy and Blackbeard part ways. Eventually Blackbeard meets up with Magellan and his crew gets poison by the warden.

Luffy beats up the Minotaurus to allow the NewKama Army and the other prisoners to move up to Level Three. Magellan vows to not let Luffy escape.

haha Blackbeard can't take a hit worth crud. You think the guy would do something about this if he knows that his power doesn't let him to avoid hits or something right? haha Beef up the defenses or something. It also doesn't help if the guy was blind and didn't see the obvious attack that Luffy was going to do. haha The guy was just yelling in pain after Luffy had hit him. Blackbeard may have been on Whitebeard's ship but I wonder what he really took out of the experience. Clearly it wasn't to read a person's moves that for sure.

 Then Luffy gets sucked into the darkness that is Blackbeard and we something that we don't see coming out of Luffy. Lot of blood. So much that Crocodile had to say something about it. I guess he was one of the few that expected cutting moves to make Luffy bleed. Seems like not even an experience pirate like him would have guess that the Darkness fruit could negate other powers and return Luffy's body back to normal for a little bit. It was kind of strange to see it happen like that (Blood coming out of Luffy).

Still I can expect Luffy to be surprise since really normal hit attacks just don't do much to him. Rarely can somebody can punch him and cause him to bleed. He gets slammed to the ground? Luffy bounces back with a punch to the gut. So something like this isn't normal to the kid but Blackbeard? Come on...Well okay. Maybe you don't have much experience with your power but I think you would have thought about this somewhat.

You know what would have been a better way to explain Blackbeard's powers beside a flashback? If they did something similar to what they did to explain Crocodile and Bon Clay's powers. That would have been much faster to do and better to watch. haha I mean didn't we saw this flashback last episode or something? Still if they did that then I guess that defeats the point of trying to buy time since that seem to have happen at least two other times in this episode.

It seems like Jinbei is kind of beginning to take the older mentor role. First off in the episode before he was telling Luffy that he should keep going and now he is advising Luffy to forget about Blackbeard. It is true though. He isn't getting nowhere by beating up Blackbeard. Ace is still going to get executed and the blackbearded man is only trying to get his goat.

Still Luffy does looks royally pissed though at Blackbeard. I just kind of surprise and not that Jinbei can restrain Luffy so easily though. He just held on to Luffy while he was in Second Gear and made sure he didn't go for Blackbeard. There was some struggling but it seems like Jinbei didn't have too much trouble.

Though if I was Blackbeard, I wouldn't be smiling so much. You just got punched in the gut by Luffy and I am sure the that guy can do it again even without his Gum Gum powers. Luffy's powers doesn't relay too much on them since all his attack are just punches and kicks. Both things that he was doing way before eating the Gum Gum fruit.

Though it looks like Jinbei knows a bit about Blackbeard since he said something about him being a bit strange since the days he was on Whitebeard's ship. So I guess that Blackbeard has always miscounted his chickens or something. Or just didn't count them at all judging from not avoiding Luffy's first attack.

One of the best parts in this episode. The Croc and Blackbeard talk. Not often you get to talk to your replacement. Kind of hard since they replace you while you are in jail. Don't you hate when that happens? You go to jail and only to find out that they replace you. That has to suck.

Still seems like Blackbeard got a plan under his hat. We were close to find out but I guess Crocodile doesn't give a damn about it. Still just because Crocodile doesn't care doesn't mean you have to keep us in the dark. Damn...I wonder if we will ever find out about this whole little plan. All we know is that this little plan of Blackbeard involved him becoming a Warlord. I wonder why is that. So far all it got him was to be in a war against Whitebeard and maybe a ship. Well he had to steal the ship so I guess that doesn't count as a perk of being a Warlord. Still it was because he got a Navy ship that he made it all the way to Impel Down without being shot so that is a perk. Hmm...Well whatever. Too much stuff to think about.

Hmm...That guy's face doesn't look too good

And it seems like Big Bad Magellan is slowly making his way to where Luffy and them are at. Sure is taking him a while. Then again he wasn't looking like he was running to fast. Apparently this is something that happens a lot in Impel Down. Maybe it is the Baywatch syndrome where everybody runs in slow motion.haha Sucks though since there isn't anybody who is hot beside SadiChan. Sigh....

And no...I don't want to see Hannyabal's belly jiggle as he runs in slow motion. That would be horrible to watch.


The fight between SadiChan and Ivankov continues and finally we get to see some of the awesomeness that is Ivankov. Looks like the girl is getting the upper hand on the sadistic SadiChan and soon it be her who would be doing the yelling. I hope she likes that. Two girls in hot action. (BAD JOKE!)

Though Ivankov really knows how to use that whip though. SadiChan was only able to make it snap on the ground but Ivankov was just pounding that ground and making rocks fly. Clearly we have a difference in power and SadiChan looks like she is going to screwed! (And that isn't a joke...)

And so it seems like this meeting between minds could end soon and there hasn't even been an eyecatcher yet (Well I don't know. I don't watch the episode a third time while blogging). We have gotten that because of Luffy that Blackbeard was able to easily get into Impel Down and because of Blackbeard that Luffy can keep moving up with his band of prisoners. How nice of them. You help me out and I help you.

I wonder if it wasn't for the Ace thing, could Luffy and Blackbeard be friends? I mean the thing at Jaya with the pies doesn't seem too big of a deal. It could be just something they could sweep under the rug. Still I don't think these two guys would be buddy buddy anytime soon.

Oh the NewKama fashion. How it never fails to impress me.

I was watching this new episode for the first time with my cousin. Now my cousin doesn't keep up with latest One Piece as much as I do. Still I was watching the new One Piece and I guess he wanted to see it with me. He has no idea what was going on but he seem to enjoy it. I help filled him in a bit. Still when he saw one of the NewKamas all he said was:
"Well he looks friendly."
-Mikey's Cousin
Yeah. I guess does look friendly. He didn't say that about the guy in the bear outfit but I knew he said something about him. haha Oh wow. The NewKamas and their crazy fashions. haha

Aww! He remembered you!

Now we hit our second moment of time wasting. The flashback when Bon Clay, Luffy, Mr. 3 and Buggy defeated the Minotaurus. This doesn't seem like a time eater at first but later on you will see what I mean. Still I guess these guys got a good memory on them if they could remember something that happen so long ago. haha

And even better is that now he wants a rematch. I guess Luffy didn't rub him the right way or something.

It is always cool to hear Crocodile talking. haha He just has such a great voice. Still we learn that the Demon Guards are called Awaken Zoans. I guess something happen to them that made them into such beast. I guess this could have something to do with Vegapunk since he is the big scientist of the Marines.

It makes me wonder though. After this episode, me and my cousin saw Episode 405 where Chopper is in his Monster Point and going out of control. I wonder if Chopper's Monster Point is similar or is some sort of Awaken Zoan. Just something to think about. We haven't seen his eyes to compare them to the Demon Guards but they both look blank. Both have awesome power at their disposal and little control. If Vegapunk did do something to these Zoan type users then it could be similar to the Rumble Balls of Chopper. Two different Sciences. I guess we can only wait until we get more information on one or both.

Also funny now that you think about it. All four Demon Guards are plant eaters which are not very vicious. haha

Yeah...You are screwed.

Seems like Shiryuu has something up his sleeve that he doesn't want Magellan to know about. I wonder if this has anything to do with Blackbeard since we last saw them together. Wonder if Blackbeard told him something that he liked or proved to Shiryuu that it is pointless to fight him. I am going with the first since it seems like Shiryuu likes to do whatever he wants and doesn't like Magellan too much.

Seems like we got a parade here! I was freakin laughing when I saw what Buggy and Mr. 3 were doing. It even funnier to know that they know it was all luck! haha Flashy luck too!

These guys are walking on air too. They surely look happy too. To the sunny streets!

Wha? We still haven't made it past this door yet? Much less pass Blackbeard? I mean it shouldn't take that long to pass up Blackbeard. The guy is big but he isn't that big. haha

I wonder if that the same bottle that we see tucked in his pants right now

We did get this cool talking about Blackbeard saying if Sky Island really did exist. That was cool. Kind of took us back to when the two first meant. The flashback was a bit too long though but we were reminded that it was Blackbeard who believed that Sky Island existed. Then again he could have just been doing a jerk move and only said that to say that it is okay to dream. That would have sucked if Sky Island didn't exist. haha

It was like Blackbeard was kind of seeing if he was right and catching up with Luffy to see if Sky Island did exist. I guess anything is possible in this world but we all knew that already. Want to fly to the sky? Just strap some chick wings to your pirate ship and aim up! haha


Blackbeard and crew are going to put on a show! There will be zebras and cotton candy! A clown to do juggling! A muscle man! Pony rides! Shooting games! You name it! It be there! It will be the greatest show on earth and we will all see it!

As soon as we figure out what this show is all about. haha I am guessing this is all part of the whole big plan that Blackbeard has. Whatever this plan is, the big guy is confident that it will work. I guess it has something to do with Impel Down since he is there. A massive break out? Nope. Seems like Luffy is going to do that. Sell organs at cheap rates? Maybe....

I didn't take a screenshot but before the Second Gear thing we see Luffy looking back and remembering the Minotaurus. So there is our third moment of killing time. This one was a bit longer I think but it was pointless since we saw half of the clip like ten minutes ago. Still we get a cool Second Gear activation as Luffy was pounded by the Minotaurus.

Also you don't know how hard it was to get the screencap. Kind of hard. It happened too fast.

And off the cow goes! Into the wall and out he goes! Much faster then before but when you put your love, your anger, and all your might! Your power because almost unstoppable! Luffy! Your punch will pierce though the heavens!
The only reason why I am using this picture is because I wanted to point one thing out. You see that guy with the hair? (Well duh! They all have hair Mikey.) The one in the back that you see wearing fishnets and the speedo. That guy looks like he is enjoying this fight a bit too much...haha

Hmm...You know if you replace the whining with something like a cr- Oh wait...I am not suppose to say that! This blog can be viewed by kids!

Well that is an interesting position SadiChan is in. I am guessing that Ivankov gave her a good whipping. Nothing is more embarrassing then having your whip used against you and then tied up. You can see some good underboob there though. Still I guess she doesn't like the predicament that she is in. Still the jailers sure do judging by how they are looking at SadiChan.


You know...If some sort of dragon thing came up before me. I would so would have ran. I mean it kind of common sense. Anything dragonlike is never a good thing to stand around for. Especially if it has an open mouth and heading for you. haha

Was this part of the big plan? To let Magellan hit you with an attack? Or did you think you could negate it? Either way we see that Blackbeard can't take a hit. haha Down goes Blackbeard! Poison along with the rest of this crew. haha

Silly Blackbeard. Big dragon things are bad for you! haha

And all Magellan does is walks away coolly as Blackbeard is yelling in pain. That is class there.

And finally this episode were we didn't move much finally ended! Magellan could see that Luffy and his guys left some good damage here and the guy doesn't like it. Seems like some shiz is going to happen soon. Magellan is angry and he knows that Luffy is the Situation.

The guy is so angry that his  roar can be heard up the stairs to where Luffy and the other prisoners are at. Still I liked it when we saw that Crocodile was half sand and flying up the stairs. "Screw running! I can glide up these stairs you fool!"

Then Crocodile does a pimp slap. haha

Still looks like some stuff is going to happen in next episode. I sure hope so because it took like twenty three minutes for Luffy to walk pass Blackbeard. We got some good moments but I would really like to see us move along. Magellan is now on the tail on Luffy and I am guessing we are going to see another fight between our rubber hero and the poisonous warden. I say bring it on because Luffy is....

The Situation!

So seems like next week's episode is a showdown between Magellan and Ivankov. The two are going to square off and fight as Luffy and the others move ahead. Guess the big guy caught up with Luffy and isn't moving a Baywatch speed. haha

Looks like a good fight. Ivankov has been enjoyable to watch fighting and it seems like the guy is able to draw blood from the big poison man. I wonder if this will be enough to stop the guy. I guess we will have to see.


  1. I started reading your reviews from the previous episode. So I'm new here! But I will come and read all the following reviews! I totally agree with the things you are talking about. Especially with the slow-motion running only in real-motion! XD But you forgot to mention one of the best scenes of the episode! Maybe from the whole impel down arc! "One piece exists!" Blackbeard said that sky island exists and now he is saying that he believes one piece exists! That's a wonderfull thing to hear!

  2. I started reading your reviews from the previous episode. So I'm new here! But I will come and read all the following reviews! I totally agree with the things you are talking about. Especially with the slow-motion running only in real-motion! XD But you forgot to mention one of the best scenes of the episode! Maybe from the whole impel down arc! "One piece exists!" Blackbeard said that sky island exists and now he is saying that he believes one piece exists! That's a wonderfull thing to hear!

  3. @Kaste

    Cool. Thanks for reading and I hope you keep on going.

    Oh yeah...I knew I forgot something. Damn....That was important and sure was awesome to hear. It kind of ties this arc with the rest of the story in a way since it brings the idea of One Piece which has been out of the story for a while. Still cool. Good point. It is great to hear. haha
