Friday, April 2, 2010

One Piece More: Apirl Fools!

Now I am glad that I got these Hannyabal screen shots.

You know? I love April Fools. It is one of my favorite holidays. I just fall into laughter when I know it is coming that I just feel like I must do one. Pulling the sheets over a person and seeing or hearing their  reaction brings joy to me. I should have been tired on April 1st but I was running on the energy of the day. haha Still it only happens once a year so that is good right? Still you should have the spirit of April Fools with you everyday since we could all use a good laugh every so often. haha

April Fools: Shugo Chara! Heart!
So incase you just didn't go to my site on April 1st then you missed out on Shugo Chara! Heart!, my Shugo Chara! blog that I did for the day. What I did was just did a complete revamp of the site by getting a Shugo Chara! template and making really fast quick and dirty post recapping some Shugo Chara! episodes. Quick and dirty. I made three since I think that would be a good number to bury the One Piece related post. I proved to myself that I can make three blog post in one night. Though I will never do that ever again!

So why Shugo Chara!? Well if you can't tell, I am a Shugo Chara! fan. I love Shugo Chara! to almost where it is as high as One Piece. It just that I decided to do a One Piece blog since I am sure there are other sites for Shugo Chara! One night I was talking to Doctor of SSAA Podcast and he said that I could do a Shugo Chara! blog. So I decided why not! Let make a Shugo Chara! blog! Well I didn't really want to do one but after KamiKaze Con I was thinking about what to do for April Fools. I could make the blog into a Bleach or Naruto blog where I could be an unhappy fan just recapping the episodes only because I had to. That could have work but then I may hate myself and not have as much fun. Then I thought if I am going to do this then it has to be something that I can get a good laugh at myself. So that is where Shugo Chara! Heart! came into play.

So I stay up late. Making the three post. Getting the screenshots. Changing the template. Boy as it fun!

I even went as far to change my Twitter for this too! Change the background (very pink by the way) and my username for Twitter. This was the most fun since then everybody knew what I was doing.

@Mikey_Chan dude, wat happened to ur blog, why is it all different?
-KoRnpedo from Twitter
 And as Kornpedo mention to me on Twitter, the change was noticeable. haha

 Still thanks a lot to all you guys who notice the joke and didn't write me angry letters. It was fun and I hope you guys got a little chuckle from this. Because of that I would like to make sure you know that I did do two post before the change. The first was my interview with Chris Ayres (Johnny)  and the manga post for Chapter 580. Check them both out. Good reads.

Also to give you guys even more, I just transcribe the interview with Greg Ayres (Cabaji and Young Franky) and that will be up within the ten hours. So look forward to that. Then don't forget, I am going to be at Anime Matsuri where I'll be talking to Mike McFarland and Leah Clark so expect good things there. To add more, for those who going to Anime Matsuri and happen to spot me, I got a Strong World figure just for you!

So good times. I love April Fools and I hope you all had a good one too.


  1. u got me there, I really thought that u were going to make ur blog about that other shows as well haha... damn it.. well, wait till next year :p

  2. Wow, that fooled me. For a second, I thought you were serious! Well, that was pretty good. :D
